The girl looked at Masamune with a smile.

No, I'm just a little worried about whether your clothes are enough.

At seven o'clock, Masamune didn't want to wake up like this.

Unfortunately, the strands of hair in front of her nose that kept swaying playfully became the last straw that broke the original plan.

What are you doing? It's a rare weekend.

I like it.

Blinking her eyes and putting down her long hair that was twisted into a bunch, Kasumigaoka Shiyu just lay on the man, like a naughty sheep, constantly challenging the limits of a hungry wolf in front of the challenger.

Are you not sleeping?

I can't sleep.

It was the first time I spent the night at a man's house, and in this way.

Even Kasumigaoka Shiu, who usually looks super lewd, is a little nervous.

It's like when Zheng Zong was drugged for the first time and actually used real swords and guns, there was always some negligence.

Then you won't let me sleep?

Although the flesh in front of me was very soft, Zhengzong said that he was really sleepy.

Have a good weekend and don't come to rest and do other things.

In the past, I couldn't feel anything when I hugged Sagiri while sleeping, but with Kasumigaoka Shiu in my arms, the pressure was really obvious.

Doesn't this represent the closeness of our relationship?

He said with a smile.

Really angry.

Did you know that my holy war only has seven snatchers?

Aren't you afraid of exploding with a dozen girls you have connections with?


Zhengzong finally understood that Kasumigaoka Shiyu was completely seeking revenge at this moment.

Probably because he was sleeping at home at the moment, he suddenly felt a lot better about himself and felt that he could settle the accounts with Zhengzong about the previous things.

Facing this kind of guy with signs of something wrong, Zhengzong can let him go, and it's time for the horn of counterattack to sound.

Seizing the opportunity, he turned around and turned around Shiyu, who was trying to hold him accountable for his previous responsibility.

Hey, I don't have enough clothes to change.

The girl who had no time to dodge only had time to warn him, and then she no longer had the ability to move.

At eight o'clock, I walked out of the room with Shiyu.

Sagiri was blinking her big eyes, staring closely at the pair of men and women in front of the door who exuded the feeling that we had fought for three hundred rounds.

So angry.

But she couldn't be exposed, and Sagiri was in a bad mood at the moment.

Poor little guy, he doesn't know yet, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu has actually discovered Sagiri's problem a long time ago.

After casually finishing breakfast, Kasumigaoka Shiyu waved her hand and left happily carrying several hundred million in the face of Liuli's weird look.

Liuli on this side did not stay after helping to make breakfast, because Erkoya on the other side was really a big problem.

The girl spent a whole day of education yesterday with no results, but today she is still working hard.

Of course, the bigger reason was that he saw Kasumigaoka Shiyu's comfortable and extremely annoying expression.

He had obviously used several small umbrellas yesterday, so why could this guy still be in such a state as Masamune?

Sure enough, beauty is a curse, and a bad vixen will make Zhengzong tired.

Looking at the dark circles under his eyes, as if Zhengzong had not slept well, Liuli was about to break the table he was holding on to.

In order to prevent herself from being unable to hold back for a while, Wu Geng Liuli planned to go back and stay for a while.

Calm down.

As for the other Hinata who planned to stay here with Zhuxi, she was also pulled back by Liuli.

Masamune needs a good rest now.

If Kasumigaoka Shiyu is the kind of fairy who hates killing people without paying for their lives, then Liuli seems to be gloomy, with a gentleness that moisturizes everything silently.

The room suddenly lost a lot of people, and Zhengzong didn't go back to catch up on his sleep.

That's how people are. After that point, you can't sleep at all.

At this moment, he stood up and washed his face with cold water in front of the basin. Zhengzong stood up, opened the door and walked upstairs.

Decided to have a good chat with a certain Sagiri who ran back upstairs to draw.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Wugeng Liuli.

Although the two people knew each other before, they were still in a peaceful state.

As a result, yesterday because of things like Sagiri, the situation between the two of them was completely exposed.

Although Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't speak, Zhengzong had to suppress it by tearing all his clothes without using his hands yesterday.

If it had been any other man, he would have been useless.

As for Wu Geng Liuli, Zhengzong picked up the pile of A4 paper in front of him.

These are all the obligations and rights between lovers in the contract that Liuli just gave them.

This is almost equivalent to giving a pass.

Zhengzong's originally peaceful and happy life with each other took a big step directly towards the Shura field.

The reason why it became such a lively situation last night was because this guy Sagiri called Kasumigaoka Shiu.

Where is the surveillance on the first floor of your must-kill secret that must rely on breath?

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