The content I was reading was suddenly read out.

Turning around and looking at the person, Sakurajima Mai's eyes widened.

It's you.

At this moment, Sakurajima Mai turned into a bunny and jumped up.

The two rabbit ears on the top of the head are swaying, which is very interesting.

Zhengzong felt more and more that the other party's true identity was this set of clothes.

She tightened her clothes. After finding herself time and time again that no one around her could see her, Sakurajima Mai was used to such a decoration. Now facing Masamune, she couldn't help but tighten her clothes.

He looked at Zhengzong warily.

Of course it's me. If you come to my school and steal my homework, you still don't know I'm in this school?

He pushed the girl aside and sat down, then held her in his arms.

He wanted to break free, but found in despair that Zhengzong's hands were like iron pliers, holding him tightly and unable to break free.

It's just that I picked it up accidentally. Don't be too proud.

He felt uncomfortable being looked at by Masamune.

The girl tried to look fierce and stammered.

Okay, okay, our Mai accidentally picked up my homework and then brought it to me obediently, right?

He said without sincerity and took the homework in his hand.

Although he has no fear of Xiaojing, and his iron fist is no longer a threat, Zhengzong is still very close to his roots.

He raised his palms, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he could only watch Zheng Zong take back the homework.

By chance, I met Zhengzong, and then discovered my own strange symptoms.

A sudden change occurred over a long period of time attracted Mai Sakurajima.

Relying on its ability to never be discovered, it can break into the real room directly.

As a result, poor Miss Rabbit was caught by Zhengzong.

Because of this exchange, my health has improved a lot.

But after a few days, the girl discovered that her dependence on Zhengzong had not been eliminated, but had weakened a lot because she was satisfied.

You guy. Don't think too much, you will never have a chance.

He looked at Zhengzong with a bit of irritation, thinking of all the embarrassing situations he encountered later.

The girl was severely injured, and because her existence would not be discovered, she could only find a place to rest alone.

What should have been something that people were looking forward to and remember for a lifetime, turned out to be such a nightmare.

Mai Sakurajima was dissatisfied with the man who ruined her beautiful fantasy.

Don't I even have a chance? Then there is still that man in this world who has a chance.

When Zhengzong heard this, he shook his head, looking very regretful.

Hmph, if you want to be my boyfriend, you need to be absolutely talented and handsome enough.

Looking at Zhengzong's bitter expression, for some reason, the girl couldn't help laughing.

It was clear that he was full of resentment before, but now it is quietly dissipated.

But, I think I have some advantages, so you should think about it.

Masamune said directly.

Huh? What are your strengths?

That's the advantage.

Holding the girl in his arms, Zhengzong expressed his gratitude to the girl with practical actions.


I was a little dazed at first, but then I felt something.

His blue eyes glared at Zhengzong fiercely.

Full of murderous intent.

You guys are still as bad as before.

The same goes for you, you are still as lustful and very attractive as before.

Masamune replied with a smile.

Don't go too far, you.

She waved her small fist at Masamune, as if she wanted to show her power, but in the end, after feeling the threat of being penetrated, Sakurajima Mai still chose to give in.

Only those who can bend and stretch can become a hero among women.

This heroic girl who was constantly being harassed made a decisive decision in her heart to draw circles for Masamune again when she got back.

Well, Mai is still so cute.

The girl's silent state was noticed.

For Zhengzong, this is undoubtedly a slogan that can be attacked.

Can't you be a decent guy?

The girl being held by Masamune suddenly said this.

Let him be a little surprised.

Let me remind you, haven't you noticed? The way people around you look at you.


Masamune looked around, and then he suddenly understood. Sakurajima Mai had already explained it directly.

My existence will not be seen by others. They will automatically ignore my existence. Even the traces of my past existence are being eliminated. And how will you be treated when you talk to me? I believe you will also You can imagine it.”

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