What's wrong? Is something wrong?

Curious in his heart, Zhengzong walked in and found out why the girls didn't come out. It turned out that they were all gathered together at this moment.

I don’t know where I moved a kotatsu for winter use.

At this moment, Sagiri and Hinata were sitting on their knees, with their little hands on the table, unable to move at all.

Next to Sagiri is Mai Sakurajima, and next to Hinata is Fairy Yamada.

And in the front, sitting on the sofa, is the smiling Erkoa. The eye-catching size, with his arms folded and propped up, seems to be the same size as Sagiri and Hinata's heads.

On the circular sofa next to them, Wu Geng Liuli and Aoyama Nanami were sitting respectively.

Zhengzong was also stunned by the appearance of a three-party trial.

Wow, Brother Zhengzong.

Hinata, who was a shrewd eyeball, immediately rushed towards Masamune with a look of joy as soon as he noticed Masamune coming in.

Hinata misses you so much. I really miss you so much. If you don't come back, Hinata will suffer from the disease called no real brother.

The little face rubbed against Zhengzong's arms, and the whole person was like an octopus, clinging to Zhengzong, not letting him leave.

Oh, is it so?

Authentic and untouched.

I had a video chat with Hinata just the night before yesterday.

Then this guy took some really bad photos that were questionable, and he set off a lot of fire.

It was also because of this that the six-person party last night was prompted.

Of course, it's like, well, not seeing each other for one day is like three springs, summers, autumns, and winters. It almost froze me to death.

Raising her head, Hinata looked at Masamune fawningly.

That's like not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns. Learn from me next time.

Knocking on this guy's head, Masamune reminded.

Tell me what's going on? Everyone comes here looking like this.

Putting this guy down, Zhengzong asked curiously.

Liuli's expression changed, and she looked very bad. Erkoya was still smiling, and Mai was more embarrassed, looking like she had done something wrong. As for the Yamada Fairy, he was looking at the situation in front of him strangely at this moment.

Actually, it's the kiss note. Hinata and the others came to Mai and wrote their names on the kiss note.

Finding that no one was talking, Nanami could only stand up and be the bad guy.

I don't understand why just writing a name requires three rounds of trials. It's really childish.

She wanted to wrap her arms around her and be full of momentum, but found the terrifying size of Alkoa as the chief judge in front of her, so the Yamada fairy shed tears of humiliation.

So that's it, Hinata, you did it.

Needless to say, Zhengzong's first glance was directed at this guy who was trying to be cute to him.

I didn't expect this guy to do such a thing.

I just want to try the power of the notebook and see if it works.

With her big eyes blinking, Hinata looked at Masamune and raised her head in a cute manner.

Now, I probably know.

She looked at Hinata speechlessly. Things like love notes really have no effect on her, because according to Zhong Zong's character, what she really wants to like is to really like her. She never believed that this kind of thing would really work for her.

As for Hinata, this guy's ambition has never stopped.

She wants to let her sister Liuli know that her goal has never been to be a well-behaved sister-in-law.

But the current effect seems to be very miserable, and he was directly interrogated by the three halls.

Next time if you have any questions, just tell me. Don't be like this.

He touched the girl's head. Although he didn't agree with such a thing, Masamune still had to support Hinata.

Wait, wait, can you tell me? I still don't quite understand. You guys are too serious. You actually believe that you will fall in love if you write your name on those kiss notes.

Looking at the small pink book placed at the front of the table, the Yamada Fairy was full of curiosity but could only hold back from speaking out. Finally, she couldn't help it anymore.

This time it was just because he found that Nanami didn't cook at home. After coming over out of curiosity, it was the Yamada fairy who was regarded as a juror. At this moment, he was still confused.

Are you talking about this effect? ​​Mai, if you don't mind if I use it.

Now Zhengzong is actually the biggest beneficiary, so if you excuse these two guys, they will be suspected of bad intentions.

So at this moment he directly chose to divert his attention.

Okay, whatever.

Mai, who was watching the whole joke, smiled and said to Masamune.

Come, come and see this.

Masamune turned on the TV and found the NHK news channel inside.

News reports are going on at the moment, in which the current Prime Minister is clearly promoting his own ideas.

Well, what's this guy's name?

Zhengzong recalled it for a moment, and then silently wrote his name in the kiss notebook.

Which one of the remaining congressmen do you think is more handsome?

Masamune looked at Yamada Fairy again.

No, you are the most handsome.

When asked by Masamune, after experiencing the education of He Qianju, Yamada Fairy immediately answered very consciously.


Looking at this guy speechlessly, Zhengzong picked one at random.

Then, in front of the Yamada Fairy, he wrote the two people's names at the same time and spent an X as a connecting symbol.

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