Then soon, Zhengzong also attracted the attention of the girl who was involved.

I'm sorry. Facing a guy who just held me full of sex this morning, I feel that we are already so close that we don't need these little tricks.

Smiling, he then said a series of remarks that, if spread, would ruin the outlook of the girls around him who were attracted by his authentic handsomeness.

Tsk, it really matches your setting, Masamune-kun. As expected, you are a scumbag who can face the existence of suspected female ghosts without mercy.

Sakurajima Mai said slightly dissatisfied.

I thought about the first time I sneaked into Izumi's house at night and tried to replenish my breath, only to be punished by him.

No matter how happily she got along with Masamune later, the environment at that time made Sakurajima Mai unhappy.

I think scumbags are actually pretty good. At least they are better than dog-licking honest people. Just like a saying I once heard, scumbags are still human beings, licking-dogs are pitiful but they are still dogs, and Bichi is They are chickens pretending to be high-class, and the scum, as humans, eats up Bichi and wipes it clean, then throws the chicken bones out, and the licking dog runs to pick them up and hold them in his mouth.

Ignoring the strange glances around her, she held Mai Sakurajima in her arms and spoke slowly.

Quietly, Zhengzong made his final declaration.

So, I am happy to be born a scumbag.

So you're comparing me to that?

Mai's fingers gently drew circles on Masamune's waist.

It's likened to a treasure that even a scum is unwilling to give up. I wish I could eat it up and wipe it clean, but I won't let it go no matter what. So, just follow me obediently.

Fortunately, in this life, I can live a good life without fighting for a house or a car, and can obtain everything well, instead of going bankrupt and probably living with an ordinary N-hand item.

Even though he knew that he was actually a scumbag at this moment, Masamune still lived like this.

At the very least, he wouldn't make these girls sad.

For the time being, this is a qualified answer.

Mai's originally calm pretty face smiled, then she took Masamune's arm and started today's date.

I came here this time just to buy some summer clothes.

Mai said as she and Masamune walked together, holding their arms intimately.


Yes, although the life in heaven is good and the air is very fresh, there are many problems. For example, it is too backward and as old as the Showa era. Even the clothes are very simple.

Mai and Masamune complained slightly.

In the past, Mai had always been ignored by people because of her physical puberty syndrome.

Under such circumstances, the girl didn't want to play with urban legends, so she mainly wore a few clothes from the past and washed them herself.

Now I have finally recovered my condition, and I am living sticky and authentic life in the room every day again.

This time I came out, naturally I wanted to pick a few items.

Fortunately, two years have passed and Mai has not really announced her comeback. Otherwise, she would not have been able to walk as quietly as Masamune on the road.

Then go ahead.

Looking at the shopping mall Mai picked.

It turned out to be the place where Liuli and I went just now, but after thinking about it, I had been with Nanami and the others for so long, so there should be no problem.

With this thought, Masamune walked over with Mai.

At the same time, I am also a little lucky.

Fortunately, the agreement with Mai Sakurajima was put aside.

Otherwise, with the speed at which girls choose and buy clothes, Zhengzong shouldn't even think about going on a date with another girl today.

He walked in with Mai.

It seemed natural that the girl's first sight was the first floor.


What's wrong?

Mai looked at Masamune who suddenly stopped moving forward in confusion.

Why are you suddenly looking at jeans?

This store is very familiar to me, as I came here with Saori Makishima before.

Why, because I'm used to wearing black stockings, and suddenly I want to change my taste. Besides, Masamune-kun always likes to tear them off, and the cost is very high. Just change to jeans and that's about it.

Mai looked rather resentfully at someone who had made countless additional contributions to the black silk sales industry in District 11.

Ha ha.

With a dry smile, Masamune could only walk in with Mai.

Welcome, guests can choose whatever they like. We can...

The female shopping guide still had a passionate voice.

The summer vacation has just begun, and every student is full of enthusiasm and placing orders very quickly.

And they don't know how to bargain. For shopping guides, this kind of student party is their favorite.

Facing guests who can bring blessings to Yukichi, he is naturally very enthusiastic.

But this voice changed instantly after seeing Zhengzong.

Which guy did you come over to buy jeans with today?

When Mai Sakurajima saw this, she immediately realized what the problem was.

If that was the case, she wouldn't buy it because she always felt like she was a latecomer.

Ah, it was just an accident. Don't worry, it won't happen again.

Even though he came here, it was Saori Makishima, so there would be no problem between the two of them.

Is that so?

Thoughtful, Sakurajima Mai did not give Masamune a hard time, but actually walked in and started choosing.

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