There was still a trace of drunken blush on Sonoda Umi's fair cheeks, and there seemed to be a flash of light in her eyes at this moment.

As a strict self-discipline girl, even the drinking activity just now was actually under control.

But it was also because of this that he saw Tojo Nozomi chewing wine, and Masamune used Honoka and Ayase Eri's body to clean up.

I never expected that apart from my two friends who had been playing together since childhood, Zhengzong actually had a relationship with my third-year senior.

As a result, I found that when I got here, Zhengzong didn't do anything.

The girl didn't know whether she was feeling disappointed or sad.

I finally know which of you is misbehaving.

He looked at Umi Sonoda speechlessly at this moment.

You are so naughty but you are not cute at all.

However, thank you for what happened today.

Sonoda Umi looked at Masamune gratefully.

She was very strict with herself, and she really couldn't imagine how she would regret and feel uncomfortable if she was really tricked into shaking hands.

On the contrary, with Zhengzong, she didn't feel any sadness in her heart.

Do you only want to say thank you?

Zhengzong turned over and came back here, looking at Haiwei who was now covered with a quilt.

Although many people call her Haiye, after having personal contact with the girl, Zhengzong discovered that she is actually a very charming and lovely girl with feminine power.

Hey, I got it.

He put aside the quilt and stood up, and the girl came up to him.

Soft and sweet, with a hint of juice.

This guy was secretly drinking something else just now when everyone else was drinking.

Feeling the girl's initiative, Zhengzong was thinking wildly in his heart.

Okay, I'm going to sleep.

Umi jumped directly into the quilt at an incredible speed, covering her head tightly, and said in a muffled voice.

Okay, good night.

whispered in the girl's ear.

Zhengzong found that his heart was actually pounding at this moment.

It was obvious that he had left the poor candied haws Hyoudou Yoshitomo to bully not long ago, but at this moment, he still felt like his heart was beating hard.

Take a deep breath.

It's not that Zhengzong likes to do this kind of action, but it can really calm people down.

Zhengzong is very unruly and often does a lot of things that are enough to be taken to jail.

But no matter how unscrupulous a person is, he will still have a touch of tenderness in his heart.

Some are towards Sagiri, some are towards the grandparents who treat him sincerely, and some are towards these wives who shouted loudly in his previous life.

Although the number of this wife is relatively large.

Masamune's soul was instantly purified by Sonoda Umi. Then when he held Hoshizora Rin in his arms, he rarely bullied this athletic girl. He just compared her butt and butt with Kousaka Kirino's. , the authentic way is to let it go.

In the end, only Nan Xiaotiao was left.

Looking at this first girlfriend among his muse.

After Zhengzong put it away, he directly pulled a quilt over to cover the two of them.

Good night.

Feeling each other's clearly audible breathing, Zhengzong slowly closed his eyes.


The sound of sususu sounded from time to time.

It was accompanied by an itchy feeling.

Zhengzong, who was disturbed, grabbed Nan Xiaotiao, who was restlessly waving his hair to tease him.

My cute little bird-chan, can't you suppress your chirping thoughts so early?

Isn't it interesting to see Masamune sleeping on your face?

The girl was not frightened by Zhengzong's bluffing appearance, and said happily.

The joy and satisfaction of waking up early in the morning and meeting the person you like put Nan Xiaotiao in a very good mood.


Every day when I open my eyes, I can see a bunch of cute girls. I can't understand why Nan Xiaotiao is so happy.

But seeing Nan Xiaoniao so happy, Zhengzong didn't talk about anything else.

As long as everyone is happy.

By the way, Masamune-kun, let me tell you something.

He found that Zhengzong's palm had begun to disintegrate his clothes from the inside out.

Nan Xiaotiao, who was in a happy mood just now, didn't want to turn her colorful dream into white and sweat, so she couldn't help but hurriedly grabbed the man's hand and said softly.

There's nothing more important than us being like this.

When he found that he couldn't move his hands, Zhengzong didn't worry. He quietly influenced Nan Xiaoniao and asked aloud.

Ah, Azong, listen to me.

The girl bit Zhengzong's ear and whispered shyly.

My mother-in-law?

Zhengzong looked at the girl in surprise.

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