Seeing the girl who hit a wall in front of An Yilun, and then turned her head listlessly to look at the performance on the court, Zhengzong probably knew the identity of the other party.

Michiru Hyido will join the club in the near future as the person in charge of the soundtrack.

After discovering that An Yilun was still doing such things, Zhengzong made a decision in his heart.

Since we have already dug out the base, let’s just dig them all out.

If you like the Paper Man Wife so much, then let’s sink like that forever.

Pushing away the enthusiastic spectators around him, Zhengzong approached where An Yilun was also located.

Hyōdo Michiru was still watching the performance ahead with great excitement.

As an ordinary high school girl, she has always had a fanatical pursuit of these female idols of her own age.

This time, I came here specifically to find my childhood sweetheart, An Yilunye, and took him with me to watch this performance.

In addition to loving the LOVE LIVE competition, Hyido Michiru actually also has some small thoughts of her own.

Hope it can be successfully achieved this time.

Looking at the scene above and listening to the intense and noisy music around her, she was in a very good mood. The only regret she had was probably the uncooperative An Yilun around her.

It is obvious that in such a dark place and a suitable atmosphere of excitement, he does nothing. He is indeed the most stupid person.

I thought with some dissatisfaction in my heart.

Hyōdo Michiru turned around, hoping to get An Yilun to stop looking at his phone, but found that he had disappeared.


Hyōdo Michiru called out to Aki Toruya loudly, but in the current commotion, it had no effect at all.

In the dark and noisy venue, the target could not be found at all.

At this moment, his wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone's hand and he walked directly outside.

Huh, Allen, I knew you wouldn't abandon me.

Hyodo Michiru breathed a sigh of relief and let the big warm hand grab his wrist and walk through the crowd.

The warmth from that warm palm calmed his mind and body, and even gave him an urge to never leave.

Just like the familiar An Yilun who would only follow behind him and protect him obediently when he was a child.

Feeling the comfort brought by her wrist, Hyido Michiru's heart beat very fast.

But he had no idea that not far away, An Yilun was raising his head blankly.

‘It seemed like someone called me just now? ’

An Yilun also frowned slightly, but finally turned his attention to his mobile phone.

Just now, he suddenly received a call from the respected teacher Izumi. An Yirunya, who was forcibly pulled over to watch these boring idol performances, felt extremely guilty and found a quiet place to answer the call.

I hope I won’t let Zhengzong know that I don’t work hard and go out for fun.

As a result, he found that no one answered the call, which made him very helpless.

Forget it, Michiru is such an old man, we can't lose it anyway.

He said helplessly, quickly finding a reassuring excuse for himself, and An Yilun continued to look at his phone.

On the other side, Michiru Hyido, who was also thought by An Yirun to be fine, was still grabbed by the wrist and walked quickly outside.

Aaron, slow down.

There were too many people at the venue, so being dragged by the wrist and walking to the other side was a bit uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but complain.

Huh? This is it.

After finally getting out of the crowd, before Hyido Michiru could breathe a sigh of relief, he was pulled into another room in an instant.


The door was immediately pulled shut.

Compared to the shining lights on the stage outside, it looked pitch black inside.

what are you up to?

Suddenly coming here from the outside, from the bright lights outside to the darkness inside the house, Hyōdo Michiru couldn't see anything clearly for a moment, and could only feel his heart beating fast.

When did An Yilun, who has always been the paper man's wife and the paper man's wife, become so bold?

Masamune lowered his head and looked at the girl.

Compared to Michiru's discomfort, his condition is much better.

Even in the dark room, one could clearly see the blush rising on Hyido Michiru's face.

Approach the girl gently.


Different girls naturally have different scents.

As for this guy, I don’t know if it’s the name.

Zheng Zheng always thinks of an inexplicable food, candied haws.

I just don't know if Hyodo Michiru is as delicious as candied haws, an idea suddenly came to my mind, and Masamune followed suit.


No, no, we can't continue.

Affected by the authentic body and her own misunderstanding, she blushed and allowed the man to act.

But after discovering that the other party was no longer satisfied with appearances, Hyōdo Michiru finally couldn't bear the embarrassment and couldn't help but want to push Masamune away with her palms.

Aren't you very comfortable? Why are you resisting?

From being pulled over to be affectionate, to hearing someone speak for the first time after enduring it for a long time, Hyōdo Michiru's eyes widened.

You're not Allen, who are you?

In a panic, Hyodo Michiru tried to resist, but Masamune threw him directly onto the blanket next to him.

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