Masamune looked at the girl in surprise, it turned out that little Yui was no longer good either.

Then, there must be a relative movement tendency or relative movement between objects.

Zhong said solemnly, and then began to really practice with the girl.

At the same time, remember that different forces will change due to the condition of the surface of the object. If there is water on the surface, the correlation coefficient becomes smaller, then the force will be smaller, and relative motion will become more convenient.

As a super university bully, Masamune is very serious in teaching Yui.

Yui, don't waste it. Next, you have to do the questions carefully. While it's warm, you can do it again after you understand the role of force.

Seeing the girl become so exhausted from studying, Masamune also forced himself to hold back his pity and took out the test questions and placed them in front of Yui.

Have you seen it? Now hurry up and start doing the questions. If you get a question wrong, I will explain the relevant knowledge points to you again. Practice it again.

Masamune, who transformed into a devil teacher, said to Yui.

I understand, and I will do it well.

Yui clenched her little hands into fists and spoke enthusiastically.

Then it didn't take long.

What? This is just a simple question about elasticity. Why is it wrong?

Yes, my teacher.

Yui smiled lightly, then took the initiative to hand over the teaching aids and asked Masamune to practice for herself.

Although this is a question about the speed of motion, it is also about calculating the relationship between the power and the resistance on the other side, so that you can find the acceleration.

Masamune looked helpless at Yui who had no idea how to apply it, and then continued to perform relative motion on her.




Yui shouted coquettishly.

Looking at this guy with a glowing face, Zhengzong suddenly understood something.

Okay, if you don't study hard, you just end up doing all these things.

Masamune's expression was a little bad. Seeing Yuigahama Yui who was so obsessed with this sudden rehearsal that her face was glowing red even after practicing and was unwilling to let go, Masamune's expression was a little bad.

Although I don't care about these things, it's not tiring at all to deal with Yuigahama Yui.

But this feeling of being plotted made Zhengzong very uncomfortable.



I have known in an ancient country that to deal with some students who cannot learn, in addition to tireless teaching, it may also be necessary to use other punitive measures to make them understand the importance of things. This is very important. ah.

Seeing this guy actually starting to take advantage of the loopholes in Orthodox teachings to benefit himself, Zhengzong felt that some strong measures must be used.


Yui's eyes were widened at this moment, and she suddenly felt like a disaster was coming.

I'm sorry, Yui, the necessary teaching is very important. You can understand that hitting is kissing and scolding, which is love.

Masamune's expression didn't change as he looked at Yui, who was blinking cutely and trying to take her own avatar.

If your tireless and patient drills have no effect, then start wielding the pointer and take care of things.

Lifting Yui up and placing it on the desk, Masamune made a decision.


Poor Yui was like a boat in the storm. When she didn't study hard, she was severely punished by Masamune.

But under the current situation, she couldn't tell whether she wanted Zheng Zong to leave or whether she was unwilling to leave.

He was breathing heavily, lying on the quilt, his arms hitting his forehead.

Let's stop here this time. You have already learned a lot. If you learn more, it will not be effective.

Masamune hugged the girl and whispered in Yui's ear.


Yui nodded, clinging to Zheng Zong's mouth like a kitten, unwilling to leave.

Authentic teachings are so effective. I want to learn more from you in the future.

Pleading, Yui felt that this was really great.

Yeah, I will.


It feels good to be able to teach a fool to study hard and become smart.

Letting Yui, who was already struggling with her head and everything else, have a good rest, Masamune walked out alone.

Outside, in the living room, Mrs. Yuigahama is no longer exercising at this moment, but is instead preparing food in the kitchen.

At this time, as soon as Mrs. Yuigahama knew that Masamune was coming, she couldn't help but turn around.

Please take care of Yui.

Mrs. Yuigahama was truly grateful.

Because Yui covered Masamune's eyes just now, she didn't have time to say anything and couldn't have a good chat with Masamune. Only now can she be grateful.

It's okay, I like Yui the most, that's as it should be.

As Zhengzong spoke, he walked forward, asked his wife to turn her back, and then asked her to continue handling the ingredients on the kitchen counter.

Looking at the eggplants specially selected and placed in the pool next to him, he chuckled.

Young sao, you must have overheard Yui and I's teachings just now. Don't worry, I'm very fair. Have you thought about it?

As he spoke, he stepped forward.

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