Normally it's hard to tell why Satania was so fussy, but without her now, the team suddenly became less interesting.

Then let's go play games.

Gabriel's eyes lit up, full of excitement.

Walking on the ground is no fun at all. It is more fun to swim in the game world, save the legendary world, and spread the glory of the Lord.


She didn't know that her side had been made gray-white. Vinay on the other end of the phone just raised her voice slightly, while Gabriel's side shook obediently and started to obey.

In the afternoon, three people were sitting in a family restaurant eating.

As a family restaurant, the meals here are mainly common home-cooked dishes, and they taste good.

For the three of us who are not in tune with the style of Western food, instead of eating Western food that we are not used to, the family restaurant is much better than others.

As for Vinay and Satania in the hotel, they ate alone and did not need to care about these things.

Although Gabriel didn't like wasting time outside at first, chatting with the upright girl here became more interesting.

Until a girl dressed as a maid suddenly walked over and interrupted the plans of the three people on this side.

Is something wrong?

Just as he was chatting with the two girls, and was about to go back, the sudden appearance of Yu Fujikura woke up Masamune.

After rubbing his swollen head, Zhengzong finally thought that he still had an original plan on his side.

The purpose of coming to Kamakura was never just to play with four girls.

Although as far as the results were concerned this time, the trip to the beach went very smoothly.

Ha, Master Kondo?

Listen to the title of Fujikura Yu and there are explanations here.

Rafael smiled and said nothing. For angels, the equality of all beings is no joke. It is not just about mentality, but also about the gap in strength.

The pleasure of getting along with Zhengzong is far greater than that of other identities.

As for Gabriel, Zhengzong felt that what surprised her at this moment was probably the fact that when charging in the past, there was no high charge.

Gabriel, when he takes on jobs covering up accidents, what he likes most is to charge based on your assets.

The Good Reputation Contract allows everyone to know the cost of hiring an angel and make a prudent decision.

Obviously I just want more krypton money.

I know, I will go to the dinner tonight.

Although I don’t have much sympathy for my native mother Kondo Shiho and the Kondo family here.

In Zhengzong's current state, it would be easy to get money, but he really couldn't be cruel to the two old people.

Okay, Master.

Fujikura Yu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

While being ordered not to disturb Zheng Zong and the girls' happy holiday, they also wanted to bring Zheng Zong over to attend the dinner.

For Fujikura Yu, this is also a very difficult thing.

Although he has a deeper relationship with Masamune, Fujikura Yu has placed his position well.

I never expected that this relationship would have any impact on Zhengzong. It is naturally the best that it can go smoothly like this now.

Raphael, then I leave Vinay and Satania to you.

Currently, the person in the team who reassures Masamune the most is Raphael.

As for Gabriel, a guy who couldn't even organize a group game and successfully pushed other popular people offline, he just smiled and passed.

Let the two girls go back first. Masamune is also rushing back with Fujikura Yu at this moment.

Although we are meeting two old people here in the evening, the banquet is being held there. Due to emotions and reasons, we must be well prepared. At least the current set of casual clothes is impossible to wear.

The so-called wearing ordinary clothes and then performing a so-called show-off slap in the face. If such a thing happened, Fujikura Yu could have committed hara-kiri.

It's really boring.

Without the scheming Raphael beside him, and without the Gabriel who would complain or urge him to go back as soon as possible, Zhengzong felt that he had lost his angelic energy and was just bored here.

The whole person just leaned on the chair, waiting for recognition from the person inside.

After returning to Kondo's house, before Masamune could say anything, he was taken to a large dressing room.

Clothes, shoes, socks, everything imaginable needs to be changed.

In Masamune's opinion, a watch, which has no function other than for decoration and is not as convenient as a mobile phone, is also worn.

Even her original naturally curly short hair was rearranged and changed at this moment.

Master, just wear this suit.

Knowing Masamune's character deeply, Fujikura Yu didn't let Masamune try several pieces. After matching a good one, he took it out directly.

The two-handed draw is like a scarecrow keeping watch, letting the maid help it all to be replaced.

I have become accustomed to Nanami and Liuli's attentive service at home, so I didn't make any fool of myself at this moment.

On the contrary, it gave Zhengzong time to look at his maid.

The quality of each one is surprisingly good.

In the whole Kondo family, there are only two old people and Masamune alone.

It can be said that they are all authentic.

At that time, when she left for the first time, she saw these maids.

Maybe I won’t have the embarrassing entanglement of occupying someone else’s identity.

Master Zongzong, all you need to do is smile after entering. You don't need to worry about other things.

Standing up, looking away from the thing that he had been struggling with not long ago, he stood on tiptoes and helped Masamune adjust his collar. Fujikura Yu explained softly.

It can really be said that it is sufficient to take the authentic situation into consideration.

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