Sayuri Sawamura truly sighed for Masamune.

He raised his head and looked at the boy in front of him again.

It was originally just a check for her daughter, but now, it suddenly made her reluctant to let go.

He is obviously a super handsome guy, with good looks and an aura that makes women intoxicated.

You can rely on your appearance to make a living, but you are still so talented.

He is truly an extremely high-quality man.

And professionally, as a light novel writer, it also falls into some overlapping fields, and this time I will be collaborating with Ying Lili.

He is a very suitable boy.

Sayuri Sawamura thought to herself.

When my daughter was in elementary school, she didn’t have many friends.

Probably because of his foreign appearance, he was ostracized.

After all, you can never expect a group of brats to say Wow, they are foreigners.

They will simply regard them as aliens.

The only male friend who can play with her is An Yilun, and she will definitely become a stay-at-home girl in the future.

Being a person in this field herself, Sayuri Sawamura does not have any prejudice, but as a mother, she always hopes that her daughter can better experience life instead of staying in her room.

In addition, this situation resulted in Yinglili's social circle being too small.

Although he has the same An Yilun, in his opinion, for two people to be together, in addition to having common hobbies, their personalities should be able to complement each other.

Only in this way can a marriage last forever, instead of existing in name only like she does now.

There has been a huge gap between An Yilunya and Yinglili since they were in elementary school because of a misunderstanding.

So far, according to the news that Sayuri Sawamura knows, Eiri and An Yilun have not yet completely reconciled.

Although I know this is my daughter's problem.

But you, An Yilun, are also a boy.

Yinglili is not the kind of guy who is unreasonable and doesn't know his mistakes.

If you take the initiative to say something, Yinglili will also apologize obediently.

By then, wouldn’t the two of them be together happily?

As a result, there was a direct cold war, with no one willing to take the initiative to apologize.

If there is no choice, and Yinglili seems to have taken the role of childhood sweetheart in the romance novel, there is a feeling that she has been confirmed.

Sayuri Sawamura has long wanted to replace her daughter.

Do you really think that by virtue of her status as an ambassador, she has no access to young talents?

Are you alone, An Yilun, precious?


Sayuri Sawamura suddenly thought of something.

He looked carefully at the Masamune in front of him.


I remember some gossip I heard at that time.

Zhengzong-kun, you have another bonus point. I wonder if you can poach someone in the future?

Sayuri Sawamura chuckled lightly, her eyes seemed to turn into crescent moons.

We are young and talented, our families are not simple, our jobs are similar, and we chatted in a short time, our personalities are also very good.

It really seems like he was specially designed to be the perfect male protagonist that meets his expectations.


Sawamura Sayuri calmed down and saw that Masamune was still sleeping on her side, so she breathed a sigh of relief and did not let the man see her gaffe.

What's going on with this guy?

Squatting down, he was level with Zhengzong, who was lying on the sofa at the moment.

Sayuri Sawamura looked at Masamune.

What's going on? After just being with him for a while, she found that she had already lost her composure so many times.

Although she was thinking about introducing her daughter there, Sayuri Sawamura suddenly became suspicious.

Can my daughter really control such a man?

My daughter, who is not frank and stupid, is still a bit far behind.

Maybe you can?

Unknowingly, we are getting closer and closer to authenticity.

Sayuri Sawamura, who was already a little upset because of things at home, found that her heart was beating fast.

It was obviously to evaluate Eiri, but after the evaluation, Sawamura Sayuri's own heart was shaken by the impact.

Well, by the way, there is still one thing that I haven't evaluated yet.

Sayuri Sawamura took a breath, and the man's sunny breath breathed into her body, causing her originally squatting tui to choose to kneel down at this moment.

His body became a little soft.

I thought about what Zhengzong said just now, that I am still a virgin.

Obviously the conditions are so good, how can it be that no girl likes or expresses her love for him?

Anyway, Sayuri felt that if she were even ten years younger, she would swoop in and attack like a moth.

No, it is actually possible even now.


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