Both before and after are very important, just like a small dessert after a meal, it may not necessarily satisfy your hunger, but appropriate compensation can make your heart sweet.

Such appropriate interactions can promote girls' recognition of it.

Of course, the premise is that the girls must be really tired during positive activities, otherwise the caress afterwards will be of no use at all.

Only if the prerequisites are corrected first can this side be useful, just like the guy who squinted his eyes like a kitten at the moment.

Zhengzong always likes to describe girls as cats, because he likes girls with cat ears. As for dogs, although it is brutal and wrong, they are really a bit unloving.

Those who are completely tamed and obedient are domesticated little cute cats, and those who are still disobedient are little wild cats that need to be educated.

What difference do you feel?

Looking curiously at this moment, Minami Kotori was asking for a so-called normal date, but her lower body was still moving happily, as if she was about to start the second Pokemon battle.

The normal process is, shouldn't we have a good date and have fun before continuing?

Thinking of her inexplicable first date and the relationship between Honoka and Sonoda Umi she saw at that time, the girl felt a little resentful.

Then he looked at the hairs and plucked one out angrily.

Big pig hooves.

Unlike girls, there is a lot of hair on the man's legs, which is fluffy and itchy. His head is resting on it, which is surprisingly comfortable, as if he is holding a large doll.

It is said that this number is related to a man’s desire. The more it means, the more desire he has. For girls, there is also a corresponding place.

Thinking of the knowledge he inadvertently gained from Forty-eight, who was searching for how to satisfy his boyfriend at that time, Xiaoniao nodded in his heart and felt that what he said was really reasonable. Every time he met Zhengzong, there was a feeling that he was on the battlefield in 1944. Feeling like a Nazi soldier.

Ahem, I don't think dating is a good thing.

Zhengzong carefully recalled the process of dating girls several times, but he had never been able to accompany a person through the entire process. Every time, things tended to go smoothly, and then various problems interfered.

Look, little bird, in fact, the motivation for dating is just to sacrifice one's own physical strength and make oneself exhausted, and then to obtain a kind of happiness. And if we do it directly like this, isn't it the same? ? Doesn’t the little bird feel happy?

Zhengzong said aloud, and was greeted by the girl's beautiful eyes.

Do you really think she is stupid?

Unlike idiots like Xiaoguo, Xiaoniao understands very well.

Seeing this guy who was still restless, Zhengzong felt that it was better to let him choke and roll his eyes.

By the way, here, I want to tell you something.

After passing the tissue to the girl, Zhengzong successfully cleaned up the traces and put away the mobile phone in front of him.

Minami Kotori's beauty just now has been sent to Minami Hiwako.

This wife had been deliberately staying away from him since the last incident, leaving Zhengzong with no choice but to take the initiative to page him.

whats the matter?

After putting on clothes, Nan Xiaoniao asked with a guilty look at the undisturbed environment outside.

I don't know, little birdie, what do you think of your mother?

He grabbed the phone from Minami Kotori first, and then helped him hang up the call from Minami Hiwako.

Noticing Xiaotiao's worried expression, Masamune decided to fight back. Xiaotiao was too obedient and kept turning a deaf ear to Minami Kazuko, so something might really go wrong.


The hair bundles on the girl's head were shaking, which was very interesting. At this moment, she was still a little confused as to what was going on.

I believe you have discovered that your mother has been trying to stop us in various ways.

Since Minami Kazuko has always wanted to stop him, don't blame him for taking action too.

What happened to mom? Why did she do that.

Nan Xiaoniao, who was still comfortably enjoying the authentic caress, couldn't care less about it at the moment.

She originally thought it was just a slight misunderstanding on the part of her mother who was simply trying to stop herself. She never thought that her mother would actually find Zhengzong.

Why? In fact, after careful analysis and consideration, I have come to the conclusion that it is because my aunt is sick.

Zhengzong, you are joking like this, I'm going to get angry!

The girl said dissatisfiedly, grabbing Zhengzong and shaking it back and forth, which is what she meant on the surface.

It's also a good thing that the authentic big rock snake has both a hard head and a strong character. Otherwise, it would really be doomed if it had an ordinary body this time.

Noticing the man's strange gaze, Nan Xiaoniao stuck out his tongue, expressed his apology, and let go obediently.

I'm not joking, I'm really sick. As the old saying goes, there is no greater sorrow than heart failure. Auntie's current illness is caused by heart disease. It is actually the same to prevent you and me from falling in love. Yin and Yang imbalance causes endocrine disorders. , thus causing physical and mental exhaustion. Even, due to self-hypnotic repression, it leads to rejection of love. Therefore, when I find you in a situation like this, Xiaoniao, I can't help but have the idea of ​​stopping you.

Is this like this?

Nan Xiaoniao thought with some doubts.

But she suddenly thought of what happened in the past period of time. She had never met Zhengzong before, so the pure girl didn't find anything wrong. But later, after being really touched by Zhengzong, she suddenly thought of that. Some of the sounds that I often heard accidentally about my mother being alone in the room also disappeared.

Obviously, my mother is only in her thirties, which is when a girl should be at her best. Thinking that she hasn't seen Masamune for a while, she almost feels uncomfortable, but Minami Kazuko has been alone for her. Walking on the lonely road, I couldn't help but really believe it.

Yes, little fool, have you forgotten? I am determined to study medicine, not just psychology, but also human health, or other things. I am involved in them all. I can tell you, but there are studies that show , when a woman cannot satisfy herself for a long time, there is a high chance that related problems will occur. And beautiful women like aunties are 24 times more likely to become sexually indifferent than ordinary girls. I don’t think you need to worry about that kind of thing, and then it will be implemented on you, little bird.”

Half-truths and half-falsehoods, Zhengzong kept instilling false ideas into Nan Xiaotiao.

Maybe it's because there were too many problems in the early marriage and she was too unlucky that she misunderstood those things, or maybe it's because my aunt has always been in charge of the school as a woman and has many achievements that boys can't achieve, so Being jealous or even rejected by men leads to disgust. In various situations, as is the case with my aunt, she is repulsive towards sex and even men.

After lifting Minami Kotori up, Masamune continued to trouble Minami Hiwako.

what should I do?

When I heard that there was a problem in my mother's heart, which might even threaten her health, the way Nan Xiaoniao sighed really made me feel pity for her.

So Xiaoniao, first of all, you don't need to pay attention to what your mother said. It's all mental illness. Don't you have any idea in your heart whether it's good or not to be with me? As for your mother, you can also accept her questions generously. , if you really find that she is concerned about certain people or something, you can tell me and we will work together to help her enlighten and solve the problem.

He was looking forward to seeing Minami Hiwako's funny expression when she faced Minami Kotori's serious encouragement and comfort.

By the way, there is also a trace of my own thoughts in it.

Kotori-chan, I didn't disturb you, did I?

With a lively and cheerful voice, Hoshizora Rin, who had always believed that it was better to act physically than to be depressed, directly knocked on the door with her little hand.

Her short orange hair was still dripping with water.

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