It was a bit unexpected, so I came over here to take a look.

Turning around, he said a little irritably, and his fingers unconsciously stirred the hair on his forehead back and forth. The situation didn't seem right.

Authentic senior.

Wei Nai pulled Zhengzong's hand.

It is natural for a girl to come here alone to see something, so she is naturally a little inconvenient and afraid of letting acquaintances know about it.

It's nothing. I'm just under a lot of pressure from the new novel recently. I feel a little headache. I came to the psychiatry department to have a look. I'm just waiting for the results to come out here.

Naturally, she understood what Vinay meant, and Kasumigaoka Shiu, who didn't want to be misunderstood, explained directly.

It's just that it looks like this, but it gives people an even more obscure feeling.


Masamune looked at the guy in front of him.

For some reason, it suddenly occurred to him that he just heard a certain girl mentioned by Nishikino Mizuki.

This kind of thing is really very suspicious.

You know, with the current market situation, those guys' tastes are getting more and more sophisticated. Simple youth love themes can no longer satisfy them. If they want to see some sales...

The more Kasumigaoka Shiyu spoke, the more excited she became. Zheng Zong and Wei Nai, who were watching on the other side, also looked at it with a wry smile.

Okay, okay, let's just leave it like this.

Hands up, it's on Vinay's side after all.

Although Zhengzong had doubts in his heart, he did not say it out loud.

Rather, this matter directly comes to an end.

The emotions had not been vented for long before they were interrupted.

Glancing at Masamune.

But still no words were spoken.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu also knew a lot about Masamune's temper through past exchanges.

A talented novelist with a lot of inspiration that can make most writers despair, but at the same time, she also has an arrogance even greater than hers.

If you show some temper on your side, the other party can simply ignore you.

This side Zhengzong has made a summary, then he will never talk about this matter again.

Then let's do it like this. You finish your work first. I just finished my own work and I have to go home quickly. Otherwise, my family will be worried.

He said directly to the woman in front of him,

Then he gestured directly to Wei Nai and pulled the girl away.

Watching Zhengzong leave, Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't stay much.

I didn't get the psychiatric results.

Not long ago, my body suddenly started to become weak, not just because of staying up late, but for other reasons.

And even more strangely, I found that I kept dreaming about a certain man at night.

For this reason, a remote private hospital was specially selected for diagnosis.

Even though he recommended me to a psychiatrist, I didn't refuse. I just came to get the results today.

Unexpectedly, he met Zhengzong.

After just having a face-to-face conversation with him for a while, I felt that there were a lot of problems in my body.

At the same time, she also understood why she suddenly wanted to talk to a strange girl.

It turned out to be because of his contact with Masamune.

Although very unscientific.

But after ruling out all the possibilities, she already knew what was going on.

It really is.

He stamped his feet irritably.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu understood that this was no longer a so-called mental illness problem.

But he was really in big trouble.

That girl just now was a little strange.

In the supermarket, Vinay, who was picking up ingredients with Masamune, couldn't help but said aloud.

As a demon.

The girl can clearly feel the strange emotions that the other party has when talking to Zhengzong.

It's as if he has been suppressing a certain state.

He couldn't help but think of the strange behavior of the ghoul monster he saw today when he faced Masamune.

Doubts also arose in Vinay's heart.


The more I think about it, the more strange it becomes.

Vinai, do you like green peppers so much?

Zhengzong looked at the girl who kept putting things into her basket and couldn't help but asked curiously.

Masamune couldn't help but shake his head when he thought of his sister being so disobedient and always picking on Green Pepper.

Eh, no.

Looking at so many green peppers in her basket, the girl finally realized what she had just done.

So what are you thinking about?

Look at the girl in front of you.

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