After the comic show, there are various running activities.

It's already the 20th day of August, and there isn't much time left before the new semester starts.

Izumi Masamune felt crazy when he thought about his wonderful vacation disappearing like this.

Maybe this is not bad.

Izumi Masamune quickly adjusted himself and stopped thinking about what he had and what he didn't have.

Although it's a bit bad, it's not bad to go out and live a peaceful life with Shiyu alone.

In fact, he has always liked to stay alone.

Or rather, leisurely time alone.

There used to be only one Sagiri at home.

Now there are many people and it is a bit noisy. Maybe this is a good opportunity.

Izumi Masamune suddenly became more interested.

Izumi Masamune's mood improved and he began to look towards the destination on this side.

A mountain in Tokyo Ome is called Okutama.

Turning on the computer, Izumi Masamune looked through the information in it.

Brother, are you going out?

On this side, she was holding up her newly drawn image of an idol girl about the project, and wanted to show it off to Izumi Masamune. Sagiri received rewards such as touching her head, sleeping together at night, etc., and suddenly noticed Izumi Masamune's translation. View the web page.

Why is that brother who has never liked reading other things all of a sudden, now he is staring at this new address and can’t stop reading it?

Such thoughts suddenly appeared in Sagiri's mind.

Well, yes, your sister Kasumigaoka Shiyu invited me over.

Izumi Masamune looked through the web page and said without looking back.

He didn't notice that Sagiri suddenly looked aggrieved again at this moment.

His brother is going out again.

Even if I wasn’t at home for almost half of July.

It took a month to finally stabilize.

Obviously, my older brother always came back as usual, and he never stayed out at night.

Sagiri deeply suspected that the reason why Izumi Masamune encouraged her to be independent, and encouraged her to go out and become independent, was that she wanted to be able to relax on her own.

Not even Kasumigaoka Shiu-senpai, who had given me a lot of help.

Facing the guy who wanted to steal her brother again, Izumi Sagiri expressed her dissatisfaction.

If you don’t break out in silence, you will perish in silence.

Sagiri, who had been alone in an empty room several times, expressed that she needed to protest.

A serious protest was made.

Brother, you see, it's just an ordinary mountain. What's there to climb? Moreover, it's summer now. It's a terrible summer, when the weather is the hottest. There's no point in climbing a mountain. Thinking that I have to suck the blood of those nasty female mosquitoes, and then I can't do anything to effectively resist it, it suddenly becomes boring.

Having experienced the pain of being forcibly suppressed by Izumi Masamune several times, Sagiri knew very well how to communicate with Izumi Masamune.

At this moment, he is deliberately picking out the disadvantages.

Well, actually it's pretty good there. No mosquitoes dared to bite me, and there's a hot spring hotel. It will be more comfortable to run around, and you can also experience the natural scenery.

Masamune Izumi flipped through the introduction on the page.

I have to admit that the location where Kasumigaoka Shiu came here to ask for help from Machida Enko was really good.

There are many various recreational activities inside.

It is a place that is very suitable for salted fish to live, so it is no wonder that it is used as a source of materials.

It's really not bad.

Masamune Izumi commented.

Sagiri looked helplessly at Izumi Masamune, who had already made his decision.

He raised his little hand and tried to close the page above by moving Izumi Masamune's mouse to the other side.

It turned out that it was as if it was welded to the table and could not be moved at all.

A person's power is limited.

Sagiri suddenly woke up.

Okay, be good, I'm just going out for a few days and I'll be back soon. But I still have to watch you, Sagiri, put on your school uniform and go to school. You will definitely come back before September.

Shiyu didn't tell him how many days he was going to play, but Masamune Izumi felt that as a senior in high school, there should be plenty of girls.

Okay, I get it, I'll be good.

Sagiri sighed after discovering the strong will on Izumi Masamune's side.

The little head drooped, as if the hair had lost its luster in an instant.

Don't worry, I'll be back soon, don't worry about anything.

Touching the girl's little head, Izumi Masamune comforted her.

Looking at the departing figure, he continued to look through the information.

Being alone with Kasumigaoka and in a relatively quiet place, Izumi Masamune was quite satisfied.

As for Sagiri, after all, children still have to grow up. They are already old and it is time to learn to be independent.


Izumi Masamune himself is still very active.

Once you have an idea, you will quickly put it into action.

The agreed time was in the afternoon, and Shiyu was already very quick.

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