Takeuchi argued with some dissatisfaction.

Oh, is that so? I know.

Clapping his hands, Zhengzong suddenly cooperated at this moment, leaving the other three people in the room stunned.

He had been lying comfortably on the chair since just now, without showing any trace of his genuine attitude, but suddenly he became so easy to talk to.

Congratulations, Chief Takeuchi. You have been fired. The remaining things are none of your business.

Masamune clapped his hands.

He finally understood what the problem was.

Such a group of beautiful idol girls show their youth and vitality for their dreams.

As a result, a grown man suddenly appeared among them.

No matter how you look at this, it makes people very uncomfortable.

So at this moment Zhengzong made a decision.

Dismiss it happily.

Well, Miss Chihiro Chikawa, congratulations on your promotion to the trustworthy person in charge of the Cinderella Project. All activities are as usual for now. As for the promotion of Muse, let's wait until September. It's just the beginning of the new competition. You can take advantage of the popularity. As for the original funds, you don’t need to worry.”

Ignoring Takeuchi, who was already stunned and completely shocked by such a sudden expansion, Masamune said to the other woman.

Sure enough, such a company still makes people feel happy when they come to see beautiful girls.

After successfully driving a certain Takeuchi producer, Masamune finally felt a lot more comfortable.

A firm composed entirely of cute girls, this is the development of the world.

Isn't it awkward for a grown man to stand like that?

So Zhengzong very considerately helped him leave his job directly.

As for the original Cinderella plan, it will naturally continue.

Whether it's Shimamura Uzuki, Shibuya Rin, Honda Mio, or other girls, he will take good care of them.

Although I can't be as responsible and professional as the responsible person.

However, he is still confident in teaching female idols about the so-called cruelty of society and helping them successfully develop their own feminine charms so that they can take further steps in their careers.

In addition to the original idol development plan, Zhengzong actually has a lot of things he wants to do.

Originally it was just for the convenience of being able to continue to maintain a relationship with the muse, and by the way, it was also to protect Mai Sakurajima who was re-entering the entertainment industry.

But after the real contact, Zhengzong saw a lot of interesting things.

A lot of ideas came up.

After all, he has always been an ordinary person, and suddenly he controls the future destiny of those female artists and idols.

Although many of these guys are not necessarily as beautiful as their girlfriends, the sense of accomplishment given by this status bonus is incomparable to anything else and can only be said to be awesome.

But these things are not available in a hurry.

The first thing is to carry out the original LOVE LIVE plan, and only when things are almost done can we start the follow-up events.

Such as concerts and movies.

Zheng Zong is not in a hurry either.

When he thought about his extremely busy schedule during this summer vacation, Zhengzong felt that he needed to take a breather.

Anyway, the office is already in his own hands, Zhengzong has plenty of time to realize it.

Afterwards, Zhengzong stopped intervening in anything.

He just gave the task to Qiankawa Chihiro roughly, and asked him to hand over the sweet bullet where his sister-in-law was.

I believe it will be very interesting to see the changes in her expression.

As for the Muse matter, Zhengzong is really not in a hurry and will just wait until school starts in September to resolve it.

After all, he still wanted to enjoy a good summer vacation, instead of running around in various places all day long.

In other words, even if I have to run around, I can only be satisfied if I can get closer to an interesting girl again.

Without enough motivation, Zhengzong doesn't want to be driven.

Just like this time, it was because of Sayuri's shy promise that Masamune came here specifically.

Walked into Sawamura's house with ease.

Compared with the previous few times when I came here, only Sayuri was there.

This time, I happened to bump into Yinglili who was also in the room.

When I opened the door, I was surprised not to see Zhen Yingli.

That is, the one wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, wearing a green school uniform, and crossing his legs with a sad and angry expression, laughing wildly.

Today, Yinglili is actually wearing an exquisite crimson dress. The blond twin tails that could be turned into a weapon at any time were unexpectedly uncovered at this moment. Her long blond hair is let down like that, which is quite a lot. She looked as elegant and noble as a real princess.

If it weren't for the little tiger teeth that the other party was showing at the moment and the way he was constantly scratching his white back, it would be more like that.

Good evening, Yinglili.

He smiled and knocked on the door, reminding the girl to no avail.

Yinglili, who was still uncomfortable with the dress, was startled. Her whole body bounced up like a spring and jumped up and down on the bed before she calmed down.

Why did you come in suddenly like this!

Somewhat embarrassed by her situation, the angry Yinglili used her cracked tiger teeth to show that she was extremely fierce and angry.

Sayuri just gave me the key. Why did I come in?

Masamune turned the key in his hand.

To be honest, he really couldn't understand what Sayuri was thinking.

If I want to be generous and cheerful, I will occasionally murmur about Masamune's skillful skills that make him almost die all the time, saying that people's hearts are not ancient, are today's high school students monsters?

But to be stingy, he always introduced Zhengzong and Eiriri very generously. Whether it was private matters at the girl's house or anything such as the key to the room, they were all given directly.

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