Senior is really a super devil.

She still admired the authentic Satania, but in the blink of an eye she looked sad.

Come here and bring you something good to eat.

Although Kangna called her big bad guy several times, she couldn't resist Kangna's cuteness.

Ever since, Zhengzong put all the blame on Thor, that super bad dragon lady, and pulled Kang Na forward.

Good morning, guest.

In the convenience store, the shopkeepers already know Masamune.

After all, one person is accompanied by two beauties (Although Satania is a big idiot, she still looks like a lively and beautiful girl when she is not talking or causing trouble). Under such circumstances, the one next to her Authenticity naturally impressed the store owner.

But at this moment, it was discovered that Zhengzong did not bring the two of them with him, but instead brought a little Kangna with him.

Did you bring your daughter here?

The shopkeeper's eyes were full of gossip at this moment.

I originally thought that Zhengzong was temporarily maintained just because there was no choice, but its current performance is really surprising.

It's a servant.

Kangna's ears moved and she heard the clerk's voice, speaking extremely firmly.


The rolled banknotes were now starting to be crumpled into a ball.

It's the owner, Kangna's owner.

The little dragon changed his tune quite quickly, and Zhengzong patted his head with satisfaction.

What do you want to eat?

He didn't pay attention to the strange gaze of the shop owner at this moment, Zheng Zhong's eyes were already focused on Kang Na.

The convenience store has everything, but I don’t know what Kang Na wants to eat.

Everything. I want to eat them all.

Opening her arms exaggeratedly, as if to wrap everything up, Kangna finally looked a bit like a dragon at this moment, at least in terms of gluttony, she was quite similar.

Give me the same bread for every portion.

Zhengzong, who knew Kangna's identity, had no doubts and told the clerk directly.

Just tear open the package, and then eat the bread directly with a whoosh.

It obviously looks like a small round face, but its diameter is unexpectedly large.

In this way, the checkout is the same, the food is the same, and the speed of eating is even faster than the speed of the other party scanning the code.

It seems that there is a special enchantment or magic on the body.

Even though Kangna showed a huge appetite at this moment, it actually had no impact. On the contrary, it only made people feel cute.

It's really not easy for you.

After wiping the cold sweat off his head, the clerk looked at Zhengzong.

The original envy and jealousy was still there, but more of it was a look of awe.

Just looking at the cost, you may not be able to earn it back even if you work for a day.


The hem of his trousers was poked by a little finger. Zhengzong, who was wondering, found that his eyes were focused on the top next to him.

The little dragon had a pretty good appetite. He glanced at the clerk, who immediately handed over the milk on the other side with a smile.

Although customer spending has nothing to do with one's own income, it is comfortable to see something happen to a winner like Zhengzheng.


There was food and drink, and Kangna was finally satisfied along the way.

Zhengzong looked at the milk on the baby dragon's lips in amusement.

It's really awesome, this scene.

Being stared at by Zhengzong, Kangna finally discovered where his gaze was.

Do you want to drink too?

It seemed to be a little entangled, and the five fingers of the blue-eyed baby dragon seemed to be trying to scratch the milk box.


As for this look?

If I robbed all your treasures, you wouldn't be like this.

Looking at Kang Na, who seemed to be in a state of low pressure at the moment, Zheng Zong was also speechless.

Whose adult is this, bullying a child like this?

Passerby A passing by saw Kang Na who had a great expression at the moment and whispered to her.

For such a cute little girl, our family can't give her too much to drink.

Did you know that such a cute little guy can completely deprive your family?

It is said that some guys get a sense of accomplishment by threatening little girls.

Raphael, don't think I didn't hear it, these are your words.

Wow, senior is really evil.

Satania, you idiot, just eat the pineapple bread for me.

Can't give you the milk, though.

Kangna put the box in her hand aside and looked at Zhengzong at this moment, putting her little feet up as if she wanted to say something.

Zhengzong looked interesting, and he bent down obediently.

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