However, as a dragon's tail, each one has different characteristics, and unfortunately, Erkoa's tail is relatively large and cannot be held in one hand.

On this side, Vinay's tail is thin and thin, which looks very appealing.

The tail can be controlled.

He looked at Zhengzong with some doubts, but Wei Nai still replied.

For demons, a tail is almost like a fifth limb.

So, how about this.

As soon as he mentioned it, the omnipresent master 404 would be mentioned, so Masamune chose to whisper it in his ear.

You, what are you thinking about?

Vinay stammered.

It's over the limit. Do you know it? It's over the limit.

That's the tail.

For demons, only relatives and even loved ones can move. You actually have the nerve to make such a request.

You have no choice. Either with your hands or with your tail. It should be pretty clear how to do it.

Pull out your free hand.


Always the heart of an angel and the body of a devil.

How about it, are you happy? If you are happy, then you can only work hard to make me happy too.

Said softly in Vinay's ear.

Noticing the increasing flow of people around, Wei Nai nodded with difficulty.

Time passed staggeringly like that.

Soon, the tram arrived at the station.

Because she only used her tail, except for the explosion in her heart, Wei Nai was in good condition at the moment.

When we got out of the car, everyone was having a great time except for a certain Satania who was sleepy and had her face painted all over after being bullied by Rafael.

Arriving directly on Enoshima, there was a hotel specially prepared for booking.

Here in Kamakura, Masamune can be said to be a real landowner.

The same thing happened to Fujikura Yu, who was smiling and couldn't tell that just at noon, he was bleeding heavily from being played by Masamune and looked exhausted.

On the grounds that there was a hotel arranged here, they brought a few people over.

Except for Raphael, the other three little innocents didn't have any doubts at all.

The comfortable environment made several people’s eyes light up.

Although Masamune felt that Gabriel was happy because such a big hotel had wireless internet.

Pack your clothes and stand by the window, you can easily see the golden beach outside the window.

After coming here, I naturally need to go to the beach, but it's a pity.

Satania, who had just planned to run out without changing into her swimsuit, also had a grimace.

Because when he was about to go down, there were already dark clouds gathering in the sky.

The weather at the beach changes so quickly.

Haha, what a coincidence. Hey, come and play games with me.

Gabriel's eyes lit up, and he directly took Zhengzong's arm, intending to implement his plan to stay at home for the whole day.


Wei Nai, who had endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden, finally got here, and now found that Ga Baili on this side actually wanted to escape.

With a slight press of his palm, poor Gabriel turned directly into a robot, and his movements were all stiff.

If it's just this matter, the weather at the beach changes very quickly. Let's wait here. Maybe the weather will get better.

Raphael, who had not appeared since just now, came out with a smile.

Zhengzong on this side also noticed Raphael who was coming back at this moment.

He just put down a mobile phone in his hand.

And sure enough, as Raphael finished speaking, the already overcast weather suddenly became brighter.


Evil privileged people.

Even if his own changes have always been in a state of recklessness, and his perception is far inferior to that of Zhengzong at the corresponding power level, he can still feel the power of holy light filling the dome at this moment.

This guy is really good at using the back door.

What does it mean that the weather is just getting better? It's obviously your privilege.

How could he be so serious?

As expected, he is the sinister angel who toyed with the idiot Satania to applause.

Now that it's ready, let's start having fun quickly.

Mindful of her first trip to the beach in the human world, Wei Nai also consciously ignored the special situation in the sky at this moment. With a smile on her face, she pulled Gabriel directly into the room with a sad expression. She said today Supervise Gabrielle to change into her swimsuit.

On the other side, Satania also rushed in excitedly to change clothes.

In an instant, only Masamune and Raphael were left.

The girl took a step forward, Masamune following behind.

Among the four angels and demons, Raphael's figure can be said to be the best among the girls.

Slender but plump, her toned breasts are perfectly symmetrical, her height is not too tall in front of Zheng Zong, and she has a delicate and delicate cuteness.

And when I was walking in front of him, he seemed to be swaying, which made people excited.

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