Kato Megumi said with some confusion. I was a little happy, but Zheng Zong's gaze was really too dazzling.

Yeah, I like it very much.

He said directly without any scruples,

Is that so? Then I'll keep wearing it from now on.

No, no need, just give this to me.

In the girl's stunned eyes, Zhengzong said directly.


Zheng Zong, who suddenly stood up, threw him onto the bed.

The man's weight was directly on his body, and an unnatural blush flashed across Kato Megumi's face.

Masamune-kun, what are you doing?

Although the voice was still very calm, Zheng Zong could hear the faint vibrating sound inside.

It's nothing, I just feel that being led by you all the time makes me very uncomfortable.

As he spoke, Masamune began to take the initiative to help Kato Megumi take off the white silk stockings underneath.

It was dangling in front of the girl, mainly because of the location of the footprints.

Want to say something? Xiaohui.

Masamune asked.

Rescuing a female classmate who was sexually harassed, and then being accidentally left with footprints by a bad guy.

Kato Kei tilted her head, unnaturally avoiding Masamune's hot breath, and thought for a while before saying.

You know? Xiaohui, you are actually like this, which makes me very uncomfortable.

Looking at Megumi Kato, Masamune let out a long sigh.


He is always so unhurried and unhurried, always so calm, which makes people feel heart-warming, but at the same time, he always has a feeling of being restrained.

Masamune sighed.

Zhuge Hui, Sage Hui, or something else.

You can probably see Kato Megumi’s character and way of doing things.

Simply looking at it as a whole, this kind of character is very interesting and feels great.

But when we really start to get along, especially Zhengzong, he is never satisfied. He hopes to have a good harem and treat every girl as his final wing.

Megumi Kato seemed to be sitting upright on the frosty sky, completely towering over everyone else, which made Masamune feel a little uncomfortable. However, the girl was so gentle that Masamune couldn't get angry even if he wanted to.


Just like now, I have obviously pounced on you, Xiao Hui, but you actually show a little normal fear and surprise, but it's just such calmness that makes me feel like I've punched cotton.

So, what should I do?

...Then let me teach you, Xiaohui.

Picking up the white silk stockings, he slowly untied the clothes with his palms.

Seeing that the girl was still so calm, Zhengzong was not in a hurry, but started slowly.

Many thanks to Minami Sagami for her kind writing.

At this moment, Masamune tied up Kato Megumi with ease and skill.

Without causing any trauma to the girl's skin, it has been tied up in a technical way.

The hands and feet are now tied from the back and feet of the bed.

At this moment, the girl couldn't move at all, because of the high level of authentic restraint skills. This did not cover the girl's beauty at all, but instead highlighted it more and more.

I have never been appreciated like this before. It seems that the blood is rushing up because of the rope.

It turns out that our Saint classmate is not good at all.

Masamune's index finger passed in front of Kato Megumi's face.

He thought that this guy was aloof, but it turned out that it was just because he couldn't express himself.

In comparison, Yukinoshita Yukino, who looks like a snow girl, is simply weak.

He forcefully opened the girl's mouth and looked at the surprised look on her face as she tasted her own taste. A trace of comfort flashed across Zheng Zheng's face.

The more mediocre his performance was in the past, the more Megumi Kato's performance now gives him a contrasting sense of accomplishment.

Then, Xiaohui, you have to work hard next. There is no one at home, so you can rest assured. Don't be afraid of embarrassment.

Seeing Kato Ena's eyes staring at him, Masamune gently closed it with his gentle hands.


That's it.

Using a marker, I drew the last stroke of the straight character on the girl's inner tui.

Having had enough of the addiction, Masamune reluctantly separated from Kato Megumi. With a tug of his hand, he broke all the silk threads that bound the girl.

Then he took a pillow from the side and placed it under the girl's body to make it easier for her to absorb.

He had never done this even to Sagami Minami.

However, looking at Kato Megumi who always remained so calm, Masamune decided to help Kato Megumi awaken first, let's talk about what is a woman's interest.

Unfold the quilt from the side and help the girl cover it.

Then he put away the piece of red cloth that had been used as a cushion as a victory gift for another slashing attack.

As Zheng Zong, who has long been accustomed to winning at girls' homes, he is naturally experienced.

Now except for Kato Megumi's somewhat embarrassed appearance and the hair stuck to his forehead, there is nothing else that can be seen.

So Xiaohui, do you understand now? What I want you to do.

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