The class relations in District 11 are already in a strictly solidified state.

The Yukinoshita family is a wealthy family in Chiba City.

A branch of the Kyushu samurai family, the Tachibana family.

It is not considered a subordinate, but a surrender to the other party. As its spokesperson, relying on the Ju family, which is the top wealthy family in the country, it has been able to successfully climb to the current level in just a few decades.

The branch of the Tachibana family itself is related to the Sanzenyin family.

As for Tachibana Chika, the head of the Tachibana family, she is connected with the Kondo family, that is, Izumi Masamune's side. Her own idea is to let Tachibana Chika form a relationship with Izumi Masamune.

The densely connected network of relationships constitutes a completely solidified class in District 11.

As for why such an unreasonable division of wealth can occur, we can only say that this is the world of daily comics.

This is the background setting.

The topic is far off topic.

The original Yukinoshita family relied on the Tachibana family for its development.

But after it developed to a certain level, it was once again restricted by the status of the Orange family.

Under normal circumstances, it will naturally be full of development, and even rely on methods such as marriage to slowly climb up successfully.

Just like the Tachibana family split, on the one hand, the unimportant head of the branch family, Tachibana Wataru, moved into the Sanzenin family, and the head's legitimate daughter married into the Kondo family. All kinds of gentle ways slowly raised his sight.

No matter it is a branch family member who is marrying into the family, or a daughter of the main family who is marrying in.

It is a very low-level form and will not cause any vigilance to the original superior.

The pace of the Yukinoshita family should be the same.

However, one of them, Yuki's father-in-law, also known as Yukinoshita Councilor, did not know whether he was no longer reconciled to such a special status, or because he wanted to prove his own ideas, he actually chose to take the initiative to contact Dongjing's forces.

It looks like I don’t pretend anymore, I just want to develop, and you can do whatever you want.

Before, Yangno went to the Sawamura family's banquet, which was just such a testing process.

Finally, I hitched a ride with Goshoin's family.

Such a thing naturally caused a violent reaction from the Ju family.

But at this time, a new being came to the Tachibana family branch, wanting to replace the Yukinoshita family's position.

The Yukinoshita family, which is backed by the Tachibana family, has been targeted by many people in Chiba.

Not only the Yukinoshita family's status in the political world, but also the Yukinoshita family's business properties were all being targeted like sideburns.

After all, the Yukinoshita family is still too young.

In other words, because of information asymmetry, we still know too little about these highest-level things.

Ignorant people are fearless and let them think that they will be better off if they have a relationship on the other side.

Successful completion of class break.

But they don't know that sometimes it is the status of the Ju family that allows them to easily develop to their current level.

No, maybe even if you know the danger, you will still choose to fight if you are tempted further.

Think about Harano, who looks sinister, but is actually very determined, and has been severely punished by Izumi Masamune several times, and Yukino, who is unexpectedly strong, and his fighting power is almost as good as that of the Yuigahama family. .

From small to big.

It is not impossible that the Yukinoshita family is paranoid in some aspects.

...In the end, the Tachibana family didn't even need to take action. Just those who wanted to replace them, have already taken care of the Yukinoshita family?

Even if there is no need to elaborate on this change of status, Masamune Izumi can imagine the bloodshed it represents.

Traitors are often the most hated.

These guys who have become the spokespersons of the Tachibana family will definitely deal the most brutal blow to the Yukinoshita family.

Even if death occurs, Izumi Masamune will not be surprised.

After less than three seconds of silence for the poor Yukinoshita family, Izumi Masamune returned to form.

The only ones he cares about in the Yukinoshita family are Yukino and Harano. The lives and deaths of other people have no meaning at all.

Not to mention, the story of the suddenly poor young lady is actually quite interesting.

However, even so, it should be within the scope that I want you to protect.

Izumi Masamune raised his head and looked at Takatsuki Izumi with a somewhat unkind look.

Yukino was okay, but the absence of Yangno made her feel a little unhappy.

No matter what, she is his woman.

Being bullied can only come from his side.

It would be dereliction of duty if Takatsuki Izumi did not handle such a matter.

Moreover, Fujikura Yu didn't give him any news.

Well, about this matter. First of all, my lord, you were traveling in the mountains at that time. The signal was not good and you couldn't make contact. Secondly...

Takatsuki Izumi looked a little strange, but found that Izumi Masamune was still looking at her, so she still said it.

The person who attacked Yukinoshita's housekeeping industry was a member of Congress named Aragaki who is also in Chiba. He and Senator Yukinoshita have been feuding for a long time. And the one who attacked the business side was a large Makishima family. The other party also It’s an established family. Previously, the Yukinoshita family’s business in Chiba was suppressed, and they needed a backer to help. This time, they naturally turned to the Tachibana family.”

This is really...

With Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai massaging their temples, Izumi Masamune let out a sigh of relief.

Aragaki Ayase? Makishima Saori, Makishima Kaori?

Masamune Izumi finally understood why Izumi Takatsuki's expression was so strange.

Although on my side, all normal human girls are secretly protected by female ghouls.

Prevent gangsters, car accidents, and rare daily tragedies in the second dimension from happening.

But if there is a conflict between the protected girls, in order to prevent the harem from exploding, he usually chooses to let the protected ghouls stand by and watch until their lives are not in danger.

As a result, the two cheap father-in-laws of the family are now playing doubles and beating the other cheap father-in-law?

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