He smiled as he watched the girl put her clothes back on, and then wiped everything with paper towels.

I found something wrong with its condition, so I pulled it back.

Masamune speaks the truth.

Whatever you want, humanoid self-propelled cannon, big Hentai...goodbye.

Poor Miss Rabbit Star, with her own vocabulary inventory, can only use these poor words to express her dissatisfaction with authenticity.

But at the end, that goodbye could not help but reveal my hidden excitement.

The blush on his face has not dissipated, but his expression has returned to his previous state of being unwavering towards everything around him.

He turned around and left immediately.

Tick, tick, tick.

Things inevitably dripped onto the floor, which was almost a mirror, but no one could see it.

The girl's steps were still extremely brisk.

Because she is no longer the only one living in her world.

Emmm, do I have a good impression?

I don't know why, but Zhengzong always feels like he can sense girls' emotions.

What he just said was true.

While playing with girls.

No matter how he shouted or how he expressed his body's heartfelt cheers at this moment.

No one will find the problem.

Masamune listened to the sounds of people coming and going.

Hiding quietly in the dark, and then bullying the girl in front of him, no one will notice.

This kind of thing is also a first experience for Masamune.

It's very special, so he didn't lie.


Summarizing to the end, Masamune came to a conclusion.

Sure enough, persuading people is far less enjoyable and convenient than convincing people to sleep.

The shortcut to a woman's heart is indeed the most direct and effective way.

Pack your books.

Masamune glanced at the time.

After class ends at noon, and then after lunch, I come to the library to study.

As a result, it didn't take long before he started playing around with the cute rabbit lady.

As a result, I didn’t read many books at all.

It's really a crime.

Masamune sighed.

People always find themselves in inexplicable times and in inexplicable places.

I began to feel sincere regret for my previous mistakes.

I felt an inexplicable desolation.

When many ancient people wrote about their sorrow and separation, they were probably in the same state at this moment.

Zhengzong obviously felt that he could still fight, and he did not enter any sage mode.

But suddenly I began to feel an inner torment over the things I had wasted my time on.

In particular, it seems that Ms. Sakurajima Mai has not gradually been strengthened like Sagiri Nayo's gradual negotiation and development. It was the reason why all three holes of the body were developed the first time.

So in this exchange, Zhengzong itself did not gain any improvement.

Although I feel a lot more relaxed.

But there is actually no benefit.

Zhengzong has a very good habit.

That is what I have planned for today. I will definitely finish it today without any delay.

Just when Zhengzong was about to go to the classroom first and finish his afternoon class, he suddenly found a familiar girl walking directly towards him.

She has an upright appearance, long black hair that reaches past her shoulders, and an indifferent expression, but she is definitely a first-class cute girl.

Just when Zhengzong was about to go around, the opponent's arm was directly raised to stop Zhengzong.

Please wait a moment.

The cold voice gives people a feeling like icebergs and snow lotus.

Well, that may be the case for some people.

You will think that the other person is aloof and cold, and you will find it very interesting.

For Yukinoshita Yukino's voice, it was like pouring cold water on someone.


Cool and cool.

Do you know it's not good to talk like this?

I'll let you be a marketer.

They will probably go bankrupt within a month.

It's like what would happen if a person suddenly spoke to you in a cold tone on the street.

Especially, after just getting used to hearing the passionate and moving voice that Mai tried hard to suppress but couldn't conceal.

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