Covering her baby, Wei Nai didn't know the real situation, she just thought it was because of the serious injury.

Actually, it's possible. As long as Wei Nai is like this, she can help me cure it.

While the girl was panicking, Zhengzong grabbed her directly and wrapped his fingers tightly around the back of the girl's hand.

Big hands wrapped around small hands.

No, no, it can't be like this.

Obviously, she and Zhengzong have experienced more embarrassing situations before, but at this moment, Vinay is still acting as cute as before.

Compared to Gabriel, who could endure his weirdness and listen to a game for the sake of possible meal tickets in the future, Vinay is a real angel.

But you see, it is because of your little hands, Vinay, that I got better. My hope is you, Vinay. Are you going to be so heartless? After giving me hope just now, you are giving me hope again. Despair, you know, something like this is very likely to make me go to the other extreme in anger. When I go to hell, I may still be able to say that it is all because of a demon named Vinay. It has become like this, oh, by the way, Vinay, you are a devil yourself, you must be like this on purpose.

Feeling the girl's red earrings slowly aroused her emotions.

Extraordinary creatures like demons are much more troublesome to deal with than normal humans.

Well, stop talking, I'll just do it. You're not allowed to do it.

Blushing so red that she was about to bleed, Vinay faced Zhengzong who had already pulled away the towel.

I tried to open my eyes, just like the students in the afternoon class who were opening and closing their eyes as if they were fighting a sandman. Their eyelids were opening and closing, which was very interesting.

Don't worry, I'll just touch it. It's more effective this way.

You, you said yes.

It's okay, I'm right at the door,

Well, this is the end, I won't compromise anymore.

Please, I'll just give it a try. It'll be quick.

Zhengzong, you're a big liar! You've just agreed!

Wei Nai complained twice. As the exercise with Zhengzong intensified, she was already out of breath and dripping with sweat.

I finally 'cured' someone, but I couldn't care less about talking anymore.

Well, senior, you will definitely forgive me. This, this pineapple bread is for you.

Woof, woof woof.

The angel's lackey, although he didn't understand what was going on.

But since Satania is like this here, the puppy is also barking very spiritually.

I just don’t know if I’m apologizing, or if I’m just getting ready for the pineapple bread that Satania offered.

At this moment, Satania was so pitiful that she put an unopened pineapple bread directly on her head, and then knelt down in front of Masamune and apologized.

Because of the brain's protective mechanism, after seeing something terrifying that was completely beyond her imagination, Satania fell directly into a self-protective coma.

When I woke up, I had automatically filtered out a lot of things, but I finally realized that I had done something wrong.

Although he is an idiot, he also knows that he should take the initiative to apologize after doing something wrong.

No, after waking up, poor Satania took out her most cherished pineapple bread.

At one time, in order to protect it, Satania even had to show her identity as a great demon to the outside world. She walked cautiously every day and faced off against the terrifying abyss monsters and the fallen angel lackeys.

Although she was ruthlessly snatched away every time, it can also be seen that Satania attaches great importance to pineapple bread.

But at this moment, in order to express his apology to Zhengzong, he still took it out.

When I think about it, just because I have to feed this recovered puppy, I am missing half of the pineapple bread, and I have to share some with Masamune.

Satania just wanted to cry.

Masamune, who was originally in a good mood because Vinay-chan had accomplished the first demonic achievement in his life, now became interested when he saw Satania looking so pitiful.

The palm of his hand was raised, and the shadow shrouded it, making the stupid demon with his eyes looking at the ground couldn't help but close his eyes.

As her head sank, Satania seemed to be able to hear her pineapple bread being crushed by the big hand.

The beautiful golden surface was damaged by someone.

Just today, Satania felt like she was about to shed tears.

Okay! I will bully Satania.

Xiu stared.

Vinay came out and pulled Satania over.

As a demon, his physical strength is obviously much stronger than that of a normal girl. He has experienced so many things just now, but now he is full of energy.

After seeing the ferocious face of a certain man, it was also a different kind of relationship that created a negative distance. Now I am not angry at Zhengzong at all.

It's okay, Vinay, I was wrong. One person does things and one person takes responsibility. As a future demon king, I admit my mistake this time.

Not to mention, idiot Satania sometimes behaves very responsibly in certain aspects.

He just patted the chest, which had been tested authentically and was indeed very substantial.

Even at this moment, his eyes have never left the pineapple bread in his palm, looking at it as if he were looking at the lover in his dream.

No need, I've already humbled you, and you don't owe anything now.

Pulling Satania over and looking at Zheng Zong warily, Vinay said to Satania.

Is that so?

Satania's eyes lit up and she clutched her pineapple bread tightly, unwilling to let go of her arms.

Watching Satania's behavior speechlessly.

It looked like this guy was still focusing on the so-called pineapple bread, as if he wasn't paying attention to anything else.

Jean Vinay didn't know what to say.

This idiot, she really doubted that if someone tempted her with pineapple bread in the future, he might be pregnant without even knowing what was going on.

He was complaining crazily in his heart, but halfway through, Wei Nai's face turned pale, and she looked angrily at Zhengzong, who was smiling and looking at the conversation between the two.

If she really wants to get pregnant, she will be the first one.

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