The last time I was at the door, if my body had not become abnormal, I was almost suffocated to death. I didn't feel deeply at that time, but now I can really see it.

Wait, wait, no, this is too rude. How can you do this?

As a dragon, Erkoa's normal cognitive outlook is somewhat different from that of humans. For example, she occasionally provides some benefits, and she can cooperate with Sagiri and Hinata. For example, the actions just now, in her opinion , that is, nothing.

But they were all facing the same girls. Still very conservative most of the time.

The last time Zheng Zong spoke, it had already made him very uncomfortable, and now he actually wanted to let him fuck him.

What do you think I am!

The narrowed eyes were opened directly at this moment, revealing the golden dragon eyes, but before he could react, Zhengzong had already taken action.

The hands that could easily tear the so-called warrior into pieces had no strength at this moment.

The body that could shake up another world with just a slight turn could only be easily suppressed by the man.

His head hit the cold floor hard, and Erkoa sighed deeply in his heart, looking at the man sitting on top of him.

I must be crazy.

Just like many people thought before and in the future, Erkoya let out a long sigh.

With a pair of beautiful eyes wide open, she stared blankly at the thing that she used to be proud of, but now it was marked as a man's thing. Erkoya, a woman who always showed the maturity of a normal person, was extremely ashamed at this moment.


He weakly supported his head. It was clear that his body condition had improved, but Erkoya felt that the fever was getting worse.

You two guys, why don't you hurry up and help me?

He turned his head and looked at Sagiri and Hinata who were whispering in the corner.

Erkoya was also a little angry that these two human cubs were still watching the fun.

Know it.

Hinata has no fear of Alkoa, a woman who has always lived in her home.

He even directly pulled Erkoya to help.

You know, even if it's not a direct copy of the actual situation.

It's just a reference to the things inside, and I probably have a clear understanding of what it means to draw a new character directly in the future.

Even if it doesn't have any bad effects, it is still very difficult for many girls to accept.

After all, most people still have a repulsive attitude towards notebooks.

Just like a certain Ivy actor, it seems that he has become a profession, and it is still a dream, but you must know that there are only a few professions in total, this is definitely the bottom line.

Otherwise, Yinglili would not work so hard to hide her true identity.

Even Kasumigaoka Shiu, a guy who has always tried hard to please his sister-in-law, maintained a disapproval attitude when it came to Sagiri's selection of materials.

Therefore, Sagiri and Hinata are actually quite grateful to Alkoa, so they are not afraid at this moment.

After hearing what he said, he came over directly.

The two people stood on the left and right beside Erkoya, looking at Erkoya lying on the clothes at this moment.

When I was playing with Masamune, I had a similar situation, but now looking at the scale of Erkoa, I have a feeling that my past performance is really nothing.

After looking at the performance of Brother Zhengzong and Sister Erkoa, it's actually pretty good. It's true that Sagiri is not charming enough, so Brother Zhengzong is no longer interested.

After carefully analyzing Alkoa's situation, Hinata nodded.


Seeing the scale of Erkoya, Sagiri was a little distressed.

Although he is still young and still has a lot of potential for growth, Erkoya is terrifying.

She wanted to express that I couldn't do it.

However, I suddenly feel that I am very inspired now.

A girl's depression goes as quickly as it comes.

Sagiri soon stopped thinking about these things, and looked at Erkoya with bright eyes.

Hey, hey, that's enough for you! Come on, give me a hand.

Erkoa said that he really hated naughty children the most.

In the morning, I met Yui who was still waiting there, and then Masamune transferred to the apartment on the other side.

Recent progress has been rapid due to the relationship with the service department.

No one knows what agreement Yukino and Yui have made.

Anyway, Masamune now has a mission every morning, which is to pick up Yukino after seeing Yui.

Although it is a lot of trouble for it.

But in the end, Zhengzong chose to accept it because of the beautiful faces of the two girls.

In addition to taking a shower every morning, you must also pay attention to physical contact.

And the fact that you can't easily be late for fun gives Masamune a headache.

Otherwise, facing Erkoa today, it would be impossible to just play like that and end it.

A man's thoughts are always limited only by his body.

Actual ambition can embrace all things and will never be satisfied.

As for whether he will be late, on the other hand, Zhengzong has a very good relationship with his Mediterranean class teacher.

Everyone knows each other as a friend.

Its name is Fukuzawa Yukichi.

Masamune knows Fukuzawa Yukichi, and he comes and goes when called. Mediterranean knows Fukuzawa Yukichi, and he is his well-behaved little loyal dog.

Adhering to the simple and universal logical relationship that friends of friends are friends.

So Authentic also knows the Mediterranean.

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