In her mind, women's power is equated with size.

For example, Lord Thor who can hold her, Alkoa.

Another example is Mr. Kobayashi, who almost had his waist twisted when he hugged her once, and Nanami, who almost dislocated her wrist this time.

Nanami, you have to eat more in the future. This won't work anymore. Not only to make you stronger, but also to make your body stronger, you have to work hard.

He didn't explain anything to Kangna.

Perhaps the concept that the bigger you are, the greater your power, is really popular among the dragon clan?

With respect for other people's culture, Masamune did not say anything out loud, but continued to make teasing suggestions to Nanami.

Hey, long-winded!

Stuttering, Nanami’s mentality is super explosive!

Instead of bullying the girl, Zhengzong on this side went directly to the cake shop on the other side.

The entertainment facilities are complete, and the most convenient thing is that you can basically find any common places to eat, drink and have fun.

Especially in a place like the aquarium, there is a simple cake shop right at the door.

The strong smell of milk came through, Zheng Zhong looked at the cake in front of him.

No worries, just buy according to quantity.

If it were another girl, even if three people came together this time, Zhengzong would have to worry about whether they would have enough to eat, but if you have Kangna, you don't need to hesitate at all, just buy from Duoli. .

After coming back, I also gave some to a certain little loli Caichuan.

Although Kangna-chan came out, she didn't have any fancy ideas for Caichuan, but now that they are together, Masamune will not favor one over the other.

This guy also expressed his gratitude to Zhengzong very obediently, but in his opinion, many of the reasons were simply because Kangna was holding this guy's hand at the moment.

I believe this guy must have a lot in common with Thor.

The four of them made a bench and ate the cake. In fact, it was Kangna who mainly ate it. Saikawa looked at Kangna, while Nanami gently helped Kangna wipe the corners.

The more they get along with each other, the more Nanami shows her unique tenderness, which makes Zheng Zong look at this scene, and for a moment, his mood rarely calms down.


Kangna suddenly handed over the cake. Zhengzong looked at the piece of cake held in his little paws with a surprised expression. Is this considered taking food from the dragon's mouth?

This is thanks.

After blinking, Kangna stretched out her other little hand and made a one sign.

Signal a mouthful.

Thank you for what?

Thanks for the, food.

Kangna still remembered Xiaolin's special reminder that in the human world, one must learn to hide one's identity, including the affairs of one's own dragon clan, and not let others know.

She looked at Kangna dumbfounded.

You obviously bought it with your own money, but you guy only gave me one piece and then you dared to raise your opinion. This is simply too much.

Doesn't your conscience hurt?

Obviously the European style is not big, you should be able to feel your conscience if you touch it directly.

Seeing that this guy was still reluctant to give up, Zhengzong's heart moved.

Just one bite is not enough. I need to take two big bites.

Looking at the girl, Zhengzong said calmly.

The blue-eyed baby dragon lowered his head, looked at the cake in his hand, and then opened his mouth slightly, as if gesturing what the two bites meant.

It was a good cake, but just because of these two bites, it would be a lot less.

Not having enough cake to eat means that you cannot replenish energy, and being unable to replenish energy means that one day you will be unable to support yourself and fall to the ground from exhaustion.

Thinking of the terrible things that might happen, the blue-eyed young dragon's cheeks suddenly bulged up, looking very dissatisfied.

Nanami watched the interaction between Masamune and Kangna with a smile, and gave Masamune a slightly annoyed look, as if to say that at such an old age, he was still playing around with a little guy.

Nanami, this blue-eyed baby dragon is older than all of us combined.

Classmate Kangna, I'll give you my cake. Don't, don't be angry.

Caichuan saw the situation on this side and immediately handed over his cake excitedly.

He smiled, seemingly full of expectation.

For Caichuan, being able to share the cake with Kangna meant an indirect kiss. When he thought about this, steam began to rise from the other person's head.

Even with the cool atmosphere in the aquarium at the moment, Caichuan still exudes heat like the sun outside.

Cai Chuan is a friend, you can't eat Cai Chuan's cake.

Holding Caichuan's hand with her little hand, she pushed the cake away. Looking at Caichuan's silly smile, Kangna did not speak, but continued to look at Zhengzong.

He came directly in front of Zhengzong, then grabbed Zhengzong with his small hands, and leaned his head proactively.

The lips of the blue-eyed young dragon looked very hot, like burning flames.

It feels like cotton candy, as if it will melt as soon as you touch it.

Very sweet, with an unmistakable chocolate flavor.

This is on top of the cake.

Zhengzong looked at this guy in surprise, actually attacking so actively.

Can it only be said that he is worthy of being a dragon?

Their eyes met, and after a long time, Kangna jumped down from hanging on Zhengzong.

Next to them were Nanami, who was laughing dryly, and Saikawa, who had already lost his color at this moment, with an expression of disappointment and frantic beating on the ground that Kangna-chan's first kiss didn't belong to me.

Lord Thor said, if you are very grateful but don't know how to repay, then give yourself a kiss.

The innocent blue-eyed baby dragon Kangna really believed in the bad opinions that a certain Lily Dragon was bent on taking advantage of.

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