As for how to develop, I actually have a plan here.

Zhengzong thought of the LOVE LIVE project of the Heat in his previous life, and couldn't help but become interested.

It's just such a seemingly inconspicuous project, but it is a campus idol project that can unite animation companies, record companies, magazines and offices from many different fields.

These can include musical works, TV and radio programs, books, comics, animations, games, peripherals, etc.

A cross-media planning plan that combines the two dimensions and three dimensions.

In the previous life, Zhengzong only saw the excitement of these things, but here Zhengzong only put forward the general idea.

Naturally, I have Yazawa Somi to help perfect it.

After hearing Masamune's general idea, Yazawa Somi couldn't help but be fascinated.

In a place like District 11, where otaku culture is prevalent, something like this will undoubtedly be a beautiful comparison across the ages. It will be recorded in history and become a case for other offices to learn from.

As a strong woman who has successfully achieved her current status, Yazawa Yomi is undoubtedly strong, but when faced with a more powerful man, she still can't help but feel anxious.

The kind of man who can control everything with force and show his power over him, even he can't help but have a surrender-like attraction.

By the way, you go and prepare here. The LOVE LIVE project can be combined with the recent campus idol competition of the same name. It can reduce a lot of preparation process. The famous A-RISE group in this competition has signed for me. As for the nine most critical people in my project, I plan to find Muse, but I’ll have to negotiate the conditions myself.”

I thought of the other idols I saw in the LOVE LIVE competition at that time.

Sweet Bullet is a combination of Kondo's own offices, while A-RISE is a standalone company and is worth visiting.

Does the Muse Group also need it?

When Yazawa Somi heard this, she couldn't help but hesitate.

Because she knew that her daughter was in the group Muse.

If Masamune really signs it, then the future development direction of Nico Yazawa can be basically determined.

Can't you trust me? I believe it would be great if you, as a mother, could take the responsibility and watch your daughter's career with your own eyes.

Zhengzong opened his resting eyes and said directly.

Yazawa Xiaomei was stunned.

Finally he nodded knowingly.

But he didn't notice the deep meaning in Zhengzong's eyes.

You know, in fact, the environment of the artist circle in China and the artist circle in District 11 are completely different.

In China, artist studios represent the artist's freedom and represent the artist's independence and initiative.

In District 11, it is relatively deformed.

Artists are completely controlled by the agency.

No matter how famous they are, idols, celebrities, or groups are all small and humble in front of these offices.

There are very few that can break the circle.

Basically, you only need to sign a contract, and the cost of breaking it is extremely high.

Now that Zhengzong has control of the firm, he is equivalent to controlling many of the girls in it.

In Yazawa Sumi's opinion, it is a good thing that her daughter can be under his care and help.

And from Zhengzong's point of view, the same is true.

The Muses were a pretty good group to begin with, but due to the recent end of the competition, it has been difficult for Zhengzong to continue to have any contact with them.

A good Muse combination is not useless.

The first grade group, the second grade group, and the third grade group are still a little short of winning. Only by joining the firm this time can we have a chance.

Not to mention that there are various other idol groups, such as the Sexy Guilty group who all wear blue police uniforms. When I saw their photo information just now, it is clear that they want to commit crimes and bully the police officers. thought.

As soon as such thoughts arise, it is very difficult to suppress them.

It's really the best.

Okay, that's about it. After the formal handover, I would like to ask you to smile a little and be busy a little longer. After this busy August, everything will be on track, and then you will be relaxed. Muse's side I will tell you when the girls start school, and there will be the next LOVE LIVE competition, so everything can unfold smoothly.

Masamune explained, the eagerness in his eyes made Yazawa Somi couldn't help but feel motivated.

Okay, but Izumi, you'd better take a good rest and don't stress too much.

Yazawa Yomi was still misunderstood by Masamune's performance today, thinking that he was trying hard to focus on his work, so he couldn't help but kindly remind him.

If you really want to let me rest and relieve stress, don't you know if you can give me some help?

Masamune suddenly became interested and stared closely at Yazawa Somi.

Help? Of course, Izumi-kun, although I am just a professional manager, I have actually received relevant professional training from Ms. Fujikura Yu. Otherwise, you would think that I was born with such massage skills. ?

Being stared at by Masamune with such eager eyes, Yazawa Somi was also a little embarrassed.

Both hands stopped gently massaging Zheng Zong's temples, and straightened up instead.

Just like those fitness trainers showing off their muscles, they showed off their slender arms.

It's just a pity that there is no bodybuilding at all, but it makes the whole person look more petite and cute.

He hurriedly crossed his arms, as if this was the only way to make him feel safer.

If you need any help, just tell me.

Thanks to the fact that there are four children in the family, one of them, Nico Yazawa, is still the same size as Masamune.

Therefore, Yazawa Sumi has always treated Masamune in favor of beings like his children.

When I heard it at this time, I was talking like I was treating my own child.

Just like dealing with his eldest daughter Yazawa Nico.

Of course, there are still differences. At least for Yazawa Nico, Yazawa Yomi can severely reprimand her when she feels uncomfortable, but it is impossible for Masamune.

With such a gentle tone, any normal person would probably be in a good mood.

I have a good impression of the speaker, and even if I get along with him for a little while, I feel that I am not a family member, but better than a family member.

It's a pity that everything is never like this for Zhengzong.

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