
It's June, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Even though it was already afternoon, the sun seemed to be getting hotter that day.

The Yamada Fairy was in a very happy mood at the moment, humming a song while writing his manuscript.

Although in theory now, even members of the Homecoming Club should still be in class.

But as a guy who has given up going to school after graduating from elementary school, Fairy Yamada's working hours have just begun at this moment.

During this period of time, Teacher Eromanga, who had been pursuing the hope of becoming his own full-time painter, finally got in touch with his servant Kagurazaka Iris.

After seeing the superb drawings provided by Eromanga-sensei, Fairy Yamada never lost her mood.

With her excellent writing style, coupled with Teacher Eromanga's erotic drawings, sooner or later, she will write the best light novel in the new world.

Then easily break the tens of millions of barriers, the billions of barriers, and finally surpass a certain annoying man easily.


When she thought of this, the Yamada Fairy couldn't help but laugh happily. She just wished she could talk naked next to the piano right away to soothe her happy mood.

Teacher Eromanga is really great, and he is really my destined partner.

Fairy Yamada turned on her phone and looked at the message just sent by Teacher Eromanga on this side with satisfaction.

This was another point of satisfaction for her.

That is, although until now, Teacher Eromanga is just like her and does not go to school, everyone can seize the time and work hard together.

Teacher is good at everything, but the objects drawn on this side are too small, and it's really not enough to see.

Yamada Fairy opened a new illustration, sighed with regret, and then sent a message back to the other side, hoping that it could continue to improve.

When this illustration is successful, I will definitely sell it big. At that time, ha, I must let that guy kneel down and shout that I am wrong, right, and then capture him and lock him in the dungeon, hehe .”

With her calves in white silk stockings shaking, the Yamada Fairy came to the room on the other side. The window was opened. Although she couldn't see the Izumi family, her eyes seemed to have transcended the space and saw some annoying person. Guy.

Then a series of punitive measures were thought of.


Just when Yamada Fairy was thinking wildly, he suddenly noticed that a black car suddenly stopped on the edge of the road below.

One of the women with green hair, dressed in black, walked into another room with a girl on her shoulders.

Both of them?

Fairy Yamada rubbed his eyes, a little unbelievable.

She knew two of the people there. One was Mr. Takatsuki Izumi, a genius in the world of novels. He was also a great master who had difficulty in catching up with the idea of ​​catching up. The other one was someone she met not long ago, named Senjumura Sei. A light novelist has a combat power of tens of millions, so he must be treated with caution.

what is happening?

Fairy Yamada rubbed his hair in confusion, and the two of them entered the next room.

Could it be kidnapping? A veteran writer's amateur approach to those who may threaten his own writers. For example, taking photos, taking photos, etc.

Yamada Fairy's eyes dimly lit up and he took a deep breath.

He took out a piece of anti-wolf spray from the drawer next to him and walked downstairs.

Although the relationship with Sei Senjumura was not very good at that time, at this point, the Yamada Fairy was still very concerned and wanted to go and have a look.

If it's a misunderstanding, that's fine. If there's a problem, call the police immediately.

After packing up his things, Fairy Yamada came to another balcony.

This room happened to be connected to the balcony of the room on the other side where the two people entered.

Compared with the distance from the balcony of Izumi's house, the gap was obviously much larger, but the Yamada Fairy didn't panic at all.

During this period of time, although I don’t know why, the girl’s strength has become much stronger. There is no problem with this kind of thing.

With a slight leap, he stepped directly over.

Get your equipment ready, and the Yamada Fairy Adventure begins.


After school in the afternoon, Masamune said goodbye to Yui, who was still receiving tutoring, and returned home alone.

When I walked into the house, I found that no one was there. Nanami was still working part-time on weekdays, and Liuli was also involved in activities at school.

I was used to the coming and going of people on weekdays, so for a moment, Zhengzong felt a little uncomfortable with this previous normal.

With nothing to do, he took a shower first to relieve the increasingly hot atmosphere, and then Masamune walked to Sagiri's room.

He finally realized that he was missing something. It turned out that there was no meat bullet chariot from Sagiri to welcome him.

Pushing open the door, I found that Sagiri was still painting seriously at this moment.

He was still talking about the big European school, and he looked full of resentment, which made Zhengzong laugh out loud all of a sudden.

What's wrong, Sagiri?

He walked forward and picked up the girl in his arms with ease.

Sagiri's body is ice cold, which can be said to be the best cooling tool in summer.

In comparison, those air conditioners are weak.

Yamada Fairy is my partner. It's the most troublesome if she insists on me drawing a big oppai.

Sagiri thought to herself, looking full of resentment.

But even so, she is still painting seriously at hand. As long as she agrees, the girl will definitely work hard to achieve it. In terms of dedication, Zheng Zong feels a little inferior to her.

The big European school, that's really troublesome.

Zhengzong knows where Sagiri's resentment lies.

Sagiri belongs to the practical type, that is to say, you must really see something before you can truly draw it.

The reason why her previous works were so vivid is because she used her own materials and worked hard to paint, and then she was able to draw a touching loli.

But when these requirements are very big and it still looks very real, it becomes more uncomfortable.

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