Asked Kagurazaka Iris out of curiosity.

That's Mr. Qianju Village Zheng. He was originally my subordinate, but later he was handed over to another guy because of you.

Sitting comfortably in Zhengzong's arms, the female editor explained.

Qianju Cunzheng, the top writer of Raijie Bunko before Zhengzong became famous.

If you follow the Yamada Fairy's saying of evaluating combat effectiveness by sales volume, the combat effectiveness of Senju Village Zheng has reached an astonishing level of tens of millions.

The reason why he was so impressed with her was not only because Masamune remembered that from the few times he had met her, she was also a very good girl in kimono, someone he liked and wanted to have sex with. There was also another big problem.

That is, the other party was a fan of his predecessor, a true fan, not physically, but literary.

Before the advent of the true story, even when the online novel was being written, Senjumura Zheng had already fallen in love with him.

Later, when the authentic side appeared and began to directly draw on the experience of the previous life, it successfully emerged.

I have been reading every book carefully and getting pleasure from it. Even the battle novel written by the predecessor was the only interesting Senjumura Zheng. I discovered the original problem at the first glance.

After Zhengzong arrived more than half a year ago, he discovered problems as soon as he changed his style, and even started to actively raise questions. As a result, Zhengzong avoided each other for a long time.

They have always been saying that he is not Izumi Masamune. Teacher Izumi Masamune cannot have such writing style. What on earth have you experienced? You are definitely not like Mr. Izumi.

But even so, he never regretted it.

If I didn't treat novels as a side job, how could I have gained recognition so quickly, and how could I have known Kasumigaoka and so many lovely female fans.

But that guy is a problem after all.

Zhengzong was thinking in his heart. Because of his own caution, even his relatives did not suspect it, but Qianju Cunzheng raised doubts because of a so-called difference in writing style.

Okay, let's leave her matter there. I'll leave first. I'll discuss it with Sagiri when I get back. If Sagiri can't do it, I'll consider something else.

Masamune was still quite interested in the extremely ferocious Hashishima Izumi. Even though he had vented his feelings on Iris just now, the man's ever-present state still made Masamune feel something.

Then I'll leave first, and you should have a good rest. Don't continue working today.

OK, all right.

Kagurazaka Iris nodded to express her understanding. Finally, she suppressed her shyness and kissed Masamune before standing up and letting the man leave.

Pushing open the door, Zhengzong walked out, but he was met by a guy who was looking out.

It's you?

Zhengzong looked at the guy in front of him curiously.

The red bow and red waist dress perfectly show off the beauty of her white body. There are also two strands of wavy blond hair placed in front of her.

It was the Yamada Fairy whom I had not seen for a long time.

After seeing Masamune, Fairy Yamada's expression was very wonderful, from calm to pale, and then to a moving red.

Well, why are you here.

He tried hard to maintain a calm tone, but the trembling voice showed the girl's fear.

The lips that touched her subconsciously represented the subconscious psychological reaction of dehydration after seeing Zheng Zong.

No wonder Yamada Fairy is not afraid of Masamune.

He only met Zhengzong twice, but the first time, Zhengzong climbed over the wall and took possession of her directly.

The second meeting was again in Wenku's reception room, where Masamune was half coerced and half seduced.

What's more important is that the Yamada Fairy found that even if he sometimes had spring dreams on weekdays, the objects in his dreams had already transformed into their real appearance, and he even looked forward to the other person again and again.

What was a good ethereal fairy turned directly into a terrible and unprovoking fairy.

Nowadays, it is not easy to remain calm when facing Zhengzong.

Why am I not here? Strictly speaking, we are still under the same editor name.

Seeing this guy with trembling legs, Zhengzong walked towards him and wanted to have a good word with him. He felt that the other person was also having a hard time and should be comforted.

No, don't come near me.

When the Yamada Fairy saw this, he was so frightened that he ran back. However, he bumped into another figure walking behind him, and the things in his hands were also scattered on the ground.

Aww, sorry.

He put his palms together and looked at the guy behind him who was hit with an apologetic look.

It's really bad. I actually hit someone else.

Masamune walked over and noticed that the guy Yamada Fairy bumped into was a girl in a pink kimono.

The light yellow lace waistband outlines a beautiful shape, and the right short purple hair covers the eyes, but it does not give people any gloomy feeling, but makes people feel sincerely comfortable.

There are a large number of bandages tied on his fingers. At first glance, people would doubt whether the opponent was trained by the Kyudo Club.

Masamune's expression also changed slightly. The other person was none other than Senjumura Sei who had been questioning him.

It's a manuscript. Hum, it must be a newcomer who comes to submit the manuscript. I told you first, no matter which publishing house it is, it will not accept manuscripts from people who have no grades.


Zhengzong looked at this guy who suddenly looked proud and seemed to have forgotten his fear.

Let me tell you, with the help of a teacher I dreamed of, my sales have successfully increased six times, reaching 6 million copies of a super super novelist. As an apology just now, I can take you Let’s go see the editor and have a chat.”

With his hands on his hips, the Yamada Fairy used his own awkward way to express his apology to Senjumura Sei.

At the same time, I didn’t forget to take a look at Masamune.

It seems to be saying that my combat power has reached 6 million, and I am not afraid of you at all.

Next to him, Qian Shou Cun Zheng remained silent.

First of all, the person you bumped into is Mr. Murasaki, who has a combat power of over 10 million, my fairy novelist. In addition, even if your sales have exceeded 6 million copies, you are still far away from me. The gap. While you are making progress, I am also making progress.

Zhengzong hit this guy mercilessly.

What should I do if my toy disobeys me? Naturally, you have to win directly.

Wow, you are indeed the biggest demon king that I must defeat on my way forward. I will definitely surpass you, create the ultimate light novel, and achieve sales of 100 million copies.

Then come and give it a try. I will reach 100 million before you. Toys must have the consciousness of toys.

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