The kind that touches you gently, and then you narrow your eyes in satisfaction after being touched by coldness and sweetness at the same time.

Zhengzong didn't expect that Yinglili actually had such a side.

And he couldn't help but think of Sayuri who liked to eat the snacks he sent over like a little squirrel.

Mother and daughter have different looks when eating. It would be great if one day we could call both of them together in front of us.

I was thinking in my heart, obviously I already have a combination of Yui and Mrs. Yuigahama, but at this moment, I can't help but think in other directions.

Okay, okay, no matter what it is, I'm here to help you, but at least tell me what's going on first, otherwise how can I help you.

Zheng Zong asked, coming out this time was actually Ying Lili's request a long time ago.

In addition to playing games with him, coming out this time is also a requirement.

Ying Lili's pretty face turned red. Her attitude was originally normal, but now she became squeamish.

Compared with the shame and anger caused by various accidents before and Zhengzong, Yinglili at this moment is equally touching.

Seeing such a scene, Zhengzong narrowed his eyes slightly and made a rough guess.

'This look must be about a certain guy. I brought Shiyu and Kato here before. Let's be a good player this time. Eiriri, you can only be under me sooner or later. ’

In his previous life, he was very disdainful of An Yilun's situation of having many girls causing trouble, and there were even claims that An Yilun was politically correct and so on.

Although Zhengzong at this moment actually did something more excessive, the butt determines the head.

That's it. I hang on to girls without making promises, so I want to make everyone happy. Guys like An Yilun are just wasting resources and just die holding their two-dimensional girls.

Shivering, Yinglili looked around with some doubts, and finally looked at the ice cream in her hand regretfully and gave it up.

The girl's health is not very good and she takes leave almost once a month.

I was afraid that it would be bad for my health, so I regretfully gave up on ice cream.

Well, even if I join a club in school, I don't mean to go there. It's just a guy I know who insists on asking me to come in. He is so pitiful, so I can only help him temporarily. The other party wants to make a game, and in addition to me as the artist, there is also a girl who does the copy design.”

Yinglili coyly explained in front of Zhengzong.

I originally wanted to explain it later, after all, it is still possible to meet in the future.

Just looking at Zhengzong's face that suddenly stopped smiling, his original words changed.

Originally, there was nothing left in our team, but the girl in charge of copywriting suddenly left because of something. As a result, the boy couldn't make progress at all, and he went to the girl who left to ask for permission every day, so... ..”

So you can't stand the attitude of boys who insist on asking for help from girls who are responsible for copywriting, so you came to me out of anger and jealousy. Do you want to explain the problem?

I deeply understand that Eiri is a arrogant loser, and that the other party will learn to run backward before the terminal, and will not have any unnecessary contact at all. Masamune's originally somewhat bad attitude has also become It's getting better.

It’s still early anyway, isn’t it?

Yes, but I was either jealous or felt that the girl was so arrogant. Even though the guy had begged like that, he still didn't want to come back, so I got angry and told them that I would find the famous Izumi Masamune here. The teacher comes to help.”

Yinglili was a little embarrassed when she said this, looking at Zhengzong flatteringly, her blue sky-blue eyes raised.

It was a bluer color than the sky at this moment.

It was different from the situation between the two of them just now, where Masamune apologized for his previous bad reaction and tried to please him.

It can be said that Xian Lai's attitude has changed drastically.

After all, according to the character of the people in District 11, they are not willing to ask others for help under normal circumstances.

Under normal circumstances, if something like this really happens, it will be a very serious matter.

For Eiri, who behaves like a perfect young lady and has a arrogant personality, this kind of begging is also due to Masamune's unusual relationship with his mother Sayuri, otherwise she would not ask at all.

At this moment, Yinglili was really risking her life.

She tried to look pitiful, hoping that Zheng Zong could help her.

At that time, because she was really angry, she said it in front of everyone.

If a guy with a sales volume of only 500,000 copies can be proud of himself, I will find you a copy with a sales volume of 10 million copies.

The thought of how loudly she raised her chest and raised her head to promise her made her so proud. If something went wrong now, it would be really embarrassing.

She was vaguely aware of it, and for some reason, Zhengzong's attitude had not been very enthusiastic since he mentioned the request just now. Yinglili really felt a little guilty.

It's just a matter of going. If it doesn't satisfy you, you can refuse directly. You don't have to care about my face.

Yinglili lowered her head in disappointment and whispered.

Okay, don't worry. Since it's Yinglili who's requesting it, how could I refuse? Let's go and have a look soon.

Her head sank, feeling the big warm hands dangling on her head, Yinglili raised her head and looked at Zhengzong in surprise.


Compared to the happy girl, Zheng Zong's mood was a bit weird. Why did he feel that the way he and Ying Lili got along was getting weirder and weirder.

Follow Yinglili and walk forward.

By the way, how many people are in your club now?

Masamune asked curiously. Shiwa mainly played with Sagiri, and the two of them spent most of the time applauding and discussing the plot of the book, while Kato Megumi, um, Masamune couldn't even remember when the two met.

Anyway, I really don’t know much about the situation of their club.

Including the guy who quit, it's two, no, three people.

Yinglili changed her words in a panic and almost forgot about someone.

By the way, because I was too angry at the time, I said it directly in front of the club members. Therefore, the girl who quit and our heroine prototype actually said that they wanted to come and see you.

Yinglili clapped her hands and said to Zhengzong.

...Yinglili, when you speak in the future, can you finish the sentence in one go?

Looking at the black space not far away, which seemed to be able to absorb everything, Zhengzong took a long breath.

Well, what's going on? Do I really have a cold? Why is it always so cold?

Yinglili shuddered.

It was weird just now, but now I still have this problem, I really don’t know what’s going on.

He couldn't help but exert a little force as he grabbed Zhengzong's arm.

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