Was he really ruined by himself?

Anyway, just give me one.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said dissatisfiedly.

However, after noticing the man's slightly dangerous gaze, he immediately calmed down.

The poor man's hands and feet were tied up, and he could only raise his buttocks and bury his head in the sheets to express his request.

Okay, I'll just pass one to you. Be careful not to pass it out. Then there's nothing you can do about it.

Izumi Masamune looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu's serious look and handed it over to her, although he was still a little worried that this guy didn't have the education and preparation that a qualified veteran driver should have.

After getting the photo from Izumi Masamune, Kasumigaoka Shiu didn't do much. He just skillfully sent the failed photo of himself without Akuroyan on one side to Eiri on the other side, and struggled with Kato Megumi. Then I sent it too

I can only take it out on Eiriri and Kato Megumi.

Queen Kasumigaoka, who had just been defeated, muttered to herself.

People will always spontaneously look for directions that can comfort themselves to maintain a happy mood.

For example, Yinglili, who is no match for her when it comes to quarreling, is always so angry that she looks like a real golden retriever loser.

For example, Kato Megumi, who seemed to be a transparent person, would just sit aside silently and make no movement.

Although the two people in the writers group on the other side are also more interesting.

But Kasumigaoka Shiu found that she was actually still accustomed to Eirili and Kato Megumi of the game development club.

It was obvious that Kasumigaoka Shiu had to go in and keep an eye on Kasumigaoka Shiu just because Izumi Masamune joined. The novel team on this side was not only tired of learning the skills of two other million-level and ten-million-level female writers, but also facing each other. The offensive against Izumi Masamune, which was no less than terrifying at all, also left him deeply hit and severely threatened.

Kasumigaoka Shiu, who had spent a lot of time on Hell difficulty, suddenly missed the normal girls and missed the time when she and Izumi Masamune were in Aki Ryouya's game club.

Whether it was the quarrel with Eiriri or the time when she was ignored by Megumi Kato on this side.

For her now, the only way to vent her anger is to sleep with Masamune Izumi, well, be slept with by Masamune Izumi, and then to gain satisfaction by attacking the original enemy.

I wiped my body clean and put on my clothes. My bare white thighs were not wearing the same black stockings as before.

Putting the thing that Izumi Masamune had tortured into a small plastic bag and putting it in his shoulder bag, Kasumigaoka Shiu was in a very good mood at the moment.


Yingli opened her phone and saw the photos on this side. She suddenly exclaimed, making Sayuri next to her look over curiously.


Megumi Kato, who was resting and waiting for her sister Hiromi Kato to choose clothes, silently switched her phone to another page.

Ding dong ding dong.

Ding dong ding dong.

Suddenly, messages came one after another.

Kasumigaoka Shiha looked at Izumi Masamune happily, as if she saw the way Izumi Masamune was being bombarded with questions at this moment, and smiled like a little fox.

Turning on his mobile phone, Izumi Masamune saw the requests coming from both sides, sighed silently, and then looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu.



Kasumigaoka Shiyu's voice seemed to be brisk.

It is no longer as hoarse as before.

If you don't play on the heaven difficulty, why do you have to challenge the existence of the hell difficulty?

Izumi Masamune sighed and said to Kasumigaoka Shiu.

The original girl was stunned.

What's the meaning?

Aren’t the enemies in the original fan game club “Blessing Software” all trivial cases worth mentioning?

They asked me to show you some photos. Don't be too desperate.

Izumi Masamune said aloud, and then took out several collections from his mobile phone.

The first one belongs to the Sawamura family.

Sayuri and Eiri, one has white silk and the other has black silk.

Black and white are intertwined, except for the first time there is only the white light under the shining light.

Palm to palm, just the right size, fingers intertwined and held together, then turned his head and looked at Izumi Masamune with a bright smile.

The other one is from the Kato family.

Hiromi Kato and Megumi Kato.

They branched off in opposite directions.

Hiromi is at the bottom and Kato Megumi is at the top.

Xiaomei looked like she was inviting for a kiss, while Kato Hiromi, who was leaning down, was already with Izumi Masamune.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has turned into ashes with the wind at this moment.

I thought it was bronze, but I didn't expect it to be king.

What on earth did you do while I was away?

Kasumigaoka Shiu, who wanted to gain satisfaction by hitting the other two guys with the photo, let out a silent cry at this moment.

Have a good rest, I've booked a room for one night.

After patting Kasumigaoka Shiu's shoulder and looking at the girl's pitiful appearance, Izumi Masamune came to a conclusion.

Who makes this guy helpless?

Watching Masamune Izumi leave, the girl lowered her head, her hair disheveled, and smiled. Then she had a goal in mind, turned on the phone on her phone, and dialed the number.

Don’t think that you are the only ones who can call people.

Kasumigaoka Shiu, who had always relied on her long legs and black pants and socks to be proud, faced the other two guys who just didn't talk about the two of them, and this side already had a target.

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