Her body felt hot under Masamune's gaze, and Ying Lili snorted softly, indicating that you should continue talking.

The story begins with a girl who dreams of being a cartoonist. One day, she is suddenly questioned by her childhood sweetheart, and begins to doubt herself. At this moment, another boy next door walks in, and through her The efforts of the cartoonist girl made the cartoonist girl happy. It was the weak girl who was unexpectedly fragile and listened to the boy's ideas. Then she was directly played with three big things by the boy in her room...

Etc., etc.

Halfway through, Ying Lili shouted to stop.

I believe that if it weren't for the fact that her twin-tail whirlwind had not been able to work, Eiriri would have told Masamune what it means to be powerful at this time.

The girl looked at Zhengzong in shame. Isn't this exactly what she is going through right now?

You think I'm stupid.

As expected, I knew that this guy like you couldn't be serious.

Yinglili said casually, luckily she still had some expectations just now.

I mean it sincerely. Yinglili, if you want inspiration for the plot of the book, I will try my best to find it for you.

Save Yinglili who wants to escape at this moment.

When she was embraced by Masamune, the peace of mind that appeared in her heart and the sudden surge of desire made Eirili completely unable to push the man away.

Do you still remember the question you asked just now, Yinglili? Is it from the perspective of a friend or a father? In fact, it is neither. I am very distressed from the perspective of a husband. Yinglili, Keep doing what you want to do, no matter what it is, I will help. I will always support you from my husband's perspective.

A very straightforward statement.

Masamune finally understands how arrogant Ying Lili is.

Either go straight to the point where it's really painful, or go straight and confess your feelings nicely.

Anyway, you have to be direct, otherwise this guy can put on a good show with you and really want to kill you.

The pleasing girl was lying in his arms like a puppy at the moment, her eyes wandering as she tried to dodge, but Zhengzong held her tightly and refused to let her go.

So, Yinglili, what do you think?

This, actually.

Yes or no.

Zhengzong continued to attack directly.

Looking at the girl who seemed to be losing consciousness, Zhengzong asked.


Softly, it seems that you can no longer hear it.

To be honest, Masamune couldn't tell what the answer was at this time, but it didn't matter anymore.

The beauty is already on the lips, no matter what, Zhengzong will not let it go.

Even if Yinglili refused just now, he would choose the most direct way to win her down.

Even if you can only capture it, it will be locked in the basement like a puppy.

He directly locked onto Yinglili and blocked all her words.

The palm on the other side will naturally not be limited to the current range.

It's so pitiful, it's the same size as Sayuri.

But Masamune won’t dislike it.

Even someone like Yukinoshita Yukino can work hard to help improve, but Eiri's potential is still huge.

In the future, by forming a healthy competition with Sayuri and her daughter and working together, we will definitely be able to make a lot of progress.

Masamune firmly believes in this.

Maybe I should thank Ms. Harano for the sudden interruption?

Compared to being in the grass, it is obviously a comfortable big bed.

It is suitable as a location to welcome the birth of the new Miss Qi.

After helping Ying Lili cover herself with the quilt, Zhengzong just walked down without wearing anything.

The Sawamura family is already a grand slam, so naturally they can unlock some privileges belonging to the men among them.

As the newly settled head of the family, Zhengzong felt that he could already do this.

Walking out of the door, he noticed the sudden sound of shoes stepping on the water inside, and found the traces left by someone accidentally. Zhengzong was thoughtful and walked directly down.

The original banquet was over, and the original maids of the Sawamura family had also left.

But at this moment, in the kitchen not far away, the lights in the room were still on.

No need to say it, Masamune already knew it.

Just walk over.

Found Sayuri hiding in the kitchen like that.

Zhengzong couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

Sayuri is a typical representative of Madam, I like you.

She is very charming and has a vibrant personality that makes people very comfortable, but Sayuri has a very big problem, that is, she can't cook.

Maybe it’s because no one is perfect.

Poor Sayuri is perfect in many aspects, but when it comes to cooking, she can only maintain her ability to eat.

Since we hosted Masamune here for several meals, we have become familiar with each other. To be precise, we already know each other well.

Zhengzong succeeded in making Eirili forget Sayuri's seventeen years of upbringing by cooking a few meals himself, and started to surround him.

Even Sayuri shed tears of humiliation when facing Masamune.

I really don’t know how this guy did it. Even the students from Totsuki Academy probably couldn’t do it to this level.

What's wrong? Did you come here to steal some food if you didn't have enough at the party?

Secure Sayuri directly from behind.

Zhengzong felt it, and sure enough, there are some differences between it and Yinglili. At least the latter one looks much better than Yinglili, which feels very good.

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