Do you dare to take out that book of Holy War?

A million copies of a collaborative novel? And was it completed within the past few months? Zhengzong's execution ability has always been so strong, so during the next period of time when I am temporarily living at home, I will ask you, Zhengzong Please help me design a character script.

Smiling lightly, but it shows that you are just an outsider, and my side is truly close to the authentic one.

Sagiri and his party, who clearly just wanted to get the kiss note before, enthusiastically invited Sakurajima Mai to stay, but now their intention changed.

Oh, Sakurajima, are you living at Izumi's house? As an artist, this kind of thing seems not very good. Love and this kind of work are difficult to be compatible.

Dispose of tricks at a glance.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu chuckled.

Although I feel a little unhappy, it feels good to suddenly get used to beating up a vulnerable loser, and suddenly a low-end version of myself appears. This feeling of being able to quarrel with him or even crush him is not bad.

You don't need to worry about Kasumigaoka. Although it is very important for an artist to remain single, if it involves Masamune-kun, I don't care about anything else.

Clenching her fingers on the cup, Sakurajima Mai looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu.

Although I know that this kind of thing is probably just because the other party is probably irritating me, or is just declaring sovereignty like she hugged Zhengzong just now, I still feel unhappy.

He had obviously only left for less than three months, so why did such a guy suddenly appear?

If I had known that when I left, I would have left a few pairs of original socks for someone.

Because I had just learned that by participating in the training in Heaven and helping Gu Li share the task of the God of Love, I could solve the physical problem by myself, so I left in a hurry at that time.

As a result, when Sakurajima Mai came back, she saw Kasumigaoka Shiha with black silk and huge breasts.

Not knowing that there was actually no time difference between the two parties, Sakurajima Mai just felt like she was being pried into a corner.



The two looked at each other, then looked at Zheng Zong with a smile, looking happy.


Masamune was a bit speechless.

Because at this moment, Mai Sakurajima's little hand had inadvertently come to him under the table.

And Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who likes to do things with her feet, doesn't dare to step on them alone.

In a sense, these two guys, whose role settings are highly overlapping, actually cooperate very well.

At the same time, he started to attack Zhengzong.

This made Zheng Zheng, who had ordered three drinks and silently waited for the food to be served, feel very innocent after entering the restaurant.

He was just listening to the two women talking to each other the whole time, smiling and laughing as they exchanged words with each other.

I'm stuffed.


With his hands clasped together, Masamune placed the chopsticks directly on the table.

While the two women were arguing with each other, Zhengzong had already finished the meal.


Mai Sakurajima looked at the plate in front of her in astonishment.

Today I went shopping first and then applauded Masamune. I continued to fight against Kasumigaoka Shiu due to severe physical exhaustion, but I was still really hungry.

Masamune-kun, it's good if you're full.

Compared to the stunned Sakurajima Mai, Kasumigaoka Shiu had already taken out a tissue from her skirt pocket, and then gently helped Masamune wipe the corners.

Rose-red eyes stared at Zheng Zong affectionately.

But Zhengzong seemed to see the two horns that suddenly appeared in the smile, and the powerful tail swaying behind it.

Vinay-chan, you really should come and see what a devil is.

This Xia Feifei, who deeply understands how to provoke others to gain pleasure, is truly terrifying.


Patting the table, Zhengzong focused the attention of both of them at the same time.

You're not hungry, are you?

After eating, Zhengzong felt that he could no longer let these two guys continue to cause trouble.

Fortunately, I'm losing weight now.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said, and then rubbed directly next to Zhengzong, as if her whole body was directly in Zhengzong's arms.

I'm not hungry either. I'm full now.

After taking a look at the powerful opponent in front of her, Sakurajima Mai also said the same thing, but she was a girl who was really exhausted today, and her stomach was already ringing unsatisfactorily.


Seeing this, Masamune just hugged the girl and kissed her from left to right.

Two people hugging each other directly at the same time. If either one is alone, it will be a happy situation. However, it is very embarrassing for two people to bump into each other at this moment.

Masamune-kun, do you really think this is enough? Do you really think that we are children? Just give us a hug and solve it directly?

Shiyu looked at Masamune. Before the enemies in that damn club were dealt with, Mai Sakurajima came out again. It was super uncomfortable.

No, I never thought so.

Shaking his head, Zhengzong knew that it was impossible to have such an innocent attitude when facing these two women.

What I insist on is to poke, turn, and take a dip, and then everyone will become good friends.

The next day, early morning.

The sun high above has not really begun to emit that amazing heat.

Masamune was choosing food in the shop downstairs and bought an eel rice, rice plus 30% of side dishes, which cost 600 yen at best. It is a common dish, but it is also very rich and you can't find anything wrong with it.

By the way, I picked up two pairs of underwear from that female salesperson who is you again. After taking them, I walked directly upstairs.

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