That doujinshi that Fafnir sold?

Zhengzong asked, although some things can be roughly guessed, but it is still necessary to find professionals to clarify.

Not bad, I don't know which unlucky guy actually found you.

Erkoa moved a little restlessly.

She has absolutely no resistance at all to Masamune in this state.

Do you know the location?

From what Aragaki Ayase said just now, Kirino seemed to have been caught by him.

Although he didn't know what the ghoul's side was doing, he still wanted to take a look.

Seeing the man's serious look, Erkoa could only temporarily give up on this side and his authentic behavior, and then informed him of his specific location.

If Fafnir had done it herself, it would certainly be difficult for her to detect it, but if she was just an ordinary little girl, she could still find it.

After getting the news he wanted, Zhengzong didn't stay any longer. He just put on his clothes and walked outside.


When a person is dreaming, there is actually no concept of time in the dream world.

Among them, the so-called Tsukuyomi and other skills, a large part of the ideas and settings are taken from here.

The same is true for Ayase Aragaki.

There has never been a moment that lasted so long in Aragaki Ayase's heart.

She has lost count of the number of times she has woken up and passed out, passed out and woke up again, with seven soul bodies.

And these feelings were transmitted to her body one by one.

Ayase Aragaki was originally a little angry because Kirino, whom she liked, had turned into a bad girl. Only then did she realize that her decision to go out to mess with Masamune tonight was a huge mistake.

Nothing can be seen from the video, but when this side really saw it, Ayase Aragaki realized that maybe Kirino's behavior was not unreasonable?

Inexplicably, at this moment, Aragaki Ayase began to understand Kousaka Kirino, and even felt that this guy was simply inhuman.

When Masamune on this side wanted to wake up from his dream, Aragaki Ayase, who was unable to fight anymore, was freed.

No need to say anything, the consciousness has naturally returned to its original body.

The Curse Anthology, which originally exuded a deep light, also dimmed at this time and could no longer be used.

After regaining consciousness, Ayase Aragaki suddenly woke up and looked at the unfamiliar environment around her before wiping away her sweat.

His friend Kirino was still lying like that, but this friend was looking at him in an extremely weird way.

Kirino, me.

Just when Aragaki Ayase spoke out, she realized the condition of her body on her side.

Everything just now was reflected on his body truthfully.

The girl can even speak hoarsely now.

I can explain this.

Such a terrible scene was seen by friends, and Ayase Aragaki felt the urge to die.

I wanted to come over to explain to my friends, but my body became unsteady and I fell into the water.

Boom boom.

There was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Kosaka Kirino's eyes were filled with joy, maybe his side could finally escape.

Open the door and check the water meter.

The authentic voice came from the other side.

Kirino was surprised and worried.

And Ayase Aragaki, who was even more frightened, was like a helpless kitten at this moment, so frightened that she bumped into the wall.

If he wasn't on the fourth floor right now, he would probably have jumped off. No, he would have jumped off now.

Kirino looked at her friend who was about to jump off the building in fear.

At this time, the door was pushed open directly.

Masamune, be careful, my friend her.

Kirino was about to give Masamune a reminder, but Masamune raised his hand to reassure him, and then coughed.

Poor Aragaki Ayase has stopped obediently.

Not bad? That's right.

In Kirino's ghostly gaze, the friend who just seemed to have turned into a demon was now as weak as a doormat.

I didn't understand the scissor hand just now. Come on, give me a sign now.

Pulled Aragaki Ayase directly to the bed.

The girl's expression changed inexplicably, but in the end she showed a face that was more beautiful when she was smiling than when she was crying, and she gave the authentic command.

Mr. Izumi, I am very honored to be able to reach an agreement with you. I will ask the lawyer to prepare the next equity transfer power of attorney.

The kind middle-aged man with white hair and eyes said to Zheng Zong while trying his best to maintain a smile.

His trembling hands as he signed the contract showed that he was not calm at the moment.

The artist agency that he had been responsible for running was just like this.

Even if the funds given by the authentic party were far higher than the normal price, it would still be a huge blow to him to have his life's hard work taken away like this.

Thank you very much, Minister Imanishi. I am really serious about the firm, otherwise I would not have bought it. In my hands, the firm will shine even more brilliantly. By the way, In fact, you don’t need to worry, it’s just because I have a positive attitude toward the firm, and if you want, you can continue to work in the firm and be responsible for related matters.”

Masamune said with a smile.

The middle-aged man who was still a little hesitant and tangled at first couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this.

Not long afterward, the equity transfer power of attorney for this side was drawn up and then handed over directly to Zhengzong for this side.

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