Izumi Masamune rolled his eyes at this guy who was eager to try on his clothes and wanted to cause trouble, and said directly.

Seeing Izumi Masamune carefully helping Yamada Fairy cover the quilt, Kasumigaoka Shiu couldn't explain the change in her mood at this moment. She took a breath to keep herself elegant and easy-going, and then stepped on the floor hard. Sure enough, she was still angry. .

It's so late, why don't you go to bed?

Izumi Masamune looked at the girl's swaying body, and he didn't know if he was preparing for this trip for two, so it was a translucent erotic pajamas that was very in line with Izumi Masamune's aesthetics.

Just looking at it makes people feel happy, and they want to step forward and tear the pajamas in half.

But maybe it was because of the incident with the Yamada Fairy just now that Izumi Masamune was still online for a while. At this time, he did not go forward directly. Instead, he suppressed the heat in his heart and just took what he had.

There are some kittens that want to escape, so naturally I have to come and take a good look.

His burgundy eyes stared at Izumi Masamune, and he found that the man actually didn't care about his pajamas, but asked.

This normal performance made Kasumigaoka Shiyu's mood at the moment unclear whether it should be good or bad.

Kitten? I think blond hair goes better with puppies.

Accompanying Kasumigaoka Shiu on the road, this is a family hotel. There is only a small team of his own in the whole hotel, so Izumi Masamune didn't pay much attention and walked forward.

In my opinion, the only one who can be a loser is Yingli, and no one else has this qualification.

He turned around with a charming smile.

...If Yinglili hears this, she will definitely come up with anger and fight you.

Izumi Masamune really feels that sometimes it would be more interesting for these two guys to fall in love and kill each other together.

It was as if he had become redundant.

It's not superfluous. For example, only Izumi-kun can do certain things.

A green-white finger pointed at his mouth.

He said with an ambiguous smile.

I just don’t know why, but Izumi Masamune feels that this makes him even more disappointed.

What does it mean that there are only certain things that I can do.

I carefully thought about whether I could be useful in other ways, but unfortunately I found that Izumi Masamune seemed to be the only one who could seek his own sense of existence in this way, so he chose to take a step forward.

The feel of the pajamas is really nice.

Oh, can't you bear it?

The voice sounded panicked, but it was full of teasing and charm.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sometimes feels that she is ridiculous.

It was obvious that just a moment ago, I felt satisfied with Izumi Masamune's action of helping the Yamada fairy to tuck himself into bed.

I feel that in the midst of pure desire, there can still be some warmth that warms people's hearts and the beauty that flows through their emotions.

But the next moment, he had already started provoking his own life.

You guys are playing with fire.

Pajamas limited edition Kasumigaoka Shiu is much more charming than the other alcoholic Yamada fairy.

Izumi Masamune felt that it was actually more fun to play under the moonlight.

What do you think.

The girl turned around and looked at Izumi Masamune with a faint expression.

Sorry, what was supposed to be a trip for two suddenly turned into so many people.

After a moment of silence, Masamune Izumi answered.

Although I had already considered this matter before, now it seems that something is still missing.

There is also the matter of marching by the river and Qianshou Village this morning.

Sure enough, there will still be some dissatisfaction.

Izumi Masamune sometimes feels that his sudden moral integrity is really troublesome.

No, I'm actually very happy.

Said with a smile.

After this reading meeting, let's prepare for the review. As for your exam, after all, it's not long before the unified entrance exam.

Looking at the girl's smile, Izumi Masamune pondered for a moment and carefully calculated the time. After school started in September, there would still be some time.

A time to be alone with Kasumigaoka without being interrupted by other guys.

It just so happens that Kasumigaoka Shiu's entrance exam should be in January next year, so she must prepare well.

...I'm really not used to you suddenly starting a serious discussion like this.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stunned for a moment and then came back to his senses.

Is this compensation? This super tempered guy suddenly woke up?

What, do you think it's okay for me to be like that before? Holding our lovely Kasumigaoka and doing it for a while, then there will be no problem like this?

Izumi Masamune didn't know what his expression should be at this moment.

Obviously, he has actually done a lot of things.

Why do these guys treat him as a humanoid self-propelled cannon?

Actually, writing novels and studying are two different concepts, and the content of the third year of high school is actually somewhat different from that of the second year of high school.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu thought about her words so as not to make this stingy man angry.

Don't underestimate me. You don't think that I want to get into Dongda University because of my connections or my grades in novels, right?

Holding Kasumigaoka Shiu in his arms, the rich touch coming from above was really torture for Izumi Masamune.

Its reaction was half a beat too slow.

Isn't it?

The woman blinked her eyes. Because of her grades, she was able to go to East University, so in her opinion, this guy who always aimed to go to East University probably did the same.

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