‘Hmph. What does it mean to eat chicken? I am the ultimate winner. ’

Gabriel on the other side is not as special as the two families, and is still extremely proud at this moment.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes, as if his eyes were about to turn into patterns of gold coins.

Just now, because the matter had nothing to do with me, I didn't study as seriously as Yinglili did.

Therefore, this top student in Heaven unexpectedly discovered early that the voice speaking on the other end was authentic.

She was no longer the kind-hearted little cutie she was when she was still studying at Angel Academy. Gabriel did not stop reminding her.

She vaguely felt that she had found a long-term meal ticket, and she didn't even care that her character had been reduced to a sieve, so she quietly switched the screen and turned on the recording function.

Gabriel, who was just doing nothing for entertainment, although the sound in his ears was very bad and his body felt hot, as if he was about to fall to heaven, but when he saw the files that had been generated on his side, he still couldn't help but hey Smiling.

'How much hush money should I ask that guy for? By the way, that big dog is richer, so I can ask for more. After all, letting a pure holy angel hear such things is better than those who make people fall into heaven. The devil is coming again, you evil guy,'

Gearing up, Gabriel couldn't help but fall into the thought of returning to the Legend Continent when he had enough money to start spending crazy money to defeat the novice rich.

Although it’s not a good idea to cheat all the time, it’s always possible to cheat on purchases for several months.

All you need to do is keep this recording file and send it to someone, and your beautiful life will begin.

Hahaha, Gabriel, come and duel with me.

Just as Gabriel was trapped in his own beautiful life, he was suddenly interrupted.

Satania, who came to Gabriel's house as a guest, discovered that Gabriel had finished playing the game.

Finally, he decided to do something that a devil should do, and ran over happily.

Gabriel had a look of disgust on his face, but then he was dumbfounded, looking at the guy who wanted to show off something to him, but ended up kicking over the guy with Coke next to him.

Because he is lazy, he always puts his laptop on the ground and puts his drinks aside so that he can drink at any time. It is also convenient for him to lie down and play.

Everything is gone at this moment.

My abandoned house happy water, my unlimited free krypton gold tickets, my notebook!

The sky seemed to be darkening at this moment.

Zhengzong, who was holding Liuli in his arms and waiting for her to recover, looked at the top of her head in confusion.

Looking across the roof, he seemed to be able to see the dark clouds suddenly gathering in the sky.

With his current strength, he can also feel something special.

Today's world is still so lively.

Squinting his eyes, still smiling, Erkoa took a sip of his drink.

Erkoa, continue to pose as you are now.

Sagiri next to her waved her paintbrush dissatisfiedly and said.

I have never been able to find any suitable European-style material.

The Erkoa on this side was specially found by Hinata.

Although it was impossible to draw Erkoa directly, and Quetzalcoatl would not allow it, the model was only used as a reference, and it was very good for Sagiri.

Yes Yes Yes.

Glancing at Hinata next to him, Alkoa nodded.

Without leaving any trace, he changed the angle of his slightly agitated legs.

Masamune and Nanami, Masamune and Ruri.

Although the rooms on the second floor are soundproofed, this guy can still hear clearly.

Okay, that's it for today. If we continue like this, the effect will be counterproductive.

He lovingly held Liuli in his arms. The game on this side was over because Gabriel suddenly disconnected. At this moment, Zhengzong was holding Liuli in his arms, feeling a rare peace.

There is nothing that cannot be solved with one shot. If there is, then two shots.

Zhengzong's actions today fully implemented this point.


Liuli didn't say anything. At this moment, she was lying on Zhengzong's heart like a real kitten, unwilling to speak.

It wasn't until the doorbell suddenly sounded downstairs that the silence between the two was interrupted.


Hugging Wu Geng Liuli, Zhengzong asked.

The doorbell downstairs was still ringing.

But the guy who can come at this point should not be too close.

Because I know that the Crystal Palace at home has not been arranged yet.

Therefore, including Miura Yukino Yui and others, they do not know the unknown.

This guy Liuli always likes to be jealous, especially now that he has just experienced the Qingshan Nanhai incident.

Now Zhengzong, who didn't feel guilty at all, directly invited the girl over.

Forget it, I want to take a good rest.

After taking a look at Zhengzong, Wu Geng Liuli was a little moved. However, after the double chicken-eating trip just now, Wu Geng Liuli, who had almost exhausted all his strength, expressed that the bed was more comfortable.

He grabbed the girl's hair and kneaded it into a mess in his anger. Zhengzong stood up with satisfaction and walked down.

When he opened the door, it was not the expected Izumi Kyoka, nor the Kasumigaoka Shiu who might come over, but another person.

So, Chairman Nan, what are you here to do?

Zheng Zong asked, frowning and looking at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him.

I was just a little curious about Izumi-kun, so I got the location of the Izumi family from Ms. Yoshimura, so I came to take a look.

With a bright smile, he didn't show any arrogance because he was older than Zhengzong. His attitude was actually very enthusiastic.

Carefully look at the authentic surroundings.

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