Really, it was towards Liuli, not the other two girls.

Don't worry, you won't embarrass our lovely Ruri-chan. Moreover, our couple's contract is clearly marked in black and white.

Of course. If you perform your duties, I will also perform my duties. Those who violate it will go to hell.

Liuli said excitedly, holding Zhengzong's hand slightly tightly, and then walked towards the other side.

Black Cat, who is this?

The tall Saori Makishima came over first.

Fully demonstrated his social skills.

My boyfriend wants to hang out together during the summer vacation. I have made an appointment with you this time. I have no choice but to call him out together.

The tone sounded very ordinary, but Zhengzong could feel the sweat on the girl's palms at this moment.

Hello, my name is Masamune Izumi, Ruri's boyfriend. Please take care of me today.

Before Liuli's voice could change and something went wrong, Zhengzong greeted him and introduced him.

If Kasumigaoka Shiu and Minami Kotori hadn't appeared at that time, he would actually have met the girls in front of him in Akihabara.

Hello, my name is Makishima Saori, Black Cat clan, um, Ruri's good friend.

My name is Kousaka Kirino, and this is not the first time we have met.

Because of his height, Kosaka Kirino could only raise his head to look at Masamune with great difficulty, but his eyes were still full of scrutiny.

She remembered it very clearly. At that time, she had no choice but to be dragged into the store competition by Wu Geng Liuli. In the end, it turned out that Zhengzong teamed up with another woman and beat her, so she could not get it. My favorite Meruru figure.

Just on this matter, the two sides are incompatible with each other!

Ahem, let's go in and take a look first.

Saori Makishima is also the administrator of the online community Otaku Gathering, and she also pays great attention to the atmosphere.

After discovering the strange atmosphere between Masamune and Kosaka Kirino, he immediately took the initiative to help ease the atmosphere.

Walking in, at first glance, there are so many tricks inside. The most popular one is naturally the latest VR experience. You can control the car to drive, or directly shoot in VR. However, during the summer vacation, here is There are naturally a lot of people.

The three girls just glanced at the people queuing up there and left spontaneously.

After arriving at the game arcade, Kirino Kosaka, who seemed to be a little concerned about her image, was now more excited than anyone else.

As if on a pilgrimage, I came to an old-style large arcade. As a classic fighting game, it still exists in District 11 even now.

Because Kirino Kosaka has always had to hide the fact that he is an otaku in front of his family and classmates, he has always only heard about arcades and these fighting games. At most, he only played them on the PC and transplanted them. Yes, not satisfying at all.

At this moment, in front of these friends who know everything about it, I can start to have fun.

He winked at Wu Geng Liuli excitedly. Although the two had an authentic relationship, they still became a different kind of good friends.

Two out of three games, the two of them had a good time for a while.

Although Kosaka Kirino was very strong, facing a high-level player like Gogeng Ruri, she was still a little behind. When she reached the back, she even jumped forward excitedly.

Even with the long skirt, you can still see her perky buttocks.

All I can say is that she is worthy of being a model. Just seeing it, Zhengzong couldn't help but think about what kind of supreme enjoyment it would be if he could press output directly like this.

Kosaka Kirino.

Zhengzong thought about this name silently in his heart.

Thanks to Liuli this time, Kiritong had a great time.

Not knowing what the men around her were thinking, Saori Makishima was looking at the two guys having fun in front of her with satisfaction.

He didn't forget to put the food directly into the gashapon machine in front of him, and then drew the gashapon in front of him.

It seems that he has set his sights on a favorite prop, and at this moment he fully demonstrates what it means to be passionate.

He kept stuffing coins into it, hoping that the gashapon he would pull out would be suitable for him.

It's just two people playing games, so the happiness is doubled.

But no, Wu Geng Liuli, this guy, deliberately arranged to ask Zhengzong out, and then showed off his love in front of other friends she knew, but now he is so happy that he can't find the answer.

If it weren't for the fact that the four of us had played together for a day yesterday, but had no problem holding Wu Geng Liuli in front of two other girls with their own characteristics, he would have doubted whether his black cat had some lily tendencies.

No, it's not. It's just that there are some things that I'm not comfortable saying. Ever since what happened some time ago, we have all been very worried about Xiaotongtong. This time, the Black Cat can call us while playing with you. , probably just to make him happy.

Listening to Makishima Saori's words, Masamune became more and more curious about what was going on. He wanted to ask, but Makishima Saori put his index finger directly in front of his mouth.

It's a secret, if Mrs. Xiaotongtong doesn't want to tell it.

Saori Makishima retracted her hand shyly, but fortunately her panicked eyes were covered by her glasses.

Sometimes, Saori, you are really kind and considerate. I really envy the person who will marry you in the future.

Looking at this girl who is already 1.8 meters tall but looks like a deer bumping into each other, I am really excited.

To be honest, sometimes being too tall is also a problem. For example, when she wants to find a suitable girl, it is really not easy to find a girl with a perfect height difference.

No, no more.

He took a step back in panic, but accidentally stepped on the gashapon box next to him, and fell to the ground unnaturally.


Seeing that Saori Makishima was about to fall, Masamune naturally stretched out his hand to pull him over.

The girl was naturally not light due to her size, but that was how it seemed to Zhengzong. However, this time, Zhengzong's thoughts turned and he did not stabilize her. Instead, he directly pulled her into his arms with force, and then twisted his body. becomes its directly underneath.


Closing her eyes, the expected pain did not come through. Saori Makishima opened her eyes in confusion, but what she saw was Masamune's cheek so close at hand.

The two of them were in an extremely ugly state at the moment, just straddling Zhengzong's body, and more importantly, Chun was with them at the moment.

Didn't it mean that if they bumped into each other, they would just bump their noses! ! ! Why are our lips touching now?

My head was empty all of a sudden, but various things were constantly echoing in my mind.

Zhengzong's hand that grasped his wrist was still warm at this moment, and his heart was beating rapidly, as if a strange emotion was rising.

Are you okay?

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