He said to the girl with a smile.

Ah, reward?

Sagiri was stunned for a moment and shook her head quickly.

Sagiri likes it very much and is very satisfied with her body. However, I am just too tired and my painting has not been completed yet.

There was embarrassment and shame coexisting on his face, if I had to say it.

Probably, Sagiri was going to be ruined.

Zhengzong was stunned when he heard it, and then finally realized that Sagiri was not that big now.

And he first played with Sagiri at night, then played with Sagiri at night the next day, and did morning exercises in the morning.


Masamune recalled it.

If it weren't for his own body's exercise, he wouldn't be able to hold on.

Not to mention Sagiri on this side.

Masamune sighed deeply.

As expected, he was still too young and too physically strong.

Didn't notice the problem on Sagiri's side.

The result brought Sagiri more pain than happiness.

Don't worry, leave it to me, it won't hurt.

How to make Sagiri no longer afraid of this kind of thing.

Then it is natural to do it a few more times to tell it that there is actually only happiness.

Then Sagiri will naturally like it sincerely instead of being afraid.

Zhengzong made a decision in his heart.

Don't worry, I won't let you down.

Masamune comforted Sagiri.

Play this reward and punishment game with girls.



Masamune stood up straight.

With a smile, she watched Sagiri trying to act like a little adult and helping her organize her clothes.

Then, after kissing him until he almost suffocated, he put the little guy down and turned around to leave.

It's a new day again.

Authentic, I think it's pretty good.

I have always regarded marriage as a grave, but suddenly I thought this was not bad.

With a god-sister, the two of them don't need to get married.

You can also enjoy the tenderness of a girl and witness her transformation from slight shortcomings to perfection.

Can there be anything better than this?

Although it's a bit sloppy, Zhengzong thinks it's really good.

Because, suddenly, he felt as if he had become a lot more fulfilled. Even if he continued to struggle, besides his own control, he also had a new kind of expectation.

I finished the class peacefully one day, and then was handed over to be bombarded by the cute little Jing.

Zhengzong packed up his things and turned around to go to the library.

He has not forgotten his original thoughts.

Now that I'm at home, I often get together with Sagiri unconsciously.

There is no time to study at all.

So the library at noon is the best place.

Looking at the books, the main focus is on Mandarin.

Because of my mother tongue habit in my previous life, I was really a bit crazy when faced with the specious grammar in District 11.

Masamune even once thought about whether he needed to go to Shizuka Hiratsuka for some extra lessons.

And after this side of the body continues to strengthen.

Zhengzong felt that his abilities had improved a lot.

Just work hard quietly and you'll be fine.

Please tell him to study seriously.


The sound of high heels clicking on the ground made Zhengzong frown.

The guys in District 11 are pretty good in some aspects.

Like in terms of not causing trouble for others.

Except for a certain Xia Feifei who came to him for help out of nowhere, many people were actually very restrained.

Masamune heard some time ago that Yukinoshita Yukino from Class J of the second year established the service club to help others, which is why it is so rare.

Under such circumstances, walking in the library wearing high heels is very bad.

Look up.

Masamune looks at the guy far away.

That bold color still made him look at it.

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