Yinglili looked at her mother frantically.

There was a boy lying on the sofa, and there was a mother who stepped on him and was about to do something evil.

What kind of funny plot are you talking about?

Yinglili, no, it's not what you think.

All the ripples in my heart disappeared at this moment.

Sayuri Sawamura waved her hands in panic and explained to her daughter.

He waved his palm and accidentally touched the tea next to it.


There was a sound of the cup breaking, and the black tea that had just been brewed for Zhengzong was spilled directly on the ground.

black tea?

Sleepy black tea!

Yinglili was shocked, and countless plots of the book suddenly appeared in her mind.

For example, I met my daughter’s young classmates.

Suddenly there were other indescribable thoughts in my heart, and then I secretly drugged the tea to make it faint.

For example, the lonely housewife called the plumber who was repairing the water pipes, and then served him black tea to make him fall asleep.

Could it be that his mother did such a thing?

I originally thought that it would be enough for her to joke with him casually on weekdays, but I didn't expect that she would actually do this.

Yinglili's face turned pale.

Quietly step back step by step.

I don't know if I should just leave.

With a mother who is as bad as she is, will she become so good that she sends her daughter away next to experience a different feeling?

Yinglili, let me introduce to you, this is Zhengzong, he is actually.

Under extreme tension, Sayuri Sawamura also lost her sense of proportion.

He just numbly tried to tell his daughter that this man was left for you.

I won't listen, I won't listen!

Yinglili was shocked, as if she was looking at a monster.

How dare you do this!

Sayuri Sawamura looked at Eiri who jumped up as if she had been stung.

The slender and beautiful neck is raised.

The whole person seemed to have turned into black and white.


I don't know how long it took, Zhengzong just felt that his sleep this time was extremely long.

It seems that he is replenishing his physical strength, but for some reason, Zhengzong always feels that his physical strength seems to be losing even more.

It is clear that he is actually strong enough to kill a cow, but compared with his past strength, it still seems a bit weak.

It's like being used to being strong, even if it is reduced a little temporarily, it will be a bit uncomfortable.

Zhengzong felt as if he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Buzz, buzz, blah.

Strange sounds.

It's like sharpening a knife against the pigs and sheep, and it's like grinning.

All kinds of strange feelings made Zhengzong very unaccustomed to it.

What the hell is going on?

The way he slept meant that such a situation was simply intolerable.

Masamune, who usually has an extremely comfortable bed and is surrounded by beautiful girls, can't stand this strange feeling.

Quiet, Sayuri.

Masamune said this, his palms facing forward.


His eyes widened suddenly, and what came into view was a touch of gold.

Her golden twin ponytails, eyes as blue as the sky, and exquisite facial features are full of European three-dimensionality without losing the exquisiteness of Asians. Every inch of her skin is so smooth and delicate.

The only regret is that the place in front of me is smaller than Sayuri.

Yes, but there is still flexibility.

The development potential is good and you can consider expanding it in the future.

After all, even Yukinoshita Yukino, he didn't give up.


I always feel that everything under the black snow has become politically correct.

Zhengzong, who had just woken up, still had some wild ideas in his mind.

I thought of a lot in a daze.

Haven't you touched enough?

The blond girl with twin tails opened her eyes wide.

Those beautiful blue eyes seemed to be burning with fire at the moment.

The cute little tiger tooth at the corner is very obvious at this moment.

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