In the study, riding Nan Dao, Zhengzong held down this good guy who was excited because he suddenly heard his daughter's name, and Zhengzong continued to speak calmly.

I didn’t expect that I would play a lot.

In the past, he was the one who set things up to deepen his relationship with other women. This time, it was his turn to be hit by a phone call.

Hey, aren't you still training recently, so I can't have a good date with Masamune-kun?

Nan Xiaoniao explained with a guilty conscience.

Cute girls are always very bad at lying.

It was also because they were separated by the phone, otherwise they would all have been exposed.

Recently I can't be with Zhengzong.

In addition to the fact that the LOVELIVE competition has begun to come to an end, another reason is that her mother, Minami Kazuko, seems to have begun to suspect that she is in love recently.

Nanhiwako was very strict on weekdays. She finally worked overtime a few times to finish training with her friends, and wanted to hang out with Masamune. However, she was blocked by her mother, saying that there was something she needed to do.

Several times, it was such a coincidence every time, and Nan Xiaoniao was not stupid.

He soon realized that his mother had done it on purpose, and the big reason was that she had been asking him sideways recently if there was any boy he had a crush on.

And all this time, as a good baby, I listened to my mother's words and insisted that I would not find a suitable boy until I matured mentally.

At this moment, facing my mother's investigation, I have to try hard not to expose myself and Zhengzong's affairs, and it is also very hard to hide it.

For a well-behaved child, she felt the thrill of doing bad things.

It was also today that because her mother suddenly went out for something and had not come back yet, Nan Xiaoniao was able to seize the opportunity to have a good phone conversation with Zhengzong.

Didn't I come to you as soon as I had time?

The kind little bird regards all this as its own fault, and now obediently explains to Zhengzong.

Yeah, come to me as soon as you have time. Do you know that without the birds to eat, I will almost die.

The right hand is holding the mobile phone, and the left hand is directly pressing the head of Minami Kazuko who is trying to struggle.

There are no small birds, but there are still big birds. It is really awesome and makes people die on it.

Yeah, it was my fault. I shouldn't have done it. I was at fault.

His face turned red.

He Zhengzong also finished a lot of cheese, and he didn't understand what the man meant when he said there were no birds to eat.

His right leg, which was still swinging around, stopped at this moment.

Huddled in the quilt, moving unconsciously.

If Masamune is purely a psychological thought, then Nan Xiaotiao, who has been poisoned by the name of Masamune, is really looking forward to and longing for it.

Then, how about Masamune-kun, let's spend this weekend. Honoka and the others will find a place in the school for extra rehearsals on the weekends. After the rehearsals, we will be able to work hard. Then we can be together well. Well, that's it. ”

The voice gets quieter and quieter.

Although I am looking forward to it, I am still shy to say it directly.

What the girl didn't know was that Zhengzong on the other side had directly turned on the microphone.

The voice that he thought was very small was heard clearly in Minamiwako's ears.

Okay, I will go and play with our cute little bird when I have time, but I miss you too now. What should I do? Can you let me take a good look at you?

Masamune asked.

Nan Xiaoniao was also very well-behaved, and immediately agreed with a smile, and then called again, this time via video chat.

In the picture, Nan Xiaotiao's cute face can be seen clearly.

From the looks of it, he had just taken a shower and was currently in bed.

Masamune-kun, why haven't I seen you? Also, what is that sound? It's so strange.

Just when Nan Hiwako was so scared that she almost lost her wits, Nan Xiaotiao asked doubtfully.

Ah, this? I accidentally dropped my phone on the ground, and the front camera was broken, but I haven't had time to buy a new phone yet. As for the sound, I'm riding a horse outside right now, a very disobedient mother. horse.

Covering that with his fingers, Masamune explained.

I see, Masamune-kun, you have to be careful. Don't be sad about the mobile phone. Let's go to Akihabara to pick it up together.

Like a little angel, Nan Xiaotiao continued to comfort Masamune.

Okay, but, little birdie, I find that I miss you even more when I see your image. Why don't you do a few more poses in front of me. Just like what we usually do in the hotel.

Looking at Minami Kazuko who felt relieved at this moment, Masamune said deliberately.

Today, I want to crush all your self-esteem.

Ah? Is that so? Okay, but you can't take screenshots. Masamune-kun is good at everything, but he always likes to take photos of embarrassing things.

Nan Xiaoniao originally wanted to refuse, but thinking of the fact that she had been neglecting her boyfriend for a while, she didn't say anything else.

Then start following the authentic instructions.

Because I am used to all kinds of authentic ways to play in hotels on weekdays.

So at this moment, although the girl's face is a little shy, she can still let go.

Not to mention that Nan Xiaotiao, who had not communicated with Zhengzong for a long time, was actually a little moved, so when faced with Zhengzong's ridiculous order, he had no idea of ​​​​rejecting it.

At this moment, he showed quite enthusiasm.

I saw Nan Xiaoniao in the video blinking his amber eyes, as if he could see Zhengzong through here.

It seems a bit clumsy to be able to untie the clothes with only one hand, but the more so, the more cute the girl looks.

Nanhi Kazuko, who had been frightened by the movement just now, now had her eyes widened.

Looking at my daughter on the phone.

The one I grew up watching.

Incomparably innocent and lively, lovely child, beloved daughter.

At this moment, he was actually doing such a ridiculous and shameless action.

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