Oh, right, I said it accidentally.

Looking at Shizuka Hiratsuka's quick fist, Masamune blocked it with just a backhand, and then pulled Shizuka Hiratsuka over.

He still had to work hard as before, but now he even had to consider how to use his power so as not to accidentally hurt Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Okay, don't make trouble, we are an old married couple, and we are not afraid of being laughed at by others.

Let me reiterate again, marriage is the real Achilles heel for Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Xiao Jing, who was still angry and wanted to do something, suddenly turned red and couldn't move.

I really don't understand why there are so many girls for a guy like you.

The female teacher looked around with some guilt and excitement, and after finding no one there, she continued to be comfortably held by Zhengzong.

Maybe because I have strong physical strength.

Almost blending into one with Xiao Jing, Masamune looked at Hayama Hayato who was introducing himself not far away.

This poor guy who was completely overwhelmed by Zhengzong in school seemed to have finally regained his confidence in front of a group of elementary school students.

Now he is introducing himself and Tobe Xiang enthusiastically and cheerfully, which can be regarded as a general introduction.

His eloquence and friendly appearance attracted cheers from many people.

Maybe this is the true protagonist.

But in the end, he is the one who controls everything.

With Hayama Hayato, a dedicated and hard-working big-headed ghost, coming to make arrangements, things suddenly became much easier.

After completing the arrangements, normal activities were carried out.

For example, teach these guys how to perform basic outdoor activities.

On this point, the summer camp did really well. At least if it were any other time, I would have already started worrying about what to do if something happened to this primary school student.

But here they are really separated and are seriously preparing for training.

As the boys' group didn't dare to arrange it, the girls' group arranged Masamune who was afraid that he wouldn't be able to move for the rest of the day, so it was immediately vacant at this moment.

For such things, Zhengzong was quite leisurely, quietly following the guys who went up the mountain to collect wood, and taking a breath of fresh air by the way.

By the way, there are also white socks on these guys, which seem to show their innocence. The girls in these are very well-behaved and wear white stockings and then put on a short skirt.

The way the flowers of the future are about to bloom makes Zheng Zheng feel better for a moment.

I have been staying in the room for a while, and even if I go out, it is really uncomfortable.

Feeling the fresh air and lush greenery at this moment, Zhengzong also feels good.

This scene is really suitable for a shot.


Putting his hands together, the crisp sound made Zhengzong wake up immediately.

He was also a little speechless. He didn't understand when he suddenly became like this.

All he wants to do is make trouble.

Could it be that he is the legendary humanoid self-propelled cannon man with kidneys all over his body?

This thought suddenly came to my mind.

If other girls knew about it, they would definitely complain about it.

Obviously I should be a current person who loves learning and living.

Masamune suddenly fell into self-doubt.

Some are struggling with the fact that they have few friends on their side, but only have a large harem.

A person suddenly sounded the authentic way of various things and walked very smoothly.

But suddenly he had to put down his steps temporarily. Zhengzong looked in front of him, and the originally scattered team suddenly began to disperse.

It's very normal for people to stick together in District 11.

You can see numerous small groups popping up all the time.

In fact, the active team on Hayama's side, including the service club on Masamune and Yukino's side, can actually be regarded as a small group.

But Zhengzong never expected that different groups would appear at this elementary school level.

Among them, a girl with a pink camera, black bangs, and a blue camisole was walking silently behind.

There were four little girls in front of them. They seemed to make faces at them and then walked forward directly.

The other party's face was very cold, and his body seemed to be filled with low pressure all the time.

Masamune looked at the guy in front of him. This look made him suddenly think of the younger version of his classmate Yukino.

They all have such an interesting look, and their expressions look very interesting.

Zhengzong suddenly wanted to put the two people together and exude low-pressure expressions at the same time. It would be very interesting.


Thinking of such an interesting scene, Zhengzong couldn't help but laugh.

what are you laughing at?

The girl walked behind and heard Zhengzong's voice on this side, and couldn't help turning her head to look at Zhengzong.

The little feet clicked quickly and he came to Zhengzong.

It's just that his eyesight is a little bad.

I just think you are very interesting. You are like a guy from two different worlds from those guys.

Looking at this guy who looks like a hedgehog, he will get angry the next moment.

Those naive guys just play silly and happy games for younger people. I'm just too lazy to communicate with them for fear of affecting my IQ.

Masamune really wanted to ask if the Yukinoshita family really had a third daughter. They looked so similar, and they looked exactly the same when it came to poison.

Why, I always feel like you can't fit in and are being rejected?

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