Zhengzong looked at the woman in front of him and finally made an excuse.

Female cats who like to trick themselves into heat.

Zhengzong made an evaluation from the bottom of his heart.


He nodded slightly, and just as he was about to say something else, Zhengzong hugged him tightly and blocked him.

At five o'clock Liuli still left.

Although his parents are busy at work and come back late, it doesn't mean they won't come back.

It's not a problem for Zhengzong to occupy the other party's daughter like this.

But that would mean that his single status would change.

In that case, many things later will be inconvenient.

He smiled and nodded in agreement with the girl, promising to meet again tomorrow.

After waving his hands and watching the other person leave, Zhengzong turned around.

I looked at the time and found that the hour hand above had already reached eight o'clock.

I deeply lamented that I was really too busy.

Turning around, he placed it directly on the door of Sagiri's room.


He glanced at his arm.

I've been a little stronger lately.

I didn't pay attention at all, but ended up pushing it away.

But he didn't care and continued to walk in.

Kick away the clothes that you have lost for a long time.

Looking at the room filled with pictures and posters of himself, Zhengzong sighed deeply.

I have missed so many things in the past six months.

As for Sagiri, she was lying on the bed alone, her feet dangling in the air.

The snow-white legs swaying back and forth, and the blue-white scenery occasionally revealed.

Innocent, cute, pure and touching.

Zhengzong used to be filled with pride for having such a lovely sister, but then he felt helpless that she had to stay at home. There is that feeling of indisputable anger.

But now, it has turned into waves of excitement.

Thinking that this girl who should have been brought into the wedding dress by himself is now possessed by him.

Zhengzong felt a burst of excitement in his heart.

He felt that he had fallen.

Guangming, who was still a newborn, wanted to live a good life and find a girl with a temperament that suited her.

But in these short two days, as the body mutated.

Seeing a graceful and luxurious woman like Nishikino Mizumi completely immersed in her body, with no thought of resisting and becoming her own slave, Masamune's thoughts were completely changed.

What he cares about and what he likes can only be his, and no one can take it away.


With his mind racing, Zhengzong walked over quickly.


Said to the girl.

elder brother!

Sagiri jumped up as soon as she saw Masamune.

Regardless of the fact that his little secret was discovered by Zhengzong around him, he threw himself into Zhengzong's arms like a baby swallow!

elder brother--

It was as if he hadn't seen Masamune in a long time.

Even though Zhengzong repeatedly said that he just had a small problem on the road and needed to check it out.

But for Sagiri, it felt like the sky was about to fall.

The last time it was his mother who said to go out.

Then he never came back.

But this time Masamune's call really scared Izumi Sagiri.

Only when she was really facing loss did Sagiri understand who she was most indispensable to.

The sad tears could no longer be controlled, pouring out of his eyes and soaking Zheng Zhong's clothes.

Okay, okay, don't worry, it's okay.

Although he met Nishikino Mizumi through the hospital, Masamune felt regret for the first time.

Looking at Sagiri's cute expression at this moment, she looked like a little kitten who was afraid of being abandoned.

Masamune thought in his heart.

You really won't leave?

I really won't leave.

Even if it means separation between life and death?

Even if it means separation between life and death.

Will you marry me?

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