Authentic, as the first place in the entrance examination and the first place in the opening test.

During this period of time, because there were countless outstanding girls, they took leave all year round and did not attend classes.

Naturally, Hiratsuka Shizu didn't believe that Masamune would have good results.

Although I wanted to trick Zhengzong deliberately the last time, I was tricked, but in the end I was satisfied by a strange combination of circumstances.

So Shizuka Hiratsuka had the same idea at this moment.

I plan to treat this guy who doesn't take the initiative to invite me.

Put on a good show, the female teacher after class.

Gearing up, Hiratsuka Shizu couldn't help but press her legs together at this moment.

Exam season comes every year.

It's always very lively.

Because a flu virus called failing exams suddenly appears throughout the school.

Symptoms of the disease include anxiety, madness, being full of anger towards people and things, etc.

From time to time, there would be hysterical laughter, and then he would be hit on the head mercilessly by his own teacher. .

The impact of the virus is as powerful as whether it will actually cause casualties.

It depends on the difficulty of the questions set by the teachers and the corresponding individuals.

The individual named Xueshen has a strong and inhuman physique, and there is no need to care about these things at all.

You can go shirtless and dance with Little Apple on the playground, which is fine.

Among them, there are those who are called academic masters. After training hard and not thinking about food or tea, they have successfully developed enough strength to resist the virus. After a period of dark circles every day, they can escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Then he crossed his arms and looked at the other side with a smile on his face with the satisfaction of a lucky escape. It can be said that the students are facing an incurable disease.

Thereby gaining a sense of inner satisfaction.

Zhengzong was naturally a well-deserved academic master before, and because he had immune cells called knowledge content accumulated through daily efforts in his body, he could naturally avoid it.

Later, he was successfully strengthened and became a being named the God of Learning. At this moment, he was easily immune to these things.

With a smile, he looked at the groups of guys below.

Although I was a bad student before, when I could actually laugh and watch these guys cry, Zhengzong just wanted to say, it's really awesome.

The level of happiness can be compared to that of a girl lying in her arms and letting herself be played with.


Just when he was looking at these guys with a satisfied expression.

Suddenly a resentful voice sounded.

Masamune looked at Yuigahama Yui in confusion, who was in tears and seemed about to cry.

What? Let me help you with your homework.

Masamune looked at Yuigahama Yui, who was sitting majestically next to him, with confusion on his face.

In addition to being able to communicate with others with a smile, the main reason why I was able to be a member of the live team was that Yui's grades were not bad at all.

After all, as a current student, it would be too bad to worry about failing a class and then study hard to try to solve such an incurable disease.

So Masamune never thought about it.

While he was gloating about his misfortune and watching those guys wailing, he actually discovered that Yui had also been tricked.

Although I have always said that this guy is an idiot, this so-called idiot refers to the girl's cute and stupid personality. Yui is not the kind of idiot who can't react to being played by A Heiyan.


Yui coyly couldn't tell Masamune that during this period of time, she had been conducting things such as bridal training under the guidance of Mrs. Hihama.

When she has nothing to do, Yui will also read books on how to tame her boyfriend, detailed explanations of the Forty-Eight Edo Hands, etc.

As a girl who is wandering between a top student and a poor student, struggling to survive with the help of hard work, her grades will naturally fall when she is distracted.

Okay, tell me, what are the problems?

Masamune sighed and asked aloud.

Mandarin, English, and more

The girl twirled her fingers, and then thought carefully about what she had that was okay.

Tell me, those are okay with you.

Hey, sports, health care.

Yui spit out some coriander and said to Masamune sheepishly.

It is said that the IQ of a girl who falls in love will decrease. There is a reason for this, because it takes a lot of time to maintain the relationship.

Of course, there are also areas where we are good at it.

For example, sports.

In order to be able to satisfy her boyfriend's unrestrained demands, Yui just tried to raise her buttocks every time, fully training herself, and there is no need to say more about health care.

Even those high school students who went out to help out were not as good as what Yui learned from Masamune.

The rest are all in writing. You should listen carefully in class and review the content when you go back. Don't you just understand?


Yui blinked, indicating that she didn't have time.

Then let me think about it and see if I can come up with any good plans for you.

Masamune thought.

The guys who were doing nothing around them all turned their attention to it at this moment.

Despite Masamune's martial prowess, his suspected and unclear relationships with many girls, and his rumored reputation as a master of light novels, Masamune became a legend in Sobu High.

But Zhengzong was famous for his amazing academic ability in the beginning.

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