Miss Yukinoshita Haruno? Come with us and take you home.

Yukinoshita Yono wanted to say something, but she did feel the bloody feeling coming from the two people and shuddered.

No matter how easy it is to face the enemies in the shopping mall, it becomes incomprehensible in the face of the ghoul who solves everything with unreasonable brute force.


Nan Xiaoniao looked very anxious as he looked at the sudden heavy rain in the sky.

Although many people like rainy days, broken pearls, splash girls, accompaniment of minor dance music and so on.

All kinds of elegant sentences that you can think of or can't think of appear.

But that is definitely what you think when you are nestled in your room peacefully, watching the pouring rain outside the window and the unlucky drowned rats outside, and gaining psychological satisfaction.

If he had been outside, he would have started scolding her.

No one would have such thoughts when being hit by those huge raindrops.

At this moment, Nan Xiaotiao and Zhengzong were in a very embarrassed state.

Under the rainy night, there was no sense of happiness or connection at all, only endless embarrassment.

Today's weather forecast is clearly sunny. Why did this happen suddenly? I didn't even bring an umbrella.

Nan Xiaoniao looked at the situation with a headache. He was walking smoothly on the road when suddenly a heavy rain came down. The girl could only take shelter with Zhengzong under the eaves next to her.

Because of Yukinoshita Yono's kind reminder, she also wanted to go home before there was any traffic, but the heavy rain completely interrupted her thoughts.

There are many taxis going back and forth.

It's just that there are more people taking taxis, and with the girl's personality, she can't beat others.

How about we wait.

Nan Xiaotiao suggested to Masamune.

Huh? Okay.

Zhengzong lowered his head and looked at the text message sent by his mobile phone.

[According to Masamune-kun's request, I specially let my friend have a super heavy rain for three hours, come on (≧◇≦)]

News from Raphael.

The girl's family also has a high status in the heavenly world.

This time, Zhengzong also asked for his help.

On the other side, the two female ghouls who were originally protecting Minami Kotori also sent a message, saying that a certain troublemaker would be kicked out and sent home.

I've read the latest reports. It's been raining for less than three hours but it won't stop. How about we go somewhere else to rest first.

Masamune patted the girl on the shoulder and pointed to the hotel on the other side.


The girl looked there and her cheeks immediately turned crimson.

Because it is a love hotel.

No, it's too early, Masamune-kun. Although it's a date, but...

Stuttering, the girl waved her hands awkwardly.

But Xiaoniao, you can't do it now.

Masamune pointed at the girl's clothes.

Nan Xiaotiao is wearing that white dress.

A girl's temperament is very suitable for wearing such clothes, but the key point is that it will easily stick to her body after being exposed to the rain.

We arrived under the roof just in time, so nothing happened, but if Nan Xiaotiao wants to go out, problems will inevitably occur.

In this situation, it is obviously impossible to go out and continue to be exposed to the rain for a long time.

..., do you have an umbrella?

The two people quickly arrived at the hotel. The girl asked about it and found that all the umbrellas were declared sold. It was a busy place, so these items were sold very quickly.


Why would something like this happen to me?

Seeing the distressed look on the girl's face, Zhengzong silently sold her a small umbrella.

There are no big umbrellas, only small umbrellas, but the business is booming.

Then, I want two houses.

The cold wind was blowing, and she was originally wearing a long skirt because of the hot weather. Now with the heavy rain, the temperature dropped sharply, and Nan Xiaoniao felt a little uncomfortable.

If you continue like this, you may really catch a cold. Intertwin your hands to bring yourself some warmth.

Nan Xiaoniao hesitated and went directly to the machine on the other side.

There is no such thing as an ID card in District 11, so basically you only need to go to a place similar to a self-service ticket machine to operate it. After booking a room, you can basically leave from the back to maintain privacy to the greatest extent. Basically, it is only used when there is water shortage, power outage or other information services.

When I came to the screen, I found that most of the rooms were already lit up, indicating that someone was occupying them.

Only this room is empty at the moment.

Raphael's friends were still trying their best to keep up the heavy rain outside.

The sound of thunder sounded, indicating how bad the weather was at this moment.

At this moment, Nan Xiaoniao felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and was shocked.

Why do we happen to encounter these things?

Why is it that there are only two people in the hotel, and the plot unfolds in such a royal way?

The girl felt that she was in a really embarrassed state today, as all kinds of things happened to her.

Well, if we don't make a decision, we will have to wait outside.

Zhengzong pushed the girl up. While urging, he paid the money and a room card came out.

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