Looking at the sign in front of him, Zhengzong put away the complicated emotions in his heart, and then pressed the doorbell.

Who are you?

A confused voice came from behind the intercom, expressing doubts about Masamune.

I'm looking for Teacher Kashiwagi Eri.

Teacher Eri Kashiwagi?

The voice behind the intercom suddenly rose and fell, with a strange tone.

...Am I in the wrong place?

Ah, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I remembered, I'll open the door for you now.

Don't worry, I won't be angry. On the contrary, I am still surprised.

Not long after the apologetic voice came from the other end, the door on this side was already opened.

Seeing this, Zhengzong didn't stop for much, but walked straight forward.

The door opened and a black-haired girl came out.

The purple twin ponytails were tied with the red and white ribbon and hung on the shoulders.

The deep purple eyes seemed to be able to attract everything in. The pointed chin accompanied the oval face, as well as the slender arms and big white tui. The delicate and beautiful face was difficult to describe in words.

In short, he is definitely not the teacher Eri Kashiwagi that Masamune had in mind.

So, Mrs. Sawamura?

First time we meet, my name is Izumi Masamune.

While he was thinking about various things in his heart, Zhengzong still maintained a smile on the surface and nodded to the woman.

Hello, come in first.

Sayuri Sawamura looked at Masamune in front of her, feeling the smile that seemed to smell like sunshine, and subconsciously arranged her clothes, her heartbeat was a little fast for a moment.

'What's going on? When did that kid Yinglili get to know such a big banker and know his identity in the industry? ’

Just facing Masamune's smile, Sayuri felt as if she was throbbing for a moment. In her heart, she was full of flaws about what her daughter said before leaving that a female apprentice in the industry would come to visit. Go vomit.

As an otaku, facing Masamune who is full of energy at this moment, I feel as if I am about to be evaporated.

This is an existence that is almost a mortal enemy of the otakus.

And this is not a female apprentice!

‘If I had known it was like this, I wouldn’t have dressed like this at home. ’

Sayuri Sawamura was a little embarrassed.

At that time, I just heard my daughter Yinglili, who was out of town temporarily, saying that there might be a female disciple coming to visit.

If she had known this was the case, she would have been better prepared


Taking the tea, he noticed the strange look in Sayuri's eyes. Masamune didn't notice the target appeared, so he could only continue to speak. My sister Izumi Sagiri, I believe she has told teacher Eri Kashiwagi that I need a qualified artist to help with the painting of my novel. I don't know if I can get her help here.

Sayuri was looking at her carefully, secretly wondering if her daughter was deliberately cheated by a man who pretended to be a girl on the Internet with bad intentions.

He probably understood what was going on. Looking at Zhengzong's normal expression, his eyes suddenly showed a hint of interest.

You came to me for help but you can't even recognize me? My name is Sayuri Sawamura, which is the teacher Eri Kashiwagi in your sister's mouth.

With a pleased smile, Sayuri Sawamura sat up straight and said to Masamune.


I believed your evil deeds.

Masamune looked at Sayuri Sawamura who was introducing her identity with a smile, but after some thought, he understood what the woman was worried about. Since the woman in front of you wants to test, then you should cooperate.

Ah, I'm sorry, it's just that I didn't expect that the famous teacher Eri Kashiwagi would be such a young and cute girl.

Come on, let's show off our acting skills to each other.

I didn't expect that she was a cute female apprentice, but she turned into a boy.

Sayuri, whose daughter is already at the age where she can have children, couldn't help but smile when she heard Zong Zong's compliments, which was shallow and extremely heart-warming.

Sagiri had something to do at home. By the way, I wasn't too worried about her coming out alone, so I came over to take a look first. Now that I've met Teacher Kashiwagi Eri in person, I feel relieved.

Well, I'm very happy for Sagiri to have a brother who cares about her so much.

I just feel uneasy about my daughter.

Feel the sunshine.

As for your coming here to seek cooperation this time, I think it's better to make it clear in person. Do you think that's okay?

Sayuri Sawamura, who didn't understand anything, hurriedly changed the topic.

Yes, I am also a light novel writer on weekdays. My pen name is Izumi Masamune. I am currently looking for an artist for my novel and want to cooperate with him to produce comics. Sagiri herself has recently collaborated with other people, so she asked me I recommended Teacher Eri Kashiwagi, so I came here now to find out more.”

Old thief Zheng Zong?

The delicate woman showed surprise for the first time.


Masamune looked at Sayuri Sawamura strangely at this moment, and then he understood.

Miss Sayuri, who is affectionate and has an eternal heart, is also one of my readers.

I really didn't expect that, although I heard that Mr. Izumi Masamune is called a young genius novelist, the most ferocious tiger in the novel world, he would be so young.

Sayuri Sawamura was truly impressed at this moment.

What are you so impressed about?

What a vicious tiger in the novel world, why do you Sakurajima people like to give others such weird and shameful titles?

Do you know that looking like this is like a second-class aura?

I asked why Mr. Zhengzong hasn't published a new volume recently. It turns out that he is struggling with the comic adaptation of the novel. Although comics are a profitable direction, actually continuing to publish new volumes of novels and accumulating popularity is what Teacher Zhengzong should still understand the most rational point.

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