Look, you have been suspecting my relationship with other girls, but haven't you ever thought about it? Why did something like that happen? It's not because you can't satisfy me.

Zhengzong said to Wu Geng Liuli.

Eh? But.

Wu Geng Liuli looked at Zhengzong with disgust.

He was clearly thinking about the future so carefully.

Knowing that this guy is more carefree and has many competitors around him, he specially came up with a contract couple method to try to keep the relationship between the two people in a good direction.

The result is authentic? Still thinking about such a bad position.

Liuli felt as if she was playing the harp to a cow, and turned away angrily, not wanting to pay attention to Zhengzong.

Hey, hey, what kind of look are you looking at? This is just human nature, okay? I just signed a contract, so I have to act in accordance with the rules of the contract. Don't you understand this?

Zhengzong said exaggeratedly, Wu Geng Liuli's face turned even redder.

If you can't satisfy me, I will have to find another woman. When things happen, it will not be my fault, but your failure as a contractor to fulfill your obligations.

I know, I know. At the worst, we can just go out and find a hotel to fulfill it tomorrow afternoon.

Wu Geng Liuli stammered.

Although my parents came back late at home, it doesn't mean they won't come back.

As for here, after all, there is Kasumigaoka Shiyu upstairs, and she is still quite shy.

Although the thought of Kasumigaoka being up there was a bit exciting, it was more frightening.

But I want it now. I just feel that if I don't have Liuli to play with, I will die.

Liuli, who had a reluctant look on her face, could only turn around and throw herself into Zhengzong's arms when she looked at Zhengzong's eyes that could not refuse.

Liu Li, do you know about dogs?

Masamune placed the girl on the chopping board, grabbed Ruri's arms, and asked.

Well, dog, what's wrong with the dog...

Compared to a certain physical monster, although Liuli is a little bit special due to his authenticity, it is still within the normal range.

It is the nature of dogs to occupy territory. They will cover their urine in smelly places and regard this land as their own territory. At the same time, it has the function of marking, and they will find the original location based on the markings they have made. .”

He picked the girl up by the waist and put her chin on his shoulder, Masamune said.

Of course, what happens next?

Liuli's speech became more and more choppy.

After returning from Golden Week, the girl was already very sad because of her entangled sister and school studies. Now she can really enjoy herself.

I was just thinking, I must let our lovely Ruri, as the mistress, leave her scent in the entire Izumi Residence.

Picking up Liuli who exclaimed, Zhengzong walked out of the kitchen.

Wu Geng Liuli, nicknamed Black Cat on the Internet.

As the saying goes, there are always only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

Liuli herself not only likes cats in daily life, but also likes to wear various cat ear decorations.

The behavior is also more like cat owners, full of their own arrogance, rather than like those puppies, who can move obediently to please their owners.

So Liuli naturally wanted to refuse Zheng Zong's request to act like a puppy.

It's a pity that in the face of Zhengzong's rejection, it can only turn into a shy struggle.

Being constantly taken by Masamune, in this Izumi house, except for the only place in the room where Veil Kiri is, all other places have left the girl's breath and traces.

It wasn't until the end that Liuli completely ignored the disturbance and begged for mercy, finally ending the battle.



Kasumigaoka Shiyu picked up the thick potato in front of her with her chopsticks and looked at it strangely.

Shiyu, what's wrong?

After helping Sagiri pour a drink, Masamune looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu curiously.

Wugeng Liuli, right? I've always felt that there might be some conflicts between us, but the way to resolve the conflict should be to rely on competition with each other to see who Zhengzong will like more when he falls to the ground, rather than using these Small tricks such as poisoning and pranks.

After sniffing, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Wugeng Liuli and said meaningfully.

The tui below was shaking even more.

So angry, so angry. If it weren't for the fact that there was a Zhengzong next to her, she would definitely talk to this woman.


Wu Geng Liuli's head was almost buried in the bowl.

Originally, when I said I wanted to cook, I wanted to declare my sovereignty to Kasumigaoka Shiu.

It turned out that the meal was cooked well, but because I felt uncomfortable at first, the vegetables were not cut properly.

Later, he was hugged by Zhengzong and walked around.

Under such circumstances, she had no physical strength at all.

I can't even hold the kitchen knife tightly, and when holding the spoon, I have to shake it like a lady in the cafeteria.

Under such circumstances, how can one make a good set of dishes?

He raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Zhengzong with a resentful look.

From Liuli's point of view, the reason why she was so embarrassed today was because of Zhengzong.

This big bastard got himself killed!

Okay, Sister Shiyu, come and eat my brother's cooking. My brother's cooking is very good.

Zhengzong doesn't just ignore people after pulling it out, so when he found out that Liuli couldn't do it, he took the initiative to help him share part of the tasks.

Sagiri naturally recognized it and said to Shiyu with a smile.

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