I don't know how long it took, but all the traces of the cloth strips on my body were gone.

Zhengzong pinched it casually.

Compared with the previous pain, the actions at this moment seemed very insignificant, but for Sagami Minami, who had just experienced what he had just experienced, the conditioned reflex made Sagami Minami feel so comfortable that he almost wanted to cry out.

She should obviously hate this man, but as the original pain on her body disappeared, it seemed that only the genuine warmth remained in her body now.

The warm feeling made her excited and intoxicated.

Unconsciously, she originally wanted not to be embarrassed, but at this moment she raised her body slightly, like a pet, actively approaching her master, and the target on this side was the palm of Zhengzong's right hand at this moment.

Such an initiative made Zhengzong very speechless, thinking of the guy's behavior in front of him just now.

Although it has its own physical impact.

But being able to take the initiative to bump into him in his current state.

Sagami Minami is indeed a pervert.

Although he was thinking wildly in his heart, Zhengzong didn't do anything more, but helped him put on his clothes.

Be good, or you can become famous.

Looking at Sagami Minami's face as pale as snow, Masamune just stood up.

Walked out directly.

After hesitating for a moment, Masamune called his junior schoolmate Ishiroha.

See if there's anything else on her side.

In the morning, Ruri and Nanami were both shy. They hurriedly prepared fast food and left. Masamune's breakfast was not ready yet.

There isn't much time for lunch break because I spent a lot of time playing with Minami Sagami. As a result, even if I go to the supermarket now, I can't buy anything.

On Yui's side, her body is now full of the smell of other girls, according to little Yui's nose.

At present, before the relationship with Yukino is settled, I feel that something will happen.

As for the reason why I wanted to find Ishiroha.

On the rooftop, Masamune was sitting on a bench, and Iroha was holding a lunch box, which was full of various sumptuous lunches.

It's much better than the ordinary lunch boxes or other breads sold at the school on the other side.

Senior, open your mouth.

Ishiroha said softly, holding the tempura with the chopsticks in his hand, and directly handed it to Masamune's mouth to eat.

Watching Masamune eat it, the smile on Ishiroha's face was completely irrepressible and brilliant.

You idiot, you really spoiled him.

The muffled voice came continuously, showing the dissatisfaction of the owner of the other voice at this moment.

Okay, I know it's not easy for Miura-senpai. After a while, let's switch to senior-senpai.

Ichiroha was still smiling happily.


With a muffled voice, Miura Yuko was directly held down by Masamune, unable to speak.

Senior, I prepared it early. When I found out that my senior went out without bringing anything, and there was no one eating at his usual place, I specially left my lunch box for a while. I didn't expect that he had The senior is really here.

Watching the interaction between Masamune and Miura, Ishiroha also explained thoughtfully.

So I was very considerate. I ate Yumiko's bento, so I also reciprocated by giving her something to eat and drink. This is much healthier than the bento.

Listening to Masamune's words, Miura Yuko was embarrassed and wanted to tell Masamune that she was not someone to be trifled with, but in the end she could not bring herself to do so.



It's because of you who spoiled me like this that I became what I am now.

Enjoying the attentive service of the two girls, I thought of my more and more casual and irritable actions when dealing with Sagami Minami just now.

Zhengzong sighed for a long time.

Is that so? Then continue to be spoiled by us and don't leave in the future.

Caiyu's voice became softer and softer, and she took the initiative to lean closer.

In the afternoon, all classes have ended.

I just had a private lesson from a female teacher in the office of my beloved teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka.

I haven't had time to communicate with Yukino Yui, nor have I had time to experience the superb service of Iroha Miura, two guys who are secretly eager to try.

Or go and see Sagami Minami, who has been silent for two full days since the incident happened, to see what's going on.

I feel like there are a lot of things in life that I haven't had time to do yet, and I have been called directly by a phone call at this moment.

So, what exactly do you want me to do?

Zhengzong looked at the girl in front of him with a headache, and was pulled forward by her.

What, you don't even want to go out for a walk with me?

The blond twin ponytails took on a delicate arc as the girl turned her head suddenly.

Zhengzong didn't speak. He always felt that if he had any opinions at this moment, that cute little Huya would tell him what a girl's anger is.

Although the final result of anger is very likely that Yingli will cry sadly and help herself to bleed to the end.

But when he thought about what he would face when the time came, with Sayuri's angry face, Zhengzong felt a little soft-hearted.

I don't mind, but don't you think it feels like a date?

Zheng Zong pointed to his arm. At this moment, Xiao Zuo, who has been with him all his life, was being held by Ying Lili.

It's very hot, it's summer after all.

And as for other things, such as the so-called soft and oppressive feeling, this kind of thing is completely impossible.

In fact, it's hard for you to feel anything when a normal girl hugs you. Unless it's as terrifying as Erkoa's size, you can reverse it and turn the impossible comic plot into normal.

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