She has always liked a relaxed life and is very concerned about winning the championship.

However, today, she stopped practicing with her friends early.

The whole reason is because of my troubled sister.

Suddenly I found that the phone could not be reached, no matter what, it showed no one answered.

I went to consult my friend Yukiho Takasaka, but there was no news.

Ayase Eri almost called the police directly.

Fortunately, my friend Tojo Nozomi gave an explanation later.

Although I don’t know how Tojo Nozomi knew Arisa’s location, Ayase Eri still maintained her trust.

You're back?

Seeing the door to the room suddenly open, Ayase Eri felt happy, but her face turned cold in an instant.

Do you know how worried I am? Why don't you even call me?

For the first time, he scolded his sister so harshly.

Arisa Ayase, who looked exhausted and felt pain in her ninja body, stared blankly at her sister who appeared in front of her at this moment.

No, it's nothing. I accidentally played with my classmates for too long.

Her fists were clenched, but Arisa Ayase forced herself to hold back the pain in her heart when she thought of all the things she had done.

He nodded to Ayase Eri, indicating that he was fine.

Ayase Eri was silent and looked at the sister.

The fatigue that had never been concealed on his face made him feel extremely distressed. He seemed to be about to continue scolding him, but he couldn't say it anyway.

Okay, let's forget it this time. From now on, you must be good and don't go out alone. Even if you go out, at least send a message to your sister.

He bent down and hugged Ayase Arisa tightly, while Ayase Arisa comforted her softly.

Okay, sister.

Arisa hugged Eri tightly with her little hands. They were obviously smaller than Eri, but they seemed to be together at this moment.

Smelling the scent of shower gel coming from her sister, Ayase Eri had a flash of doubt in her heart.

Although she is worried, life obviously has no twists and turns as Ayase Eri struggles alone.

Time passes day by day.

Soon Ayase Eri continued to be immersed in the busy competition practice.

Eri-senpai, we're leaving first.

The trio of first-year students were walking together. The other two, Minami Kotori and Takasaka Honoka, glanced at the vague sense of familiarity in the club with some doubts, and turned around without stopping.

As someone who stayed at the end and saw that everyone left well, Ayase Eri felt relieved and planned to leave, but was directly stopped by her friend Nozomi Tojo.

What's wrong? Xi?

Ayase Eri wiped the sweat from her forehead and asked her friend with a bright smile on her face.

I've been living alone at the shrine recently. I'm a little tired. I hope I can have you with me.

He also smiled back, but in it, Ayase Eri felt a sense of strangeness.

I don't mind, but my sister is still at home. Could you please let me call Arisa?

Ayase Eri responded.

She has always lived independently with her sister.

If it's Arisa, you don't need it anymore, because Arisa is here today too.

Tojo Nozomi's voice also became weird.

Is Arisa here? Didn't she say she had another date with her classmates today?

A little puzzled, but Ayase Eri hasn't thought of anything bad yet.

Yes, come with me to meet him.

A hint of guilt for his friend flashed through his bright, clear sky-blue eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

The process may be painful, but the final outcome must be happy.

Masamune, as the god he believes in, is truly lucky to be able to fall in love with two friends and sisters. Muse is indeed loved by the gods.

Accompanying Nozomi Tojo, who was clearly feeling something wrong, Eri Ayase walked towards the interior of the shrine.

Somewhat reserved.

As an outsider who has lived in Maozi since elementary school, Ayase Eri is very interested in the various local gods and myths in District 11.

When he first heard about the so-called eight million gods, he always felt a little confused about how powerful they were.

Coupled with her friend's somewhat efficacious carrot predictions, Ayase Eri has always been cautious.

The so-called sacred place, in his opinion, is probably what it is.

But before he could take a few steps, he heard noisy sounds, which were men and women talking and laughing.

There was a flash of displeasure in Ayase Eri, how could she be so noisy in the shrine, but not long after she had this thought, her expression changed.

how is everything?

It's very comfortable.

If you like it so much, let's try something else next time, or learn from your sister's videos?

No, don't. Watching my sister's videos with you always makes me feel a little...

I can't stand this anymore. You can't bear the responsibility like this and promise me your responsibilities.

Hearing the familiar voice and the strange conversation, Ayase Eri, who was still in an angry state, suddenly woke up, as if her whole body had fallen into an ice cave.

The palms of her hands were shaking slightly, and she suppressed the panic and despair in her heart. Nozomi Tojo didn't need to say anything, she had already quietly looked inside, and then her whole body leaned there.

In the room, on the ordinary tatami, there were debris scattered everywhere, including used umbrellas and girls' clothes.

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