When their school was closed for the summer, they came here for training. The quiet atmosphere, because of the jumping girls, suddenly became more lively and noisy.

When I came here, I found that there were only nine girls rehearsing, and no one else was left. Zhengzong did not interrupt, but picked up the camera at hand.

Since smartphones became popular some time ago, Masamune has rarely used them except when dealing with Sagami Minami, but this time he brought it over specifically.

The best thing about holding a camera is that when shooting with a mobile phone, some blind spots may look a bit dirty, but with a camera, even if you squat down and shoot directly, it will be fine.

After focusing, Masamune focused his attention on the girls in the muse.

It's a pity that everyone is wearing leggings, which makes the beautiful scenery a bit regretful.




It's still morning, the sun is shining brightly, and there are girls jumping up and down in the shadow of the swaying leaves in a quiet environment.

Although this was not the first time he saw the girls performing in Muse, he couldn't help but feel happier every time he saw them.

Compared with other idol groups, although the looks of the girls of the Muses are not weak, there is nothing outstanding about them. As for the so-called dance and music, there are many guys who can compare with them.

Not to mention that some idol groups that have been signed by large firms have professionals preparing for them.

But maybe this is the so-called protagonist, the kind that represents the youth and charm of girls, and the sincere love for this activity. Just watching the girls' performances, it seems that you can feel that kind of pretentiousness. vitality.

Nine people stood on the stage, but they seemed to be one body. They cooperated seamlessly with each other, making the entire stage look like a moving painting.

But the girls who were still dancing at this moment also discovered Zhengzong who appeared at this moment, especially the scene taken by the other party with a camera.

Although they were used to such things, the man's gaze that seemed to see through them still made them tremble.

Wherever the circular camera hole scanned, the people scanned could not help but panic in their movements at this moment.

It was as if a black dot was suddenly spotted in the pure white painting.

As for Nan Xiaoniao, her thoughts were already running away at this moment.

He was originally staring smoothly at the scene outside the field, but now he was looking at Zheng Zong who was holding the camera.

Hoo, ho ho.

When the song ended, the girls gasped for air and looked at each other with wandering eyes and guilty consciences.

The other girls, at this moment, do not have the same jumping and compact rhythm as before, and not only that, although the girls are still dancing reluctantly, it is obvious that their minds are no longer here, their eyes are wandering, and their cheeks are red. Looking in the direction of the young man, his expression was extremely coquettish and shy.

After saying hello to Nan Xiaoniao, the girl immediately understood. Amid the kind smiles of her friends around her, the girl also walked over with small steps.

No wonder Kotori-chan has been restless since the morning. It turns out that her boyfriend is coming.

Slowly wiping the sweat from his forehead, Koizumi Hanayo, who possesses the attribute of a slow girl, can be said to be the calmest one in the team.

He looked at Nan Xiaotiao with some envy.

As a girl's school student, I also want to fall in love.

After all, if your boyfriend comes to meet you, you will naturally be happy.

Folding his hands, Nishikino Maki said calmly, but the slight redness on his face indicated that the other party's current condition was not very good.

She didn't know much about Masamune, but because Mizumi Nishikino had always had the idea of ​​introducing Masamune to Nishikino Maki as her boyfriend, she always said good things about Masamune.

At this moment, it just felt awkward to be held up by Zhengzong with the camera. Zhenji, who had already misunderstood her mother's inexplicable behavior, couldn't help but make some embarrassing guesses.

Hanayo-chan and Maki-chan are both nya who want to marry Rin.

Xingzong Rin looked at her 'harem', both of whom were carrying other men. She had always dreamed of them being together, and she couldn't help but shout in disgust.

The girl's liveliness and her strange speech made the originally awkward atmosphere become enthusiastic again in an instant.

Eri still looks a little uneasy. Are you worried about Masamune-kun and Kotori?

Among the third-year group of Muses, except for Nico Yazawa, who was constantly preaching to everyone that qualified idols should not fall in love and get along normally, the other two were standing on the other side, watching the commotion on the field below.

Among the senior and junior classes that exist everywhere, even among the Muse, it is actually because of the distance and closeness between the grades.

Who, who would be worried about him!

Eri, who was walking like a god, suddenly heard her friend's words and couldn't help waving her hands in panic.

Ever since Masamune got the identity of the chairman of Otonogizaka, he has been harassing her from time to time by taking advantage of the so-called opportunity to understand the school and facilitate its development.

Originally, Ayase Eri had always refused to respond, but after finding out that she was not responding, it was Masamune who came directly to Otonogizaka to find her. Such a thing that made her angry but helpless could only make the girl deal with it again and again. Make an authentic concession.

More importantly, her sister Ayase Arisa seems to have discovered something from time to time, which makes Ayase Arisa feel guilty.

Him? I just mentioned two people. Speaking of which, little Eri has also grown older recently.

Taking advantage of Ayase Eri's unpreparedness at this moment, Nozomi Tojo directly hugged Ayase Eri from behind, and then rubbed and kneaded her until Ayase Eri couldn't bear it and ran out, then she gave up.

Looking at his embarrassed friend, Nozomi Tojo said nothing, just looked at his palm silently.

‘Sure enough, this feeling is different for Eri. ’

Muttering silently, thinking of the scene he saw at that time, Tojo Nozomi's eyes flashed with a strange fanaticism.


In the shrine, Masamune and Minami Kotori were sitting opposite each other.

The girl twisted her body in confusion, not knowing what was wrong with her.

No, it's just that I haven't seen Xiaoniao for a long time and I miss you.

Smiling, Masamune wouldn't say it. He was silently comparing the differences between Minami Kotori and Minami Hiwako.

At that time, I was riding the big bird at home and comparing it with the small bird. It was really impressive.

How much do you want it?

Not knowing the scumbag thoughts of a certain guy, Xiaoniao was smiling like a flower at this moment, and it seemed that even the fatigue from just finishing the training had disappeared at this moment.

For example, the bird asked me to come at ten o'clock, and I was already excited at seven o'clock. Then the closer I got, the closer I got to the bird, the happier I felt.

At seven o'clock, Zhengzong had just come out of Shiyu's place reluctantly. The thought of being so close to Xiaoniao while still smelling like a girl always made Zhengzong feel inexplicably happy.

There is affection gathering in the eyes. A girl in love is blind and full of enthusiasm. She ignores all problems. It seems that she only sees the good or bad of her lover. Even if it is just a casual sentence, she will be satisfied. .

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