By the way, Yui's birthday is coming soon. Have you thought about any gifts?

The two were walking in the mall when Yukino suddenly said.

After taking a look at Yukino, who seemed to be chatting on a normal topic, Masamune suddenly realized why Yukinoshita Yukino, who had always been inactive and would not attack unless he was drunk, suddenly invited himself.

It turns out Yukino doesn't know how to choose a gift for Yui.

As if he caught the girl's sore feet, Masamune looked at Yukino in sudden realization.

Although it's troublesome, we've been friends since high school. Is there a problem in choosing a gift? That's right. According to Masamune-kun, how you handle your bad interpersonal relationships, you might not even know Yueyi's birthday.

Yukino was a little embarrassed at the moment, grabbing the hair in front of her forehead and twisting it with her palms.

I know, June 18th, probably, because her email address has the number 0618 in it.

He said directly, looking at Yukino's wide eyes, Masamune's smile became even wider.

Yukino took a deep breath, but she didn't expect that Zheng Zong had the same idea as her.

In addition, there is January 3rd. I will remember both of your birthdays deeply in my mind and will never forget them no matter what.

Come on, we have to quickly pick something suitable for Yui.

Turning around in a panic, Yukino walked forward.

Next, it was shopping time for the two of them.

Although they were giving gifts, unfortunately, neither of them were the type to socialize with each other in the past.

This is the first time Zhengzong has given a gift to someone here. His original idea was to just buy a necklace and give it to him.

It was quite interesting for the two of them to go shopping together at the moment.

what do you think about this?

Yukinoshita Yukino took out a light blue dress in the store, grabbed its collar with both hands, placed it in front of Masamune, and asked aloud.

As for the large series of numbers on the label above, they have been ignored.

Yukinoshita's family is engaged in real estate. Although the situation here in District 11 is far inferior to the situation in the ancient country after the bubble burst in the past, the Yukinoshita family can barely be regarded as a local rich man.

Not to mention, real estate is often related to *channels.

The shopping guide next to her looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and felt that this girl with a noble and cool temperament looked really great with such clothes.

What made his eyes shine the most was, of course, the price of the clothes.

It's okay, but.

Masamune's words made Yukino look over in confusion.

Sir, this dress is really suitable for this lady.

The shopping guide lady also said very enthusiastically.

This order is great, but at the same time I look a little disgusted at how authentic it is.

Man, that's what it is.

Yukino's dress is nice, but you forgot to consider one of the most important factors. Yui's size is twice as big as yours.

I didn't want to say it at first, but when I saw Yukinoshita's expression doubting whether she was worthy enough, Masamune could only make things clear.



Yukinoshita Yukino immediately lost her color at this moment, and the shopping guide girl next to her was already looking at Masamune in front of her in shock.

He brought a girl to help another girl buy clothes, and then compared the two people's sizes in a serious manner.

This guy is really a scumbag!

The shopping guide lady looked at Zhengzong in a different way now.

Okay, don't be angry. Otherwise, I will buy two pieces. Yukino, you can wear it, and Yui can wear it. You two can compare them together to see if they are what I said.

Looking at Zhengzong in surprise, the shopping guide lady understood a little bit.

No wonder he can be such a scumbag, it turns out he is a wealthy person.

Shall I try?

Yukino lowered his head and looked at the clothes in front of him.

Although he is helping Yui choose gifts, when choosing, he naturally chooses according to his own ideas.

Therefore, Yukino also valued this piece of clothing.

Then give it a try.

Yukino nodded, handed the clothes to the shopping guide, and asked her to get a suitable number.

Seeing that it was extremely possible to do two businesses directly, the shopping guide was naturally very excited and took the initiative to help find the right number. Soon she came over and handed the things to Yukinoshita Yukino.

Don't worry, the sound insulation effect here is very good.

Watching Yukino go in, the shopping guide said to Masamune.

The profound meaning contained in the gaze is clear at a glance.

Watching Zhengzong enter, the shopping guide left with regret.

It’s good to be rich, and it’s good to be beautiful.

It's a pity that I'm not pretty enough and I don't have money, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sell clothes here during the holidays.

The changing room is huge.

It can only be said that it is a brand-name store specially chosen by the second daughter of the wealthy Yukinoshita family.

In addition to the cylindrical chair with a long sword, there is also a very wide mirror, and there are soft round bumps in other places.

All of these are sound-absorbing facilities.

Even if Zheng Zong saw it from Xiaotiao, the soundproof room where they trained specifically was not as well done as here.

Zhengzong is sincerely impressed, look, why can others succeed? How many people can do this?

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