Appreciate it openly? I'm afraid that by then you will be surrounded and make choices, and you will be overwhelmed.

The female teacher said dissatisfiedly, and then turned around.

I can only look at others. Didn’t you see the swimsuit on my side?

Ha, you say whatever you want, but it's you, are you specifically following me here?

Regarding this topic, Zhengzong said that he did not want to get entangled.

Who is following you? It's just a coincidence.

Hiratsuka Shizu always feels a little unnatural when faced with certain things, especially when there are so many of his students not far away.

Okay, I understand. Don't be shy and worry about your boyfriend. Isn't this abnormal? Let's go somewhere else.

Seeing Shizuka Hiratsuka's interesting look, Masamune, who knew that going too far would not be enough, did not bully her, but pulled Shizuka Hiratsuka towards the upper reaches of the river.

He had already noticed the swimsuit that the female teacher was wearing under her coat.

Compared to those little guys' clothes, Shizuka Hiratsuka wore a particularly great white jumpsuit.

You know, white is generally promoted in swimsuits, because white is a light color. If the fabric is not thick enough, embarrassing situations such as squinting will often occur when you get in the water.

A style similar to Shizuka Hiratsuka's is already very good in itself, but there are still problems like that, so I came to him specifically this time.

Needless to say, it is clear that he wants to kill Zhengzong.

In the past, Hiratsuka Shizuka could only use her delicate fists to give students a loving iron fist education.

The female teacher who loved driving, eating ramen and drinking sake, and boxing changed her habits because of herself and began to learn how to attract men.

Thinking of such an abrupt change, Zhengzong felt a great sense of pride.

This is all the result of his tireless teachings to Hiratsuka Shizuka.

Come, I'll take you down.

As soon as he arrived at the shore, Masamune was already looking forward to Hiratsuka Shizu's appearance. He directly helped him take off the coat wrapped outside, and then couldn't wait to pull Hiratsuka Shizu into the water.

You should stop it at least, I'm a teacher, you don't want it.

A woman's thoughts are always so insincere. She is obviously already excited to increase the volume of the river water and come to play with Masamune Hiratsuka Shizuka.

At this moment, facing the man, he looked like he wanted to have fun, but he was a little shy. He felt that it was a little too easy for him. At least he wanted to say a few good words and chat.

Xiao Jing, it seems that you haven't understood the truth of the matter. Why do you think I ignored the perfect situation at home and came to the summer camp specifically?

Pulling Hiratsuka Shizu over, Masamune asked with a solemn expression.

for what?

Although he had already put on such clothes, when the real thing came, Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't let go.

It was because of Gan! If it weren't for people like Xiao Jing and Yukino, I wouldn't have come here.

Masamune, who had been looking forward to Shizuka Hiratsuka for a long time, had already pounced directly on him, and the two of them fell into the river at the same time.

Hey, Xiaojing, have you ever heard of the story of the wolf and the lamb?

The water surface was turbulent, and Masamune was buried directly in the current. Hiratsuka Shizu, who finally raised his head to catch his breath, asked in a dizzy and mechanical manner: What's wrong? What's the story?

One day when the lamb was grazing by the river, the big bad wolf came over and said angrily, I'm going to eat you.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, the comfortable wind is blowing on my body, and there is the calm water surface. I am in an authentic mood. At this moment, I have a feeling of unity between man and nature.

Then what?

Hiratsuka Shizu, who didn't want to be embarrassed, diverted his attention.

The little sheep was very scared and asked, 'Mr. Big Bad Wolf, why do you want to eat me?' The big bad wolf responded angrily, 'Because you drank water upstream of the river and polluted the water downstream of us.'

With a smile, Masamune said to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Then what? Then what? I know, it must have been the little sheep who said that I was drinking water from upstream and would not pollute the river. In the end, I was eaten by the big bad wolf.

Hiratsuka Shizu said excitedly that she had heard this story before.

No, no, no, the story ends here. Do you think Yukino and the others in the sewer area will also come to complain that we have also polluted the river?

He whispered in Hiratsuka Shizu's ear. Hiratsuka Shizu, who was still able to maintain a smile, finally couldn't control it at this moment.


Drag Hiratsuka Shizuka to the shore. Just now, he suddenly thought of some possible bad things. This Hiratsuka is obviously very strong. Except for the two inhumans, Vinai and Mai, there is no one who can fight Hiratsuka. Shizuka, after knowing that what happened between him and Masamune was likely to be carried downwards along the river under the influence of gravity and then cause trouble, Hiratsuka Shizu's mentality exploded in an instant.

What happened next was that Hezai and Zhengzong struggled to resist crazily, and then almost fell directly into the water and could not move.

I kind of know you.

The female teacher looked dissatisfied at Zhengzong, who was smiling now that the prank was over.

She finally understood that Masamune was an even worse guy with a bad taste than her student Yukinoshita Haruno.

It's okay, isn't this quite enjoyable? For a couple's relationship, it actually needs to have appropriate new things to make it interesting. Don't you think that this trip to the river bank will be something you will never miss in your life? Will you forget? This kind of thing is so good.

Realizing that Hiratsuka Shizu was really a little angry, Masamune had to step in to comfort him.

But what should those guys do? If there is something wrong with the source above.

Hiratsuka Shizuka covered her cheeks, unwilling to see anyone.

Don't worry, it won't happen. We will leave after playing for a while.

A slightly weird voice came, interrupting Masamune Hiratsuka Shizu who was having a pleasant conversation at the moment.

Well, I found that Yukinoshita-sama didn't seem to like playing in the water, so we dispersed after a while. Is there something wrong with the upper stream?

The two people looked over and found that it was this guy Hikigaya Komachi. The girl was standing directly next to him, looking at the two of them.

Fortunately, the sun is still quite warm today.

Therefore, Shizuka Hiratsuka's swimsuit, which is specially designed for Masamune, does not show anything too special.

It's just that Hikigaya Komachi's appearance at this time was obviously a bit beyond Hiratsuka Shizuka's expectations.

Click, click.

Zhengzong twitched his corner and found that this guy's hands were directly pressed on the ground. The small stones on the shore were being pushed continuously by his delicate-looking little hands, and they had gradually turned into fine sand.

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