Yinglili wanted to struggle.

After seeing Zhengzong's physical strength just now, this time I felt Zhengzong's power in person.

Just by pressing her free left elbow on the girl's back, Yinglili's entire resistance was directly suppressed.

‘Well, I must exercise well in the future. ’

On the verge of crying but without tears, Yinglili made up her mind.

Yinglili is not a physically fit person. With such a body shape, she also has the habit of being a homebody who doesn't like to exercise.

Basically, I have to take a lot of leave every week.

Under such circumstances, I found that my invincible twin-tailed whirlwind was easily dismantled by Zhengzong, and now I was even more humiliated by Zhengzong.

Yinglili was about to explode at this moment.

No, it's already fried.

Being spanked by Masamune didn't hurt, but the shameful feeling that occurred at that moment made Ying Lili scream in surprise and subconsciously wanted to escape.

It's just that at this moment, the small body is fixed in Zhengzong's arms like an iron hoop, and it can only be said that he is constantly twisting his waist.

No, I know it was wrong.

The thought of being treated like this by a boy at such an old age made Yingli feel ashamed and angry. At this moment, she was able to plead with Masamune.

She felt even more aggrieved in her heart, and a trace of moisture appeared in her beautiful eyes.

This guy is really bad.

For the rest of your life, don’t think about spending time with your mother.

Masamune Ma Eiri was actually still struggling at this moment, and with her back facing her, it was as if she was massaging him with her own body. Masamune had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

He directly raised his hand and continued to slap Ying Lili's butt again.

This time, the force was a little too strong, and Yinglili felt numb all over her body.

It was as if there was a sudden surge of electricity.

There was an indescribable feeling in the body, it seemed to be pain, but there was also some comfort, and unconsciously, he actually whined.

Lowering her head, Ying Lili no longer dared to look at anyone. What was going on with her.

Why is it that my reaction is so weird even though it is such an embarrassing thing?

If she communicates with Sayuri at this moment, she will definitely find that it is not the mother and daughter's problem, but the problem on Masamune's side.

Zhengzong saw that there was no pain on Yinglili's face at this moment, but instead seemed to have a layer of mist rising, and he was secretly amazed in his heart.

Even Yingli, who is short in stature, has a small penis, and has a weird temper, is so amazing after she really shows her appearance.

The girl's reaction made Zhengzong's hands seem to have endless motivation.

Just like a perpetual motion machine, the girl's elasticity bounces the authentic palm up again and again.


Well, I can't get married.

In the corner, Yinglili was huddled together.

Although Zhengzong knew deeply that there might be a Sawamura Sayuri peeking next to him, so he didn't really do anything extra besides punishing Eiri.

But with his current body, just an ordinary punishment can directly change the taste. Poor Yinglili was beaten so hard that she began to doubt her life.

It even popped up, maybe he was really a psychopath.

She was a good girl, but something was wrong at this moment.

Don't you feel uncomfortable sitting now? Don't you need to change your clothes?

Zhengzong turned his head and looked at the guy who was still thinking.

Girls are all made of water. Yinglili's outburst just now was so many that even Masamune couldn't stand it.

Uh-huh, shut up.

Yinglili said angrily, as if she knew that her twin-tail whirlwind was useless in front of Zhengzong, so at this moment Yinglili began to grind her little tiger teeth, planning to speak elsewhere.


As she walked forward, Yinglili shrank back in fear.

The girl is now wondering if her body is a hidden viper, so she is afraid that Zhengzong will use it to do something to make herself look embarrassed.

Don't worry, I won't stop you. Didn't you just say you wanted to inspect me? Why didn't you inspect me anymore?

Looking at this guy who looked like a frightened bird in a funny way, Zhengzong asked.

Of course you have to go through the inspection, don't think about passing it easily.

Ying Lili's eyes lit up. It was just the first day they met, and she had become like this.

Looking at his mother's behavior at that time, if Zhengzong really became true, then he would be in danger.

Even if it's for himself, he can't let Zhengzong succeed.

Your novel has been revised and published countless times, so it is completely unconvincing. Now you must temporarily come up with a plot for me, if you can satisfy me.

Ying Lili stood up directly, her skirt was cold.

Conceiving the plot of this book is not an easy task, and there is another key point.

The girl's eyes flashed with light at this moment.

The plot of a book is particularly easy to reflect the dark side of someone's psychology.

As long as the plot of the book is shown to my mother at that time, the authentic side will most likely fail.

The plot of the book, wait, I have it.

Looking at the blond hair of Eiri, I thought of the lustful Sayuri I saw just now, and in an instant, I thought of a subject.

So fast?

Yinglili looked over doubtfully.

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