Okay, I'm kidding, but that's it. People are always full of thoughts of protecting beautiful things, so I want to help Otonogizaka.

Feeling the smooth back of the hand, which was no weaker than Nan Xiaotiao, his fingers traced across it, fleetingly.

Nanhi Kazuko was silent. It was obviously just the sudden rude move, but the feelings hidden in her body seemed to be stirred up by this time.

Masamune-kun, I just want to ask you what you think of my daughter Nan Xiaotiao.

Her fingers were clenched into fists, and her nails were about to sink directly into her palms. After discovering that Masamune actually wanted to change the subject, Minami Kazuko had no choice but to point it out directly and ask.

Is it really because of Nan Xiaotiao?

Moreover, it doesn't look like he has good intentions.

Looking at the solemn-looking lady, Masamune discovered that he was unexpectedly able to read Minami Kazuko's thoughts.

Little Bird. She is a very good girl. I have seen her performance and it is really great. Regarding the small idol group they formed, I agree very much. Maybe in the future, the eleventh district idol world can have them. I think it is necessary to establish a relevant Muse club directly in the school. Every time a new school year graduates, three people can be found from the new first grade. In this way, the old students can lead the new students, but one In a very good way.”

Zhengzong clapped his hands. In his opinion, Muse is really a great combination.

Just 9+9+4 is enough for him.

Every year, suitable girls from Otonogizaka are selected to join, and it will be really great.

Is that so? You actually value the performance of those little girls so much. I'm really touched.

So touched!

Looking at Zhengzong's enthusiastic look and his expectations for his muse group.

If she hadn't seen the things her daughter bought before, as well as the smell that had obviously been washed and covered up when she came back several times at night, and the sight of strawberries, she, Minami Hiwako, would have almost believed your lies!

Are you taking care of your muse? Did your family take care of my daughter and put her to bed?

If it was originally just because of the relationship between her best friend Nishikino Mizubi and Masamune, Minami Kazuko was a little scrupulous, so she was not optimistic about her and her daughter.

So now Minami Kazuko does not approve of Masamune having any contact with her daughter at all.

Zhengzong-kun, let's talk openly. I already know about you.

In a low tone, Nanri Kazuko said directly.

Masamune held his chin in his hand and watched Minami Kazuko's performance in front of him.

Sure enough, he came with bad intentions.

What do you know?

If the distance between the two parties hadn't been too far, he almost thought that the guy spying on him in Sobu High was sent by Nanhi Kazuko.

Ruifei told me about you. To be honest, although I have ideas about my friends, no matter what age they are looking for men, I don't think they will interfere. However, these are all matters that do not involve me. family.

Minami Kazuko took a deep breath.

As a woman living in Tokyo, I have always worked hard outside, so I know a lot about it.

Regarding Zhengzong, whether it is the relationship between his own grandparents or the inexplicable extra Fangcun Aite on this side, his psychology is clear.

The forces on both sides were large enough to shatter the family he had worked so hard to maintain in an instant, but even so, they could not let Zhengzong hurt his only daughter.

So you are talking about Ruifei.

Masamune suddenly realized.

But he forgot about the relationship between Nishikino Mizubi and Minami Kazuko.

Sometimes after experiencing too much, the less important things are almost forgotten.

I thought you were going to deny it.

Why deny it? When I suddenly questioned it just now, I almost thought it was about someone else. After all, there are so many cute people in Otonogizaka, and your daughter is not the only one who has slept with me. And, so what? ?After all, I am not married yet. As an outstanding boy, it should be a very normal thing to pursue multiple girls at different ages at the same time.

Stand up.

He refilled it with tea from the hot water kettle next to the study and cooked it on the chair, Masamune said.

For example, in the entertainment industry, they will care about celebrities' drug abuse and cheating, but have you ever seen reports on celebrities who are in multiple ways? Rarely, because these are just some moral issues.

Being unmarried is the greatest talisman of authenticity.

With his physical advantage, he can make those girls who can't live without him pursue him hard.

While enjoying the full pleasure, he can also use his strength secretly to tell these girls that you should stop trying to monopolize her. If your body can't hold it, just compromise.

Once everyone has taken on his shape from the inside out, the Crystal Palace will feel much better.

Masamune has always been working in this direction, and the current Yukino and Yui have this trend.

I'll tell you the truth, Masamune-kun, although my daughter Nan Xiaotiao is cute and good-looking among her peers, she is too simple and naive because she has not had a father since she was a child, so I have always loved her very much. They are all spoiled and don't know how to consider others at all. For a being like you, if you want to find a beautiful and lovely girl, what kind of woman can't get it, why bother, why do you have to find her to play with?

Listening to Zhengzong's irresponsible speech, Minami Kazuko tried not to overdo her voice and spoke carefully.

Hiyoko, I don't like hearing what you say. There is no one like Kotori-chan that you have said so badly.

Masamune smiled and shook his head.

The little bird is very cute. I really like him. If you have to ask why you chose the little bird, it's probably because he has a good life and is in great health.

Masamune's speech, which was full of rogue connotations, and his evaluation of Minami Kotori, startled Minami Kazuko, and her heart was filled with anger, and she wanted to angrily argue with the man in front of her.

But she soon realized that it was too early to get angry.

Masamune seemed not to notice the angry look in Minami Kazuko's eyes at this moment, and continued speaking, as if the words just mentioned were just casual mentions.

Look, since Nan Xiaoniao is in line with my taste, why should I leave her? Besides, think about it carefully, how many people of the same age are as good as me? You are just a mother after all. I can provide her with care and let her know what maternal love is, but that's all. But I can tell her what love is, and maybe, if the little bird wants it, it includes father's love, and I don't mind. .”

Said casually.

His eyes were cold. From the very beginning, after he came to this world, Zhengzong actually had a feeling of being superior to everyone in this world when facing NPCs.

I know your destiny, and I can easily influence you now.

It allows you to really act like puppets.

In this case, why should we maintain an equal attitude? Just like those guys who clamor all day long that animals also have the right to live.


Later, after Kasumigaoka Shiyu's revelation, after such a long time of actually getting along, whether it was Sagiri, Ruri, or whatever.

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