Just if you spend money, you don’t know how long it will take.

Compared to that, it's just a house.

Things that can be settled with money are not a problem for Zhengzong.

It's a great deal to find a house for two people, and also because the furniture arrangement and so on can also involve an experience.

And now that I have a house, I can have fun.

Although places like the rooftop equipment room, office, and health room are more interesting, they are no longer interesting after too many experiences.

Sure enough, the most interesting thing is to play casually and interestingly in your own room.

Then it's settled, we'll go after the summer vacation.

I don't want a lot of women to gather together, even if the problem can be suppressed by then.

Masamune doesn't need to do anything else, just lie in bed every day.


After playing with the two satisfied girls, Zhengzong, who had nothing to do, left directly.

The time at noon is still a bit short, but that’s all.

Are you still trying to cause trouble?

After waving to the two girls and watching them leave, Zhengzong looked towards the corner.

Sagami Minami still held a camera in his hand, looking timid.

Give me those videos and we're done, or else.

Sagami Minami tried to muster up the courage and threatened Masamune.

Thinking that all the videos he had at that time were at Masamune's, Sagami Minami couldn't sleep well.

Then what?

He took a step forward and grabbed his camera first.

The content inside was very simple. Miura and Isshiki had already changed their clothes on the rooftop before coming out. Except for a slightly red face, Sagami Minami didn't take any pictures at all.

You still want to threaten me like this? What's the problem with announcing it directly? If you want to know how to make a video, then come with me.

Sagami Minami gritted his teeth, and after struggling for a long time, he walked up with the idea that there was nothing he couldn't throw away anyway.

When he discovered that Sagami Minami was still following him, Masamune was a little confused as to what to do.

After discovering Sagami Minami's inferior tracking method, he was certain that the person who took the photo of him at that time was definitely not Sagami Minami.

Just this tracking trick.

There is no need for Masamune, including Hiratsuka Shizu and Yukinoshita Yukino, they can all spot the sneaky figure.

In other words, there was someone else who was secretly observing and following him.

Under such circumstances, Masamune himself had become much less concerned about Sagami Minami.

Theoretically, it should stop immediately.

After all, this guy was just a poor unlucky guy, and he was the one who wronged Sagami Minami at that time.

But when he thought about the various postures tied to Sagami Minami for the first time, Masamune was a little moved.

To put it simply, it is a dispute between the conscience and the evil thoughts in the heart that quickly dissipated after being indulged by the girls one after another.

Let him struggle with how to deal with Sagami Minami.

Moto Masamune stared at him with his vicious and greedy eyes (from Sagami Minami's perspective), and Sagami Minami was under great pressure.

Since what happened before, Sagami Minami no longer has any expectations for potential stocks like Masamune.

He clearly knows that the best thing to do is to stay away from Zhengzong. It is even best if he can transfer to another school and escape from Chiba far away. Then everything will be fine.

But in the end, he still couldn't help but get closer to Zhengzong, and it was even hard to explain what he was thinking.

Tell me, tell me, what do you want me to do before you delete those videos?

Yes, we can't let this guy seize his weakness like this, so the video must be deleted, and it is understandable to sacrifice something for this.

Can I do anything?

In Zhengzong's mind, he recalled the photos of rope art in an instant.

Of course it is impossible for Megumi Kato to continue playing.

Megumi is as beautiful as a picture, and when I saw the rope marks on Kato Megumi’s skin, Masamune felt a little distressed.

As for Sagami Minami, she didn't have any good feelings in her previous life, but in this life, she seems to belong to a pretty girl, and she doesn't have much real obsession, so she can just play casually.

Come on, have you seen this kind of photo? As long as you obediently let me tie you up and play with it one more time, I will delete the photo?

Zheng Zheng's tone suddenly changed.

Sagami Minami's face quickly turned red, but deep down she was unsatisfied with excitement.

It seemed that the pain when the belt was tied was recalled in my body.

I said, you're not a pervert, are you?

Zhengzong looked at the guy's suddenly red face and asked with a smirk.

Hey, Luosuo, you are the pervert, your whole family is perverts, remember, you must abide by the agreement, otherwise I will fight with you.

Sagami Minami lowered his head and said in humiliation. He lowered his head and looked like he was letting him do whatever he wanted.

Just as he finished speaking, Zhengzong pounced on him.

Okay, the photos have been deleted, but today's video is not included.

Ignoring Sagami Minami's pained expression.

After pulling the rope off with force, Masamune said leisurely and motioned to Sagami Minami with his cell phone.

But, look at the ripples on your face, haha.

He took a picture of Sagami Minami's face with his mobile phone.

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