As soon as she saw Masamune coming, Sagiri seemed to want to start the chariot, but Sagiri, who was still very tired, gave up in the end.

Looks like you're having a good time.

Putting the snack bag he was holding in his palm, which was originally intended for Sagiri's belly to rest on, Masamune moved his hands forward to place on the girl's belly, and hugged her hard.

Well, it's already almost forty-five kilograms.

After weighing his weight, Zhengzong marveled.

Eiriri's height is 145, and with Masamune's weight that he had just realized, he is 46, and although Sagiri is shorter, she is still 150.

Speaking of which, Eiri was really beaten. Sagiri was as old as her, so they were almost the same height.

I believe that when Sagiri enters high school, she will be able to completely defeat Eiri.

It is really a sad fact to think about Sayuri being that little one.

I'm not fat.

Sagiri waved her arms and said dissatisfiedly.

You still say you're not fat, but you've already eaten like this. Come on, let me see what you've eaten.

Saying this, he directly lifted Saguru up and approached directly.

Nanami's dishes taste pretty good.

What are you doing!

Nanami, who came back from outside, couldn't help shouting when she saw the scene in front of her.

Of course I'm doing friendly sports with Sagiri. It's not like Nanami has never seen her before.

He said without looking back, but this kind of performance was undoubtedly a provocation in Nanami's eyes.

You will bully Sagiri! Do you know that I was shocked when I came here today? Sagiri is still so young, how much harm you will do to her if you do that. Do you know! She is very capable and has the ability. If you bully Sagiri, go bully other guys!

Ever since the last bad incident in the bathhouse, the relationship between Masamune and Nanami has been in a special state, filled with fear and anger.

And with the entrustment of Masamune, Nanami himself was threatened again. Even if he didn't go, he would be compensated at a sky-high price, and his dream would be threatened by this.

These things made Nanami's rebellion continue to rise in her heart.

However, after the kind-hearted girl saw Sagiri who was 'dying' on the bed today, her own kindness made her pity Sagiri extremely. In the end, all the focus was placed on Zhengzong.

Okay, I don't need to bully Sagiri. How about Nanami, you come over and let me bully you. That way I will be satisfied.

Putting down Sagiri, he ignored the girl's angry expression and looked at Nanami, who looked a little strange on this side.

This is his original intention.

Be serious and diligent, and have the courage to chase your dreams.

Nanami is a diligent and hard-working Nanami. She is opposed by her family for her dream, so she can only earn money for living expenses by working part-time in her spare time.

No matter from any angle, it is excellent.

So good that I want Masamune to hold him in his arms.

Pursing her lips tightly, Nanami was unwilling to speak, but continued to stare at Masamune with her silent and sharp eyes that could kill people, then walked in carefully and cleared the table in front of her.

Although he was forced to come here, he didn't lack any of the compensation he deserved.

Under such circumstances, Nanami naturally has to perform her due responsibilities well.

For example, tell me to clear the table in front of you.

Sagiri is still young. If possible, I hope you can pay attention. I believe you don't want to hurt Sagiri.

Silently wiping the table, Nanami couldn't help but speak out to persuade her.

She didn't know how she would face Zhengzong.

If you can, you can go out and find those reinforcements...

Nanami was just halfway through what she said when a gulu's voice suddenly came from her side.


The girl who had a straight face at first turned red, her eyes were wandering, and the rag in her hand was placed randomly, and there were even water stains on her clothes.

There was silence for a moment, and after realizing that Masamune didn't say anything, Nanami continued to speak as if nothing had happened.

Aren't you very rich? There are so many escort girls out there, you can just find a few of them.


My stomach made an unsatisfactory sound again.

They don't care anyway. You just have too much physical strength.


It is a very bad topic in itself. It is very shameful for Nanami who would rather stay up late to work than do it. As a result, her stomach is still growling uncontrollably. Nanami feels that her face has been completely lost. All was lost.

He didn't even care about the rag on his hand, and directly pressed his hands on his lower abdomen, trying to make him obedient.

Sister Nanami, is your stomach growling?

Sagiri finally reacted.

She has always been fed by Zheng Zong, who is white and fat, but she never knew that she would call this kind of thing when she was hungry. Things that happen in comics really exist in reality.

I didn't want it to bark. This guy is out of control.

Nanami couldn't help but said.

At this moment, his voice has become his signature Kansai accent.

Nanami herself is not from here. She is from Osaka, so when she speaks, she will have a clear Kansai accent.

As a high school freshman, she has only been here for half a year.

Do you usually speak with a Kansai accent?

However, Nanami, who is determined to become a voice actor, will naturally not allow such a thing to happen, so she works hard on weekdays.

As if under the most mysterious spell, he tried hard to seal off his accent.

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